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Winning Model Documentation

Name: Shaoxiang Chen1, Xi Wang1, Yongyi Tang2, Xinpeng Chen3, Zuxuan Wu1, Yu-Gang Jiang1


  1. Fudan University, Shanghai, China
  2. Sun Yat-Sen University, Shenzhen, China
  3. Wuhan University, Wuhan, China

Email: {sxchen13,xwang10,zxwu,ygj},,

Competition: Google Cloud & YouTube-8M Video Understanding Challenge

This is the code repository for our winning submission of the Google Cloud & YouTube-8M Video Understanding Challenge. The yt8m-* folder contains model, training and testing code from three teams before we merged together. The fusion folder contains code used to generate our final ensemble.

Our code is based on the YouTube-8M Tensorflow Starter Code.

1. Background on you/your team

We are master students and professor(Yu-Gang). Shaoxiang, Xi and Yu-Gang are in the same university(Fudan University) lab and Zuxuan, Yongyi and Xinpeng are our collaborators. We all have previous research experience in the field of video classification. We decided to enter this competition because of research interest. We started late, spent about one and a half month on the competition. In the challenge, Shaoxiang, Xi and Yongyi work on frame level method, Zuxuan and Xinpeng work on video level methods.

2. Summary

The training methods we used are as the following:

Model Variations
LSTM Layer normalization & Recurrent dropout
RNN Residual connections
GRU None
GRU Bi-directional
GRU Recurrent dropout
GRU Feature transformation
RWA None
NetVLAD None
DBoF None

For detailed descriptions of these models, please refer to our paper and code. The model definitions are all in We used all the features provided in the dataset, including video and audio features in both video and frame level. All of our codes are written in Python and based on TensorFlow. Our frame level models usually takes 3-5 days to train, video level models takes several hours to train.

2. Features Selection / Engineering

There are only 4 kinds of features provided: video and audio features in both video and frame level. We think frame level features are more important since they contain more information, and video features are more important than audio features based on the experiments. Using only audio features to train the models got very poor performance. We simply used all the features

We made two kinds of feature transformations for frame level features:

  1. We take the difference between adjacent features, then feed the resulting sequence to our models.
  2. We subsample the sequence with stride of 1,5, or 10. In this way our models are trained on features at different time scales.

By feature transformations, the models trained on new features can produce results that are complementary to those trained on original features. When making an ensemble of these results, the overall performance are better. We did not use any external data.

4. Training Method(s)

We trained our models with gradient descent and Adam optimizer from TensorFlow. We ensemble our model predictions to get better results. The ensemble is done in two stages: Stage 1. We get predictions from model checkpoints saved during training. The checkpoint is chosen when the model is trained for more than 3 epochs. We fuse these predictions as a final result for this model. This can be regarded as intra-model fusion. Stage 2. We fuse predictions from different models generated in Stage 1 to get our final prediction. And this can be regarded as inter-model fusion.

Our fusion weights are decided in three ways:

  1. Empirical fusion weights At stage 1, we assign higher weight for predictions generated by newer checkpoints. The sum of the weights inside one type of model sum to 1. At stage 2, we assign higher weight to the model prediction that achieved higher test score. It turns out this empirical strategy works well.
  2. Searching for fusion weights With validation set, we can try different combinations of fusion weights for all the model predictions we are fusing. We choose the fusion weights that achieved the best score on validation set and apply it to predictions on test set. We search for weights in the range of [0, 2] with step size of 0.1.
  3. Learning for fusion weights Since the test score on validation set is a function of the fusion weights. We treat each prediction as a data point, then train a linear regression model to learn the fusion weights. The labels used here are also class labels. This process can be applied to both stage 1 and 2.

5. Interesting findings

Although not new, we found that fusion of model predictions from different checkpoints of the same model can improve performance.

6. Simple Features and Methods

With video level features along, we can train a model with pretty good performance. With frame level features we can get very good results: A 2 layer GRU models with 2048 cells for each layer can get 0.81786 GAP@20. So the most important models are frame level RNNs and their variants. The majority of our models are these RNNs.


A1. Model Execution Time

The software we used for training and prediction is TensorFlow.

The hardware specs are:

Hardware specs
CPU i7-5820k, 12 cores
Memory DDR3 64GB

The model execution times are:

Type Time
Train 3-5 days each
Generate predictions 2-5 hours
Train the simplified model 3-5 days
Generate predictions from the simplified model about 3 hours

A2. Dependencies

The software dependencies are:

Software Version
Ubuntu OS 14.04
Python 2.7
Tensorflow 1.0.0
CUDA 8.0
gcc 4.8.4
cuDNN 5.0

A3. How To Generate the Solution (aka README file)

1. Train the models

As shown in the following tables, to obtain the results, you first need to run the training scripts in corresponding folders to get predictions from all the model checkpoints.

Table 1. Models from team Shaoxiang Chen. In branch sxc. If not otherwise stated, the models here are trained on both training and validation data. The training scripts can be found in train_scripts directory of branch sxc.

Model Prediction at checkpoints Intra-model fusion weights Inter-model fusion weights
LSTM 353k, 323k, 300k, 280k 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 1.0
GRU 69k, 65k, 60k, 55k 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 1.0
RWA 114k, 87k, 75k, 50k 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 1.0
GRU with recurrent dropout 56k, 50k, 46k, 40k, 35k 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.05, 0.05 1.0
NetVLAD 24k, 21k, 19k, 16k, 13k 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.05, 0.05 1.0
MoE 127k, 115k, 102k, 90k 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 0.5
DBoF 175k, 150k, 137k, 122k, 112k 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.05, 0.05 0.5
GRU with batch normalization 86k, 74k, 65k, 49k 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 0.25
Bidirectional GRU 53k, 45k, 35k 0.5, 0.3, 0.2 0.25
RNN with residual connection 75k, 70k, 62k, 56k 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 n/a

Table 2. Models from team Xi Wang. In branch xiw, diff(with Feature Transformation), filter(with Label Filter). If not otherwise stated, the models here are trained only on training data. For detailed training settings, please refer to the corresponding branches' README file.

Model Prediction at checkpoints Fusion weights
LSTM with Layer Normalization & Dropout = 0.5, trained on training+validation data 286k, 240k, 222k, 203k, 144k 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0
LSTM with Layer Normalization & Dropout = 0.75 158k, 150k 1.3, 0.6
GRU 98k, 80k, 61k 1.6, 0.8, 0.8
LSTM 72k 0.1
GRU with Feature Transformation, trained on training+validation data 108k, 80k, 61k 0.6, 0.1, 0.1
GRU with Feature Transformation 108k 0.3
GRU with Feature Transformation, learning rate = 0.0005 124k 0.3
MoE with Label Filter (3571 categories) 27k 0.8
MoE with Label Filter (2534 categories) 27k 0.8
MoE 23k 0.7
DBoF 17k 0.5

Table 3. Models from team Yongyi Tang. In branch yyt. The models are trained on both training and validation data except validate[0-2]*.tfrecord. The training scripts can be found in the train_scripts directory of branch yyt.

Model Prediction at checkpoints
catfus_maxout_MoeModel (init 1) 90k
catfus_maxout_MoeModel (init 2) 90k
catfus_maxout_MoeModel (init 3) 90k
catfus_maxout_MoeModel (init 4) 90k
maxout_MoeModel (init 1) 90k
maxout_MoeModel (init 2) 90k
maxout_MoeModel (init 3) 90k
maxout_MoeModel (init 4) 90k
audio_avgShort_twowayGRUModel (stride=1, init 1) 68k, 76k, 88k, 96k, 104k, 114k, 119k
audio_avgShort_twowayGRUModel (stride=1, init 2) 76k, 93k, 105k, 109k, 112k, 114k, 116k, 119k
audio_avgShort_twowayGRUModel (stride=5, init 1) 50k, 64k
audio_avgShort_twowayGRUModel (stride=5, init 2) 50k, 64k
audio_avgShort_twowayGRUModel (stride=5, init 3) 45k, 67k
audio_avgShort_twowayGRUModel (stride=10, init 1) 42k, 67k
audio_avgShort_twowayGRUModel (stride=10, init 2) 47k, 62k
audio_avgShort_twowayGRUModel (stride=10, init 3) 47k, 70k
audio_avgShort_twowayGRUModel (stride=10, init 4) 47k, 70k
pur_twowayGRUModel(inti 1) 31k, 38k, 44k, 50k, 57k, 63k, 69k
pur_twowayGRUModel(inti 2) 24k, 32k, 40k, 48k, 56k, 64k, 72k
pur_twowayGRUModel(inti 3) 24k, 32k, 40k, 48k, 56k, 64k, 72k
pur_twowayGRUModel(inti 4) 24k, 32k, 40k, 48k, 56k, 64k, 72k
resav_ConvModel 193k, 215k, 236k, 257k, 279k, 307k

2. Run inference

We used the provided code from the original repository of YouTube-8M Tensorflow Starter Code. The general command used to run inference for a specific model is:

For frame level models:

python \
    --output_file="The output file name" \
    --input_data_pattern='/path/to/dataset/test*.tfrecord' \
    --frame_features=True --feature_names="rgb,audio" --feature_sizes="1024,128"\
    --batch_size=64 \
    --top_k=32 \
    --model=ModelName --train_dir="Directory where checkpoints are stored" --run_once=True

For video level models:

python \
    --output_file="The output file name" \
    --input_data_pattern='/path/to/dataset/test*.tfrecord' \
    --frame_features=False --feature_names="mean_rgb,mean_audio" --feature_sizes="1024,128"\
    --batch_size=64 \
    --top_k=32 \
    --model=ModelName --train_dir="Directory where checkpoints are stored" --run_once=True

Basically, you only need to specify the output_file and ModelName in the command for different models.

3. Ensemble the models

For the model predictions on test set obtained as shown in Table 1, you need to run first to fuse the results generated by the same models, with the corresponding intra-model fusion weights. Then run again to fuse the resulting ensembles. The script is provided as in the fusion folder

For the model predictions on test set obtained as shown in Table 2, you run the in the fusion folder to obtain an ensemble for all the models listed in Table 2. The fusion weights are searched based on their performance on validation set, so you need to get the predictions on validation set as well.

For the model predictions on test set obtained as shown in Table 3, you need to use in the fusion folder first to fuse the results generated by the same models. The usage is the following:

from valid import val
ens = val([‘valid_input_1.csv’, ‘valid_input_2.csv’], ‘valid_label.csv’) # learning on validation set predictions
ens.employ([‘test_input_1.csv’, ‘test_input_2.csv’], ‘test_output.csv’) # apply the learned weights to test set predictions

Since the fusion weights are learned on the validation set, you need the predictions on validation set as well. Then the same process can be applied again to fuse the resulting ensembles.

Finally, you run the script in the fusion folder to fuse all the ensembles into a final ensemble.

A4. References

We used open source code from: [Apache License 2.0] [BSD 3-clause]

The reference of the corresponding papers are also included in our technical report.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 99.1%Language:Shell 0.9%