chrismin1202 / campaign-contribution-api

A sample API for aggregating campaign contributions for each political party

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Campaign Contribution API

This is a simple example that uses Google Civic Information API and MapLight Contribution Search API to aggregate campaign contributions stats, e.g., min, max, average, total, for each political party.


First and foremost, this implementation is nowhere near production ready. This is merely a proof of concept (POC). However, one can improve upon this to use it in a production environment.

As this is a contrived example, the scope of the implementation is limited to major political parties, Democratic Party and Republican Party, and federal-level candidates:

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. U.S. Senators
  4. U.S. Representatives

There is a hardcoded list of ISO 3166-2 subdivision codes for the United States; the list comprises 50 states, 1 district (Washington D.C.), and 6 territories. Refer to UsSubdivision.scala. This implementation collects information only from the 50 states.

First, Google Civic Information API's divisions endpoint is used to look up congressional districts for each state. The endpoint returns Open Civic Data identifiers (ocdId) for the given query. The query sent to the endpoint has the following format:


[alpha2_state_code_goes_here] is relplaced with the actual state code for each state, e.g., nm for New Mexico. Note that the trailing / at the end is important. Without it, the endpoint returns 503. One caveat to note is that country:us/state:ky/ does not return the congressional districts for the state of Kentucky for some reason. As a hack, a field named numCongressionalDistricts is added to UsSubdivision as an optional field. The value for KY is set to 6 as there are 6 congressional districts in Kentucky currently. If the number of districts change due to redestricting, the value needs to be updated accordingly. Alternatively, you can hardcode the number of districts for all 50 states and avoid calling the divisions endpoint entirely. According to the documentation, most query operators of the Apache Lucene library are supported. So if you know Lucene syntax, you can improve the query. Although the endpoint returns not only congressional districts but also state-level districts, the client filters out all non-federal seats. Refer to CivicInformationClient.scala.

Upon retrieving the OCD id for the congressional districts for the 50 states, representativeInfoByDivision endpoint is used to look up the representatives for each state. As aforementioned, the scope is limited to federal level politicians. For President and Vice President, ocd-division/country:us is sent as ocdId as they represent the division country:us. For Senators, ocd-division/country:us/state:[alpha2_state_code_goes_here] is sent as ocdId as senators represent the entire state. Lastly, for Representatives, or what the API refers to as legislatorLowerBody, ocd-division/country:us/state:[alpha2_state_code_goes_here]/cd:[district_number_goes_here] is sent as ocdId. In total, the endpoint needs to be called 536 times for the implementation: 1 call for ocd-division/country:us, 100 calls for Senators, and 435 calls for Representatives. The response payload contains lots of information about the representatives of the divisions, but the bits of information that matters to this implementation are officials[].name, the name of the politician, and officials[].party, the political party the politician belongs. Refer to Representatives for the properties returned in the payload.

After collecting all politicians via Civic Information API, the names of the politicians are sent to MapLight API's Contributions endpoint to look up donations they have received. If endpoint does not return any results, the name is sent to Candidate name search endpoint. Candidate name search endpoint returns top 10 matches for the given search term, that is, the name of the politician. If there are 1 or more candidates returned by the endpoint, the candidates along with the name obtained from Civic Information API are passed to matchCandidate method in StatsLoader object. Note that the method is naively implemented; it just matches the OCD division and name. If there are 2 or more candidates that match the criteria, the method does not disambiguate any furuther and gives up. If the method finds the matching candidate, the candidate's MapLight id, the unique numeric identifier generated by MapLight for each candidate, is sent to Contribution endpoint. If the endpoint does not return any results, chances are that the donation information for the candidate is not indexed in MapLight's dataset.

The response payload of Contributions endpoint contains aggregate totals and transaction details for each election cycle since 2008, but this implementation only looks at the aggregate totals for the sake of simplicity. Also, not all transaction details are captured anyway. For example,

"aggregate_totals": [
    "total_amount": 3829887.43,
    "contributions": 3239

there are 3239 contributions, but the transaction details captured in rows field do not contain all 3239 contributions.

The values of total_amount and contributions are then first aggregated for each candidate and persisted for reuse later. The values are aggregated again at party level, i.e., grouped by party name and the statistics are persisted. For each candidate, the implementation simply sums total_amount and contributions, whereas for each party, it computes

  • numCandidates: the number of candidates for the party
  • totalContributions: the total number of contributions, i.e., the sum of contributions for all candidates belong to the party
  • minContributions: the minimum number of contributions,
  • maxContributions: the maximum number of contributions,
  • avgContributions: the average number of contributions per candidate,
  • totalDonation: the total donation amount, i.e., the sum of total_amount for all candidates belong to the party,
  • minDonation: the minimum amount of donation received by a candidate,
  • maxDonation: the maximum amount of donation received by a candidate,
  • avgDonation: the average donation amount (per transaction) computed by dividing totalDonation by totalContributions

Note that the values of minContributions and maxContributions are the minimum and the maximum number of donation received by a single candidate for the party respectively, but the name of the candidate is not captured as there can be more than 1 candidate with the same value. Similarly, minDonation and maxDonation are the minimum and the maximum amount of donation aggregated for a candidate, but again, the name of the candidate is not captured as there can be 1 or more candidate with the same donation amount.


The key underlying technologies of the implementation includes http4s for handling HTTP (REST), json4s for handling JSON, and Apache Spark.

  • http4s
    Used for calling Civic Information and MapLight APIs as well as building the API for this implementation.
  • json4s
    Although http4s supports several different JSON libraries, json4 is chosen as Spark uses json4s for handling JSON.
  • Apache Spark
    Spark is used for calling the 3rd party APIs used in this implementation and aggregating the data. Note that this implementation is designed to be run on a single machine; therefore, the use of Spark is actually an overkill. However, this layer is added as this implementation is a POC to demonstrate how Spark can be used in production. In a real production environment, Spark is used in a distributed computing cluster, such as Hadoop, so larger amount of data can be processed and more API calls can be made in parallel. However, calling 3rd party API in a Spark application can be dangerous as one can easily DDoS the API server. In fact, in this implementation, when representativeInfoByDivision is called, the Dataset is repartitioned to 1 due to Google's rate-limiting.

At the application startup, the Spark application for aggregating data is run (StatsLoader) to preload the data to the server. This can take a while as over 1000 API calls need to be made to 3 different 3rd party API endpoints. Once the server is preloaded with the data, the server is ready to use.
Currently, there is no authentication layer, so one can test the API using curl or Postman without obtaining OAuth token or API key.

How to Run

There are 2 ways to run this application.

  1. Command line
  2. In an IDE (preferably IntelliJ)

For both approaches, one must use the the correct version of Java, Scala, and sbt.

  • Java: 8
  • Scala: 2.12.10
  • sbt: 1.3.8 Note that any subversions of Scala 2.12.x should work, but Scala 2.12.8 or higher is recommended. Similarly, any subversion of sbt 1.3.x should be compatible.

Using command line

If you are on macOS or Linux, this instruction should work, but if you are on Windows, god bless ya.

Assuming that Linux users are savvy enough to install the required versions of Java, Scala, and sbt on their own, here's the instruction for macOS using Homebrew.

  1. Set up Google API key.
    The endpoints used in this implementation does not require OAuth token, so API key should suffice. Refer to this instruction.

  2. Install Java (OpenJDK).

    brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk

    and then

    brew cask install adoptopenjdk8

    If you prefer Oracle JDK, Google how to install or downgrade (assuming that you have Java 9 or higher on your system) Oracle JDK.

  3. Install Scala.

    brew install scala@2.12

    The command should install the latest version of Scala 2.12.

  4. Install sbt.

    brew install sbt

    The command shoud install the latest version of sbt.

  5. Clone this repository and cd into it.

  6. Compile the sbt project.

    sbt assembly

    assembly command generates an uber jar in target directory.

  7. Run the application.

    java \
      -cp target/scala-2.12/campaign-contribution-api-assembly-0.0.1.jar \
        -Dapi.basePath="/any/arbitrary/empty/directory/that/exits" \"YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_GOES_HERE" \

    If you are not running from the root directory of your repository, you need to replace target/scala-2.12/campaign-contribution-api-assembly-0.0.1.jar with the fully qualified path. /any/arbitrary/empty/directory/that/exits should be replaced with the actual path you want to use for persisting data, e.g., /tmp/campaign-contribution-test, and YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_GOES_HERE with the actual API key.
    Note that this implementation uses Java System Properties for setting configurations rather than command line arguments or environment variables. Note -Dapi.basePath and
    Also note that due to the number of API calls that need to be made, the application limits the number of states to a few. Refer to CampaignContributionService.DefaultStates for the states that are included in the aggregates. To override, you can pass in -Dapi.states to the command. To include all 50 states:


    To include sepecific set of states, comma-separate the state codes:


    State names are acceptable as well.

  8. Test the API. Run the following curl command from another terminal


    or paste[PATH_GOES_HERE] in your browser.
    The base URL should be, but check when the application boots up.

    20/04/21 19:59:41 INFO
        _   _   _        _ _
      | |_| |_| |_ _ __| | | ___
      | ' \  _|  _| '_ \_  _(_-<
      |_||_\__|\__| .__/ |_|/__/
    20/04/21 19:59:42 INFO http4s v0.21.3 on blaze v0.14.11 started at

    The actual host and port should be printed to the console. Note that the application can fail to boot up if the port 8080 is already bound. If the port 8080 is actually bound, the port number needs to be changed by passing in another property:


    Replace 8081 with the actual port number that is not in use.
    Currently, there is only 1 endpoint: contributions. [PATH_GOES_HERE] should be replaced with one of the following values:

    • all: returns the stats for all political parties
    • democrat: returns the stats for Democratic Party
      Other acceptable variations include D, Democrats, Democratic, and Democratic Party.
    • republican: returns the stats for Republican Party
      Other accetable variations include R, Republicans, and Republican Party.

    Note that the values are case-insensitive.
    The endpoint should return JSON that looks similar to this depending on which party you choose:

      "donations": [
          "party": "Republican Party",
          "totalContributions": 28988,
          "minContributions": 35,
          "maxContributions": 21285,
          "avgContributions": 7247,
          "totalDonation": 45562788.69,
          "minDonation": 33878,
          "maxDonation": 31952254.65,
          "avgDonation": 1571.7810366358492,
          "numCandidates": 5
          "party": "Democratic Party",
          "totalContributions": 80164,
          "minContributions": 2970,
          "maxContributions": 72732,
          "avgContributions": 40082,
          "totalDonation": 21947158.56,
          "minDonation": 1950808.91,
          "maxDonation": 12783218.45,
          "avgDonation": 273.7782366149394,
          "numCandidates": 3

    except that the returned JSON is not beautified.

IDE (IntelliJ)

IntelliJ is a good IDE for Scala development as it comes with bundled Scala SDKs and sbt plugins. As long as you choose the correct version of Scala SDK (2.12.10), you should be able to run the unit test cases within IntelliJ.

  1. Open/import the project as an sbt project in IntelliJ.
  2. Once IntelliJ finishes building the project, open CampaignContributionServiceTest.
    If you run the test without setting the API key to the JVM System Properties, the test case will not run, but it will not fail. To add your API key to System Properties, click Edit Configurations... from Run menu and paste"YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY_GOES_HERE" to VM options. Alternatively, you can alter the test by removing withSystemPropertiesIfSet and set the API key directly to apiKey variable.

Future Works

There are several limitations to this implementation and those limitations need to be addressed before productionizing.

  • The implementation is batch-oriented.
    At startup, the Spark batch job is executed and aggregates the data once and for all. It is not too bad to incur the startup overhead once, but it is not a good idea to use Spark directly from a web API unless latency is acceptable. There needs to be a real-time streaming pipeline that continuously augment the data. The options for real-time pipeline include Kafka, Spark Streaming, and cloud-native data streaming service like Kinesis.
  • Persistence
    Local file system is used rather than HDFS, cloud-native file storage solution, e.g., S3 on AWS or Blob Storage on Azure, RDBMS, or NoSQL. Local file system is local to each machine so if multiple server instances exist, this approach will not work. Therefore, storage needs to be decoupled from compute. Furthermore, for real-time or incremental data ingestion, the storage solution needs to be able to handle not only insert but also update operation. If HDFS or S3 is used, Delta Lake can be used for UPSERT operation.
  • Spark is used locally in a single machine.
    As the Spark master is set to local[*], this implementation does not require you to set up your environment for spark-submit. In a real production environment, there should be a Spark cluster on the side decoupled from the API.
    This implementation does not support HTTP. In a production environment, HTTPS should be used obviously.


This code is under the Apache Licence v2.


A sample API for aggregating campaign contributions for each political party

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Scala 100.0%