christopher-beckham / hssc

hssc: Hammerspoon Screen Config, assign specific windows to specific spaces using a simple json format

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple Hammerscript script I wrote to manage application windows on different spaces/displays.



hs needs to be available in your PATH. To install, open the Hammerspoon console and run hs.ipc.cliInstall(). You could also add this to your ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua so that it automatically executes when Hammerspoon starts.

This package requires the JSON module, which you can install with Luarocks:

luarocks install json-lua


Identifying monitors (screens)

To get the names of all monitors (screens), you can open the hs interpreter and write:


This will return a table. Because I am writing this on my laptop with no external display, it will only contain one element:

> hs.screen.allScreens()[1]
hs.screen: Built-in Retina Display (0x60000035f178)

This means we identify this screen with the string "Built-in Retina Display".

My most basic config, cfgs/mb13-basic.json looks like so:

    "Built%-in Retina Display": {
	"Waterfox": 1,
	"iTerm2": 2,
	"Emacs": 3

This is a dictionary of dictionaries. The outer dictionary maps the screen name (my retina display) to an internal dictionary which maps the application name to the screen index it should be in. Note that for Lua indices are one-indexed, so this means: assign Waterfox/iTerm2/Emacs to Desktops 1,2,3 respectively on Mission Control. If not enough spaces exist to make this possible, the script will internally add more to try and make this possible. If the application cannot be found (i.e. it isn't currently open), it will be skipped.

Note the escape character in "Built%-in Retina Display" since hyphens need to be escaped with "%". You can also assign the same index to more than one app, e.g. Waterfox and iTerm can both be assigned index 1. If you're using this in combination with a tiling window manager like Yabai then this feature should be helpful.

Identifying open application windows



hssc: Hammerspoon Screen Config, assign specific windows to specific spaces using a simple json format


Language:Lua 100.0%