christ31 / C31-Linux-Note

Kumpulan note yang dibuat pada saat menggunakan Linux

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

About this repo

Tips, problem, and a lot of things when using Linux

This file is made for Fedora 35, 36, 37, 38, 39

Table of Content

1 Gnome Extensions Used
2 List of useful website
3 Optimus Nvidia Stuff
4 Linux Battery Saver
5 Android on Linux
6 Wayland Stuff
7 GNOME Stuff
8 Random Small Fix

Gnome Extensions Used

List of useful website

Add things to PATH

  1. Open up Terminal

$ nano .bashrc

  1. Add to the bottom the path you want

export PATH = "$PATH:[program-you-want]"

  1. Refresh Bash to keep changes

$ source .bashrc

  1. Validate using 'which [programs]'

$ which flutter

Useful Tools

nethogs => Network Monitor
gt => TunnelDPI
nm-connection-editor => Connection Settings
dconf-editor => A graphical viewer and editor of applications’ internal settings
intel_gpu_top => Display a top-like summary of Intel GPU usage

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Nvidia Optimus Stuff

NVIDIA PrimaryGPU Support

Using PrimaryGPU allows to use the NVIDIA driver by default instead of the iGPU. This is also required in order to use external display when internally connected from the NVIDIA hardware. Unfortunately, setting this option automatically when an external display is connected is not supported by NVIDIA at this time. To recover this previous behaviour, you can use:

$ cp -p /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/nvidia.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/nvidia.conf

And edit the file to use:

Option "PrimaryGPU" "yes"

/!\ SSDM and lightdm display manager users: Please Have a look at the ArchLinux wiki about configuring display manager. In Fedora, Gnome users don't need this change.

Finer-Grained Control of GLX + OpenGL

For GLX + OpenGL, the environment variable NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD_PROVIDER provides finer-grained control. While NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 tells GLX to use the first NVIDIA GPU screen, NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD_PROVIDER can use an RandR provider name to pick a specific NVIDIA GPU screen, using the NVIDIA GPU screen names reported by xrandr --listproviders.



Finer-Grained Control of Vulkan

The NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD environment variable causes the special Vulkan layer VK_LAYER_NV_optimus to be loaded. Vulkan applications use the Vulkan API to enumerate the GPUs in the system and select which GPU to use; most Vulkan applications will use the first GPU reported by Vulkan. The VK_LAYER_NV_optimus layer causes the GPUs to be sorted such that the NVIDIA GPUs are enumerated first. For finer-grained control, the VK_LAYER_NV_optimus layer looks at the VK_LAYER_NV_optimus environment variable. The value NVIDIA_only causes VK_LAYER_NV_optimus to only report NVIDIA GPUs to the Vulkan application. The value non_NVIDIA_only causes VK_LAYER_NV_optimus to only report non-NVIDIA GPUs to the Vulkan application.



Configure Graphics Applications to Render Using the GPU Screen

To configure a graphics application to be offloaded to the NVIDIA GPU screen, set the environment variable NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD to 1. If the graphics application uses Vulkan, that should be all that is needed. If the graphics application uses GLX, then also set the environment variable GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME to nvidia, so that GLVND loads the NVIDIA GLX driver. NVIDIA's EGL implementation does not yet support PRIME render offload.



Configuration on Hybrid Nvidia + Intel IGP

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Linux Laptop Battery Saver

Using TLC to saving battery on laptop

Step by Step

Download TLP using DNF

$ sudo dnf install tlp tlp-rdw

Uninstall the conflicting power-profile-daemon package

$ sudo dnf remove power-profiles-daemon

Enable TLP's Service

$ systemctl enable tlp.service

Mask some service to avoid conflicts and assure proper operation of TLP's Radio Device Switching

$ systemctl mask systemd-rfkill.service systemd-rfkill.socket

Changing and Applying Configuration on TLC

$ sudo tlp start

Disable TLC and using vanilla GNOME Power Management

$ sudo dnf install power-profiles-daemon
$ systemctl disable tlp.service
$ systemctl unmask systemd-rfkill.service systemd-rfkill.socket

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Android on Linux

To restart Waydroid, go to Terminal

$ sudo waydroid container restart

How to install

$ sudo waydroid init -c -v -s GAPPS

How to reset Waydroid

  1. Stop the waydroid-container.service

$ systemctl stop waydroid-container.service

  1. Cleanup

$ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/waydroid /home/.waydroid ~/waydroid ~/.share/waydroid ~/.local/share/applications/aydroid ~/.local/share/waydroid

  1. Initialise

$ waydroid init -f or # waydroid init -f -i /usr/share/waydroid-extra/images
Note: Didn't work, see above ## How to install

  1. Start the service again

$ systemctl start waydroid-container.service

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Wayland Stuff

Table of Content

1 Diagonal Split Rendering
2 Force Disable VSYNC
3 Restarting Gnome-Shell in Wayland
4 Using X11 Backend in Wayland
5 Scrcpy window doesn't show up in Fedora 36 Wayland
6 (Unfixed) Wayland screen sharing on Chrome in Google Meet crash the browser
7 Deskreen Black Screen in Wayland
8 Drag and Drop doesn't works most of the times in Wayland

Diagonal Split Rendering

Diagonal split rendering bug / 1 frame lag rendering when FPS below 60 NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules#187

Force Disable VSYNC

$ vblank_mode=0 ./osu.AppImage

Restarting Gnome-Shell in Wayland

All apps will crash

  1. Go to TTY Use Ctrl + Alt + F2 or Ctrl + Alt + F3

  2. Stop GDM

sudo systemctl stop gdm

  1. Start GDM

sudo systemctl start gdm

Using X11 Backend in Wayland

in Terminal, do

$ GDK_BACKEND=x11 ./[programs]

Scrcpy window doesn't show up in Fedora 36 Wayland


$ SDL_VIDEODRIVER=x11 scrcpy

$ SDL_VIDEODRIVER=x11 scrcpy -b 2M --max-fps=15

(Unfixed) Wayland screen sharing on Chrome in Google Meet crash the browser

Affects: Entire Screen, A Window
Version: Version 114.0.5735.133 (Official Build) (64-bit)

My Fix:
Just launch in Terminal

$ google-chrome-stable

Suggested Solutions:
type in address bar


WebRTC PipeWire support > Enable

Note: Weirdly, this doesn't happen with Chromium and Firefox

Deskreen Black Screen in Wayland

Add this parameter to enable PipeWireCapture in wayland session

$ ./Deskreen-1.0.12.AppImage --enable-features=WebRTCPipeWireCapturer

Drag and Drop doesn't works most of the times in Wayland (Open Issue)

Problem: Mutter Link:

Temporary Solution:

  • Keeps redraging into the area, will work about 10-20% of the time
  • Switch to Xorg

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Gnome Stuff

Disable Gnome Screenshot Sound when taking screenshot

PATH: /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo

Just rename camera-shutter.oga to camera-shutter.bak (can be anything other than '.oga')

Realme 6 cannot connect to Gnome Android Hotspot

What got things working for me was the disablement of Protected Management Frames

type in CMD

$ nmcli c modify Hotspot 802-11-wireless-security.pmf 1

Remove apps shortcut on Gnome App Grid

Delete the .desktop file on the following path

Description Location
Default Linux distro specific applications /usr/share/applications/
Third party specific applications /usr/local/share/applications/
User specific applications ~/.local/share/applications/

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Random Small Fix

Table of Content

1 Wifi keep disconnecting
2 Zoom 5.10.4 (2845) Crashing on F36
3 Pressing CTRL+. (Period) will show e in underscore
4 Cleaning up logs/journal
5 MangoHud OpenGL Fix
6 Video Downloader Change Download Location
7 Convert WEBM to MP4 using FFMPEG
8 Steam (Controller Missmatch Button)
7 Publish New Repo on VSCode default to master
9 Shared Linux Folder in Windows Guest (QEMU/KVM)
10 N-Key Rollover Problem in Linux
11 MikuMikuDance Fixes
12 Setting Env Globally
13 Nautilus on Fedora Spin KDE doesn't have SMB support
14 Skip install a certain package on DNF
15 Remove Splash Screen on Boot in Fedora
16 Fix sleep issue when battery is low
17 Fix resetting MySQL root password managed by systemd
18 Related to video acceleration on chromium
19 Flatpak keep updating old 32-bit nvidia driver package (org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.nvidia-*)
20 System keep constantly stutter because wifi module restarting
21 Monitor SSD NVME Percentage Usage

Wifi keep disconnecting

  1. Solution: Disable Wifi Power saving

$ sudo nano /etc/tlp.conf

$ sudo tlp start

  1. Solution 2: Disable Bluetooth

Zoom 5.10.4 (2845) Crashing on F36

This is related to the GPU sanbox I think

This command to disable GPU sanboxing on Zoom works

$ zoom --disable-gpu-sandbox

Pressing CTRL+. (Period) will show e in underscore

This is shortcut to Emoji Annotation. you can disabled it by going in terminal

$ ibus-setup

IBus Preferences will show up, go to Emoji Tab, delete Emoji annotation

Cleaning up logs/journal

One time usage

$ sudo journalctl --rotate

$ sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1s

Configuration location

$ nano /etc/systemd/journald.conf

MangoHud OpenGL Fix

OpenGL games may also need dlsym hooking. Add --dlsym or MANGOHUD_DLSYM=1 env var to your command like mangohud --dlsym %command% for Steam.

Video Downloader Change Download Location

Change the download location

$ flatpak run --command=gsettings com.github.unrud.VideoDownloader set com.github.unrud.VideoDownloader download-folder '/mnt/LinuxData/Download'

Convert WEBM to MP4 using FFMPEG

$ ffmpeg -i input_filename.WebM output_filename.MP4

If there's error related to "can't be divided by 2", use crop function so the width and height is divisible by 2.

$ ffmpeg -i input_filename.webm -vf "crop=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" output_filename.MP4

Steam (Controller Missmatch Button)

I found a fix today after looking for weeks. Hopefully it works for you as well.

  • Disable all Controller Support Options (IE PS4 Support etc)
  • Exit Steam and unplug the controller
  • Open the config.vdf file stored on your computer
  • By default it is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config\config.vdf
  • Search for "SDL_GamepadBind" and delete everything underneath it
  • Save the file
  • Start Steam and plug in the controller

Publish New Repo on VSCode default to master

Change the Git Config in the system

$ git config --global init.defaultBranch main

Shared Linux Folder in Windows Guest (QEMU/KVM)

  1. Setup the KVM
  • Enable shared memory
  • Add FileSystem shared
  1. Setup on the Windows Guest

sc create VirtioFsSvc binpath="C:\virtiofs\virtiofs.exe" start=auto depend="WinFsp.Launcher/ VirtioFsDrv" DisplayName="Virtio FS Service"

N-Key Rollover Problem in Linux

$ cat /proc/bus/input/devices

That file format is explained well here =>
and here =>

In the HyperX case, there are five different handlers available (can be more/less in others):

handler for keyboard events, standard mode mouse handler (e.g. remote USB keyboard witch touchpad). I'm assuming it is always there by design just by referring to its name "System Control", it provides events for power, sleep, etc. referring to "Consumer Control", it provides events for multimedia and related special keys handler for NKRO events I can find the "standard mode" keyboard handler easily by looking for EV=120013 (I'm not sure if it is a proper way either). In that particular case I could look for other entries with an identical bitmap of supported keys, but unfortunately in Havit case that bitmap is pretty different. Another pattern that I see and might be useful is to look for sysrq in handlers, However, I don't know what it means.

And that's it.

How can I properly find both standard mode and NKRO handlers for given keyboard?

MikuMikuDance (MMD) Fixes

  1. Install All MS fonts using Winetricks + JP fonts
  2. Set ENV args before launching

$ LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8

  1. Garbled mess graphics is expected, so click 'view(V)', then 'seperate window(W)'
  2. Install DXVK (2.2) to fix Garbled Mess Graphics

Issues to Fix:

  • Font shifted lower than it should

Setting ENV globally




$ unset GLOBAL_VAR

Get current value


Make Changes Permanent

Save the command in .bashrc

$ nano .bashrc
$ export GLOBAL_VAR=VALUE Then reboot

Nautilus on Fedora Spin KDE doesn't have SMB support

Solution: Install gvfs-smb

$ sudo dnf install gvfs-smb
Then restart nautilus

Skip install a certain package on DNF

Use -x to exclude a certain package

$ dnf update -x microsoft-edge-stable

-x <package-file-spec>, --exclude=<package-file-spec>
Exclude packages specified by from the operation.

Remove Splash Screen on Boot in Fedora

Use grubby to make persistent change.

$ grubby --remove-args="rhgb quiet" --update-kernel /boot/vmlinuz-[YOUR_KERNEL_VERSION]
$ grubby --remove-args="rhgb quiet" --update-kernel DEFAULT

Fix sleep issue when battery is low

Using the default settings, the sleep is triggerred when reaching 2% of battery level, which is very low. This usually make the device switch off because of lost power before the sleep proses even finished.

On my laptop, this lead to power lost, resetting UEFI to default, and power on immediately when receiving power.

$ nano /etc/UPower/UPower.conf

Change this value


Fix resetting MySQL root password managed by systemd

  1. Stop MySQL

$ sudo systemctl stop mysqld

  1. Skip MySQL grant tables

$ sudo systemctl set-environment MYSQLD_OPTS="--skip-grant-tables"

  1. Start MySQL in a minimal environment

$ sudo systemctl start mysqld

  1. Login to MySQL

$ sudo mysql -u root

  1. Alter the MySQL root user

mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'NewRootPassw0rd!';
mysql> QUIT;

  1. Stop MySQL

$ sudo systemctl stop mysqld

  1. Unset Option to skip MySQL grant tables

$ sudo systemctl unset-environment MYSQLD_OPTS

  1. Start MySQL in a normal environment

$ sudo systemctl start mysqld
$ sudo mysql -u root -p

Related to video acceleration on Chromium

A new chromium build (Snap) is made by collaboration between Canonical and Intel to get video acceleration working (Encoding and Decoding)

To try this version, you will need to switch Chromium to the hwacc branch.

To install hardware accelerated Chromium: snap install chromium --channel=latest/candidate/hwacc

To switch from a previous installation: snap refresh chromium --channel=latest/candidate/hwacc

To go back to the stable channel: snap refresh chromium --channel=latest/stable

Flatpak keep updating old 32-bit nvidia driver package (org.freedesktop.Platform.GL32.nvidia-*)


$ flatpak list --runtime
$ flatpak remove [insert-unused-nvidia-driver]
$ flatpak update

When uninstalling, heroic game launcher and bottles seems the one that keep the old drivers (only 32-bit NV driver).

System keep constantly stutter because wifi module restarting

Alt text Looking at the Logs provided above, ieee80211 phy0 was requested to restart due to iwlwifi (Microcode SW error detected)

Alt text

Using lspci, my network adapter is using 02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless 7265 (rev 59) Going into intel official website for driver, the intended driver is iwlwifi-7265-ucode-

Currently, mine using iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0: Loaded firmware version: 29.4063824552.0 7265D-29.ucode

Find the library in the RPM Repo

dnf whatprovides *

Monitor SSD NVME Percentage Usage

$ sudo watch -n 1 nvme smart-log /dev/nvme0n1p6

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Kumpulan note yang dibuat pada saat menggunakan Linux