christopherdongo / Google-Cloud-Platform-Associate-Cloud-Engineer

Google Cloud Associate Engineer repository on my journey to becoming a cloud expert. Feel free to take a look at the resources I used under the Links section.

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Google Cloud Platform - Associate Cloud Engineer

Google Cloud Associate Engineer repository on my journey to becoming a cloud expert. Feel free to take a look at the resources I used under the Links section. The ACE exam covers the following topics:

  1. Setting up a cloud solution environment
  2. Planning and configuring a cloud solution
  3. Deploying and implementing a cloud solution
  4. Ensuring successful operation of a cloud solution
  5. Configuring access and security

#googlecloudplatform #gcp #associatecloudengineer #googlecloudcertified #businesschallenges #iam #api #billing #alerts #quotas #autoscaling #loadbalancing #computeengine #kubernetes #appengine #cloudrun #cloudfunctions #cloudSQL #cloudSpanner #cloudBigtable #firebase #BigQuery #CloudPub/Sub #GoogleCloudStorage #cloudDataproc #cloudDataflow #cloudDataprep #cloudDNS #VPC #Stackdriver #cloudDeploymentManager #cloudMarketplace

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Google Cloud Associate Engineer repository on my journey to becoming a cloud expert. Feel free to take a look at the resources I used under the Links section.