chrisseaton / rstfilter

Show Ruby script with execution results.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GH Actions


This tool prints a Ruby script with execution results.

$ cat sample.rb
a = 1
b = 2
c = a + b
puts "Hello" * c

$ rstfilter sample.rb -o
a = 1                                              #=> 1
b = 2                                              #=> 2
c = a + b                                          #=> 3
puts "Hello" * c                                   #=> nil
#out: HelloHelloHello


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rstfilter'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rstfilter


Usage: rstfilter [options] SCRIPT
    -c, --comment                    Show result only on comment
    -o, --output                     Show output results
    -d, --decl                       Show results on declaration
        --no-exception               Do not show exception
        --pp                         Use pp to represent objects
    -n, --nextline                   Put comments on next line
        --comment-indent=NUM         Specify comment indent size (default: 50)
        --comment-pattern=PAT        Specify comment pattern of -c (default: '#=>')
        --coment-label=LABEL         Specify comment label (default: "")
    -e, --command=COMMAND            Execute Ruby script with given command
        --no-filename                Execute -e command without filename
    -j, --json                       Print records in JSON format
        --ignore-pragma              Ignore pragma specifiers
        --verbose                    Verbose mode

Note that you can specify multiple -e options like that:

$ rstfilter -o sample.rb -eruby27:/home/ko1/.rbenv/versions/2.7.6/bin/ruby -e ruby30:/home/ko1/.rbenv/versions/3.0.4/bin/ruby
a = 1
#=> ruby27: 1
#=> ruby30: 1
b = 2
#=> ruby27: 2
#=> ruby30: 2
c = a + b
#=> ruby27: 3
#=> ruby30: 3
puts "Hello" * c
#=> ruby27: nil
#=> ruby30: nil
#ruby27:out: HelloHelloHello
#ruby30:out: HelloHelloHello

On this case, you can check results on multiple Ruby interpreters.

Advanced demo


This video shows advanced usage to show the results with modified script immediately.

  • kv is another pager.
  • kv -w SCRIPT monitors SCRIPT file modification and reload it immediately.
  • kv --filter-process=cmd SCRIPT shows the result of cmd FILE as a filter.
  • Combination: kv -w --filter-command='rstfilter -a' SCRIPT shows modified script with execution results.


With parser gem, rstfilter translates the given script and run it.

For example, the first example is translated to:

(a = (1).__rst_record__(1, 5)).__rst_record__(1, 5)
(b = (2).__rst_record__(2, 5)).__rst_record__(2, 5)
(c = (a + b).__rst_record__(3, 9)).__rst_record__(3, 9)
(puts "Hello" * c).__rst_record__(4, 16)

and __rst_record__ method records the results. After that, rstfilter prints the script with the results. --verbose option shows the translated script and collected results.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


  • My motivation of this tool is to make it easy to annotate the script with execution results. For example, Ruby developer's meeting generates many code like:
  • The name "Rst" stands for "Result". This tool is inspired from xmpfilter and original author Gotoken-san told me that "xmp" is stand for "Example" (he had wanted to make a support tool for lectures). Respect to the "xmp" mysterious word, I choosed "Rst".


Show Ruby script with execution results.

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 99.5%Language:Shell 0.5%