This repository contains a befunge-93 interpreter written in Java. The program is a simple command-line program. You find the program as a JAR-file executable called befunge93.jar in this repository. This interpreter is full portable as jar-file.
Under Linux you needed made the jar-file executable.
chmod +x befunge93.jar
For running the interpreter you needed type.
befunge93.jar test.txt
or under linux
./befunge93.jar test.txt
The file path comes first! That file must be a simple textfile (.txt).
- -printMatrix
Prints the playfield onto the console.
- -printStack
At the end of the program this option prints the remaining elements onto stack.
- -noExit
By default all occurs error messages will exit the program/interpreter. With the option -noExit certain error messages will don't exit the program.
The directory examples contains a simple test-file which implements a helloWorld-program in befunge-93