christian-blades-cb / Cloudy-Sunshine

Game stream host for Moonlight, deployed in the Cloud 🌤️

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Cloudy Sunshine

Sunshine in the Cloud !

Sunshine is a self-hosted game stream host for Moonlight. Offering low latency, cloud gaming server capabilities


  • Nix
  • Access to an AWS account with read/write permissions on EC2 & Route53

That's all 😎 Nix will provide every tools and binaries: AWS CLI, NodeJS, Pulumi, etc.


Every commands should be run under Nix shell, start it with:

nix develop

Quickstart initial setup

Follow the guide 🧙

task quickstart

You'll be able to choose interactively your instance config and follow setup.

Advanced initial setup

Cloudy Sunshine deploys a Pulumi stack with a Cloud server and use NixOS to configure Sunshine on deployed Cloud server. Nix shell provides required binaries to run deployment tasks (Node, Pulumi, etc.), you don't have to install anything appart Nix as listed above.

Create Pulumi stack config file from template. Example below use a stack named sunshine

cp infra/Pulumi.template.yaml cp infra/Pulumi.sunshine.yaml

Update Pulumi.sunshine.yaml as needed and deploy infra. See comments in template for details and usage.

Once done, deploy infrastructure with:

task infra

Wait for instance to start (you can use task wait-ssh). Once started and ready, run NixOS configuration. First run might take a while as lots of things will be downloaded and installed. Subsequent runs (for update/upgrade) will run much faster.

task nix-config

Once NixOS is configured, reboot

task reboot

Sunshine server should now start with Sunshine service.

Access Sunshine via broswer on port 47990 using either task command, IP address or defined FQDN to setup password. Remote access is disabled by default, you'll need to open an SSH tunnel.

# Open SSH tunnel
task ssh-tunnel

# Open Sunshine on default browser
task sunshine-browser

# Show stack outputs and use IP address or FQDN directly in your browser
task output
# {
#   ...
#   "fqdn": "", # <== use IP or FQDN
#   "ipAddress": ""
# }

Congrats, your Cloudy Sunshine is ready ! 🥳

Run Moonlight and connect to your instance. Usage is standard from now on: you'll need to validate PIN via Moonlight and maybe tweak Sunshine configs.


Important: remember to task stop your instance to avoid unnecessary costs 💸 Even stopped, you may still be billed for disk usage and EIP usage.

Everyday usage

Start instance

task start

Run Moonlight and connect to your instance


Once finished, remember to stop your instance to avoid unnecessary costs 💸

task stop

Customizing installation

You can leverage Nix modules to customize Sunshine installation by creating a Nix module at provision/modules/custom-config.nix.

Example: install Steam and change default keyboard layout

{ lib, pkgs, config, ... }: {
    # Enable Steam
    programs.steam.enable = true;

    # French layout
    services.xserver = {
        layout = "fr";
        xkbVariant = "azerty";
    console.keyMap = "fr";
    time.timeZone = "Europe/Paris";

See provision/modules/custom-config.example.nix for more examples.

Apply your custom configs with:

task nix-config 

How much will I pay? 🫰

Depends on your usage and how long your instance will run. You are responsible for your usage, make sure to check services costs and have proper usage (eg. stop instance when not in use) to avoid unnecessary costs !

Billable resources on AWS and related pricing page:

Optimizing usage and cost:

  • Always stop EC2 instance after usage (task stop) to avoid unnecessary costs
  • Only provision what you use. Eg. if your games are taking ~60 Go of disk, no need for a 500 Go disk.
  • Avoid using a static IP (~3.72$ / month), but Sunshine IP will change every start/stop cycle (not on reboot)-
  • When not using your instance for a long time, maybe it's worth destroying it (task destroy) and re-install it later - though you'll lose any content, make sure to make a backup or use tools that will sync your saves (eg. Steam Cloud sync)

Example setups and pricing estimation*:

g5.xlarge instance 100 Go GP3 disk 15h / month g5.xlarge instance 100 Go GP3 disk 20h / month g5.2xlarge instance 100 Go GP3 disk 20h / month g5.2xlarge instance 100 Go GP3 disk 30h / month g5.2xlarge instance 100 Go GP3 disk 30h / month
EC2 instance $18.87 $25.16 $30.31 $45.47 $45.47
Route53 record $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
EC2 volume (disk) $9.52 $9.52 $9.52 $9.52 $9.52
EIP address $3.53 $3.50 $3.50 $3.45 $3.45
Est. TOTAL / month $31.92 $38.18 $43.33 $58.44 $58.44

*Estimation based on eu-central-1 (Frankfurt) pricing in December 2023. Exact prices vary with time and regions.

Performance tweakings

  • Reduce in-game quality
  • Reduce screen size
  • Sunshine: set lower quality encoder settings


Grow disk after resize

See AWS doc for details

SSH into instance and:

# Check disk size to resize
df -h
lsblk -hT

# Grow partition
growpart /dev/nvme0n1 2

# Resize filesystem
resize2fs /dev/nvme0n1p2


Get Sunshine service status and logs

# Show sunshine user journal (e.g. sunshine server logs and other useful debug info)
journalctl _UID=1000 -b

# Get user systemd service status and logs 
su sunshine
journalctl --user -u sunshine
systemctl --user status sunshine

Run Sunshine interactively via SSH

# Access display
export DISPLAY=:0

# Retrieve X authority file
ps -ef | grep Xauthority
cp /run/user/1000/gdm/Xauthority ~/.Xauthority

# Get command used to start sunshine (wrapper script)
cat /etc/systemd/user/sunshine.service 
# ...
# ExecStart=/run/wrappers/bin/sunshine /nix/store/pqyi3jwp47zsis33asq8hn2i01zdygcd-sunshine.conf/config/sunshine.conf
# ...

# Run sunshine with or without wrapper and conf
/run/wrappers/bin/sunshine /nix/store/90vsycwg87c82jldkg0ssl0a19a884lp-sunshine.conf/config/sunshine.conf


GNU General Public License v3.0


Game stream host for Moonlight, deployed in the Cloud 🌤️

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Nix 39.2%Language:TypeScript 38.1%Language:Shell 22.6%