chrsoo / vertx-jersey

Run jersey in vert.x

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Allows creating JAX-RS Jersey resources in vert.x.

Getting started

Add the vertx-jersey dependency to your project


See the example modules for more details.

Version Matrix

vert.x vertx-jersey
3.0.0 4.0.0
2.x 3.0.1 (vertx-mod-jersey)

There are multiple ways to start the Jersey Server:

1. Run vertx-jersey as a service

Running as a service is probably the easiest way to get started.

From the command line:

vertx run service:com.englishtown.vertx:vertx-jersey:4.0.0-SNAPSHOT -conf config.json


vertx.deployVerticle("service:com.englishtown.vertx:vertx-jersey:4.0.0-RC2", config);

See the maven-service example.

NOTE: When running as a service, vertx-hk2 must be on the class path.

2. Run the verticle

Rather than running as a service, you can run the JerseyVerticle from the command line:

vertx run java-hk2:com.englishtown.vertx.jersey.JerseyVerticle -conf config.json
vertx run java-guice:com.englishtown.vertx.jersey.JerseyVerticle -conf config.json

Or programmatically

vertx.deployVerticle("java-hk2:com.englishtown.vertx.jersey.JerseyVerticle", config);
vertx.deployVerticle("java-guice:com.englishtown.vertx.jersey.JerseyVerticle", config);

This assumes you have vertx-hk2 or vertx-guice on the class path as well as vertx-jersey and all its dependencies.

3. Create JerseyServer yourself

You can also skip the JerseyVerticle and instantiate the JerseyServer yourself. It is easiest to use DI for this, but it can also be done manually.


The vertx-jersey configuration is as follows:

    "host": "<host>",
    "port": <port>,
    "ssl": <ssl>,
    "compression_supported": <compression_supported>,
    "jks_options": <jks_options>,
    "receive_buffer_size": <receive_buffer_size>,
    "max_body_size": <max_body_size>,
    "base_path": "<base_path>",
    "resources": ["<resources>"],
    "features": ["<features>"],
    "binders": ["<binders>"],
    "backlog_size": <backlog_sze>,
    "resource_config": {"<resource_config>"}
  • host - The host or ip address to listen at for connections. means listen at all available addresses. Default is
  • port - The port to listen at for connections. Default is 80.
  • ssl - Should the server use https as a protocol? Default is false.
  • compression_supported - A boolean whether the server supports compression. Default is false.
  • jks_options - A JSON object to create the Only used if ssl is true.
  • receive_buffer_size - The int receive buffer size. The value is optional.
  • max_body_size - The int max body size allowed. The default value is 1MB.
  • base_path - The base path jersey responds to. Default is /.
  • resources - An array of package names to inspect for resources.
  • features - An array of feature classes to inject. For example: "org.glassfish.jersey.jackson.JacksonFeature"
  • binders - An array of HK2 binder classes to configure injection bindings.
  • backlog_size - An int that sets the http server backlog size. The default value is 10,000
  • resource_config - An object with additional properties to be set on the ResourceConfig

The only required field is resources.


    "resources": ["com.englishtown.vertx.jersey.resources"]
All settings
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 8080,
    "base_path": "/rest",
    "resources": ["com.englishtown.vertx.jersey.resources", "com.englishtown.vertx.jersey.resources2"],
    "features": ["org.glassfish.jersey.jackson.JacksonFeature"],
    "binders": ["com.englishtown.vertx.jersey.AppBinder"]

Vertx Resource Injection

The annotation can be used to inject vert.x objects into a resource constructor, field, or method parameter. Supported vert.x objects include

  • io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest
  • io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerResponse
  • io.vertx.core.streams.ReadStream<io.vertx.core.http.HttpServerRequest>
  • io.vertx.core.Vertx

To inject custom objects, you must provide one or more binders in the configuration. See the injection example projects.

Dependency Injection

The JerseyVerticle requires dependency injection. Guice and HK2 binders are provided:

  • com.englishtown.vertx.guice.GuiceJerseyBinder
  • com.englishtown.vertx.hk2.HK2JerseyBinder

See the examples directory for runnable hk2 and guice samples.


If using vertx-guice, ensure the vertx-guice jar is on the class path so vert.x registers the GuiceVerticleFactory.

Note: The Guice Multibindings extension is required.


If using vertx-hk2, ensure the vertx-hk2 jar is on the class path so vert.x registers the HK2VerticleFactory.

Note: if you are using vertx-mod-hk2, ensure you are using 1.7.0 or higher.

Example Resource Method

public void getQuery(
        @Suspended final AsyncResponse response,
        @Context ContainerRequest jerseyRequest,
        @Context HttpServerRequest vertxRequest,
        @Context Vertx vertx) {

    vertx.runOnLoop(new Handler<Void>() {
        public void handle(Void aVoid) {
            response.resume("Hello World!");


The promises package provides wrappers to create a JerseyServer. You must provide the dependency.


The following example assumes a com.englishtown.vertx.jersey.promises.WhenJerseyServer instance has been injected using the com.englishtown.vertx.hk2.WhenHK2JerseyBinder with vertx-hk2 module.

    public void start(Future<Void> startedResult) throws Exception {

        JsonObject jerseyConfig = vertx.getOrCreateContext().config().getJsonObject("jersey");

                .then(server -> {
                    return null;
                .otherwise(t -> {
                    return null;



Run jersey in vert.x

License:MIT License


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