christopheradams / phoenix_rest

Resource routing and REST behaviour for Phoenix web applications

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Resource routing and REST behaviour for Phoenix web applications.

PhoenixRest integrates the PlugRest library into your Phoenix application by making a new resource macro available in the existing router.

Instead of writing a Phoenix Controller and implementing an action function for each HTTP verb and path, use this library to create a Resource and define one or more optional callbacks that describe your resource's RESTful behavior.

Documentation for PhoenixRest is available on hexdocs.
Source code is available on Github.
Package is available on hex.

Hello World

Let's assume you've created a new Phoenix site with mix hello.

Add a new route to your router.ex to match a path with a resource handler:

defmodule HelloWeb.Router do
  use HelloWeb, :router

  resource "/hello", HelloWeb.HelloResource

Create a resource at lib/hello_web/resources/hello_resource.ex defining the resource handler, and implement the optional callbacks:

defmodule HelloWeb.HelloResource do
  use PhoenixRest.Resource

  def to_html(conn, state) do
    {"Hello world!", conn, state}

The docs for PhoenixRest.Resource list all of the supported REST callbacks and their default values.


Add PhoenixRest to your Phoenix project:

  1. Add :phoenix_rest to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
defp deps do
    {:phoenix_rest, "~> 0.7"}
  1. Edit hello_web.ex and add PhoenixRest.Router:
def router do
  quote do
    use Phoenix.Router
    use PhoenixRest.Router

    import Plug.Conn
    import Phoenix.Controller


You can generate a new PhoenixRest resource (with all of the callbacks implemented) by using a Mix task:

mix phx_rest.gen.resource HelloResource


PhoenixRest is still in an initial development phase. Expect breaking changes at least in each minor version.

See the CHANGELOG for more information.


PhoenixRest copyright © 2016, Christopher Adams


Resource routing and REST behaviour for Phoenix web applications


Language:Elixir 100.0%