christianampe / networking-wrapper-ios

a generic networking wrapper in swift

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



If you have ever used Moya it will come as no suprise that this library pulls massive inspiration from it. From the public API down to the documentation Steering borrows many queues from Moya.

Where Steering differs from Moya is in their dependency graph.

Moya's Dependencies

The reason for Steering's construction was to aleviate the weight associated with Moya's dependencies.

Steering's Dependencies

It is clear that Steering is a much lighter-weight layer which wraps up Tyre which is effectively Alamofire's simplest method for making a network request.

With this said, Moya's dependencies are all battle-tested and Moya as a whole is a far more robust dependency currently.

Basic Usage

So how do you use this library? Well, it's pretty easy. Just follow this template.

First, set up an enum with all of your API targets. Note that you can include information as part of your enum. Let's look at a common example. First we create a new file named NetworkService.swift:

enum NetworkService {
    case zen
    case showUser(id: Int)
    case createUser(firstName: String, lastName: String)
    case updateUser(id: Int, firstName: String, lastName: String)
    case showAccounts

This enum is used to make sure that you provide implementation details for each target (at compile time). You can see that parameters needed for requests can be defined as per the enum cases parameters. The enum must additionally conform to the SteeringRequest protocol. Let's get this done via an extension in the same file:

// MARK: - SteeringRequest Protocol Implementation
extension NetworkService: SteeringRequest {
    var baseURL: URL { URL(string: "")! }

    var method: SteeringRequestMethod {
        switch self {
        case .zen:
            return .get
        case .showUser:
            return .get
        case .createUser:
            return .post
        case .updateUser:
            return .put
        case .showAccounts:
            return .get

    var path: String {
        switch self {
        case .zen:
            return "/zen"
        case .showUser(let id):
            return "/user\(id)"
        case .createUser:
            return "/user"
        case .updateUser(let id):
            return "/user\(id)"
        case .showAccounts:
            return "/accounts"

    var parameters: [String : String]? { ["key": "SOME_API_KEY"] }

    var headers: [String : String]? { ["Authorization": "Bearer SOME_JWT_TOKEN"] }

    var body: SteeringRequestBody {
        switch self {
        case .zen:
            return .none
        case .showUser:
            return .none
        case .createUser(let firstName, let lastName):
            let newUser = NewUser(firstName: firstName,
                                  lastName: lastName)

            return .jsonEncodable(newUser,
                                  jsonEncoder: JSONEncoder())
        case .updateUser(let id, let firstName, let lastName):
            let user = User(id: id,
                            firstName: firstName,
                            lastName: lastName)

            return .jsonEncodable(user,
                                  jsonEncoder: .init())
        case .showAccounts:
            return .none

    var validation: SteeringRequestValidation {
        switch self {
        case .zen:
            return .successCodes
        case .showUser:
            return .successAndRedirectCodes
        case .createUser:
            return .customCodes([200, 204, 300])
        case .updateUser:
            return .none
        case .showAccounts:
            return .successCodes

You can see that the SteeringRequest protocol makes sure that each value of the enum translates into a full request. Each full request is split up into the baseURL, the path specifying the subpath of the request, the method which defines the HTTP method and parameters, headers, and body with directly map to the request.

To begin utilizing this networking layer you need to construct an instance of the Steering provider. Ensure you maintain a reference to the provider, otherwise it will be automatically released and a response may never be received.

final class Networking {

    /// The service provider instance.
    let provider = Steering<NetworkService>()

Note that at this point you have added enough information for a basic API networking layer to work. By default Steering will combine all the given parts into a full request:

extension Networking {
    func showUser(with id: Int) { 
        provider.request(User.self, with: .init(), from: .showUser(id: id)) { result in
            switch result {
            case .success(let user):

                // The fully-parsed `User` is returned from the network request.
                _ =
                _ = user.firstName
                _ = user.lastName

            case .failure(let error):

                // An explicit error enum is returned describing exactly what went wrong.
                switch error {
                case .service(let error):
                    _ = error
                case .parsing(let error):
                    _ = error
                case .validation(let statusCode):
                    _ = statusCode


a generic networking wrapper in swift

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 100.0%