Christian José Torrealba Rondón's repositories
Test concept that contains a simple layout to try out a basic react component composition by using technologies such as Vite and Tailwindcss.
This project is a progressive web application (PWA) built using Svelte, a modern JavaScript framework. It leverages the Pokémon API to provide a comprehensive and engaging Pokédex experience, data persistence with LocalStorage, the SpeechSynthesis API for listening to descriptions, and Plotly charts.
API RESTFul implementation to put into practice concepts like dockerization, e2e tests, swagger documentation, and others.
HubSpot event scheduler test
Apdex Board - Code challenge: Assessment developed in order to deliver a client-side framework-less / library-less solution to display some apps info.
Backoffice order explorer test to manage deliveries (change status, check delivery details, look for some deliveries). VueJS v2, JSON Server.
Dashboard with a few charts (lineSeriesChart, barChart) to display errors regarding a fake platform. (VueJS v2, D3/C3, Express).
My repo :)
Basic assessment that contains a daily-slot-picker generated from a range of dates in a weekly periodicity. You can select a schedule for a medical appointment. (VueJS v2, Vuex, Sass, Axios, Bulma).
Sample test that contains a basic rest api using node express libraries, sequelize as ORM, and Joi as a payload request validator
Aircall frontend assessment, just for practicing my skills and learning new things, Check out the result provided following the website URL. Cheers.
Test that contains a dashboard panel to manage employees (client-side CRUD). VueJS v2, Vuetify
Basic assessment developed in order to display a list of items with an infinite scroll, search input tab, and a detailed page. (VueJS v2, Bulma).
Test concept that contains a simple memory game based on react by using technologies such as Vite and Tailwindcss.
Mini app to see the closest restaurants and their menus built by using React+TS and also the Geolocation API
Assessment that contains a simple layout made with vanilla javascript, css, and html to practice basis without framework
My personal site
React documentation website in Spanish / Documentación del sitio web de React en Español
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