A simple "RPC over HTTP" (a.k.a. ReST) application written in Kotlin to offer some basic CRUD operations for stocks.
See full requirements PDF for more details.
- Kotlin
- Gradle
- Spring Boot 2
- AspectJ
- JUnit 5, AssertJ, Mockito
- Travis CI
- Postman
$ git clone https://github.com/christophpickl/payconiq.git
$ cd payconiq
$ ./gradlw bootRun
$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/stocks
In order to see a list of all stocks, upon up your browser and enter the following address: http://localhost:8080
For a more convenient approach to test the API, use the Postman 2.1 collection.
- Regarding "Provide us with a merge request to master of this repository", it was decided to split each requirement into seperate pull requests/issues.
- Build a Docker image and deploy to PaaS (Dokku, Heroku or AWS free Tier)
- Use Java 11
- Add authentication (and authorization) via Spring Security
- Use Kotlin-DSL for Gradle scripts
- Support pagination
- Swagger documentation
- Run release on Travis (at least GIT tag it)
- Split up unit and integration tests in separate source sets
- Split into modules (rest, service, persistence)