Columba is a shipping rate calculator created for Shopify stores that provides shipping rates for indonesian Couriers. Designed to be run on Google Cloud Function. It is used as a CarrierService on Shopify.
- Calculated shipping rates for TIKI, JNE, Pos Indonesia (powered by RajaOngkir. Rates are calculated based on weight, origin, and shipping location.
- Monitoring using Sentry
The simplest way to deploy your own columba instance is as a Google Cloud Function.
- RajaOngkir account and API key
- Sentry account and API key (optional, only if you want monitoring).
This is my preferred way to deploy:
- Fork this repo
- Mirror your fork on Google's Cloud Source for use with Cloud Function.
- Deploy to Google Cloud Function using Cloud Source Repository that
you just created.
- While creating the function, set
Function to execute
field as Columba. - Also add RajaOngkir API as environment variable named
. - To turn sentry on, just add your sentry DSN as environment variable named
- While creating the function, set