chuducthang77 / ML-project-tutorial

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Part 1: dvc - Data version control


  1. pip install dvc
  2. pip install dvc-gdrive


  1. git init
  2. dvc init

Store your data on the Google Drive

  1. dvc add data/MNIST #Replace MNIST with the name of your data folder
  2. dvc add data/.gitignore data/MNIST.dvc
  3. git commit -m "Add data"
  4. dvc remote add -d storage drive://1XEbi8csizyjywDsHB-CPsIpeWd3IMNFL #Replace your google drive URL (see image above)
  5. git commit .dvc/config -m "Configure remote storage"
  6. dvc push

Update the data on Google Drive

  1. dvc add data/MNIST
  2. git add data/MNIST.dvc
  3. git commit -m "Modify data"
  4. dvc push

Get the latest version of the data

  1. dvc pull

Switch back to the older version

  1. git log --oneline
  2. git checkout "id" data/MNIST.dvc
  3. dvc checkout

Part 2: Wandb


  1. pip install wandb


  1. wandb.login()

Initialize with hyperparameters

  1. wandb.init(project="cmput469-demo", config=args)

Log the training loss

  1. wandb.log({"Train/Loss": avg_loss}, step=epoch)

Keep track the model

  1., log_graph=True)

Hyperparameter tuning (grid search)


  1. Wandb Tutorial
  2. dvc Tutorial
  3. Developer0115 Blog



Language:Python 100.0%