A Ruby library for calculating the similarity between pieces of text using a Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency method.
A bag of words model is used. Terms in the source documents are downcased and punctuation is removed, but stemming is not currently implemented.
This library was written to facilitate the creation of diagrams talked
about by Jonathan Stray in his full-text visualization of the Iraq War
Logs post. An example of how to generate a Gephi compatible file
including labelling of nodes with key words is included in the
The library is written in pure-ruby for portability, and has not been rigorously optimised. I’d be interested in any comments, suggestions and patches for how to improve performance.
require 'similarity'
corpus = Corpus.new
doc1 = Document.new({:content=>"Broad powers for hacking inquiry"}) doc2 = Document.new({:content=>"UK unemployment level falls again"}) doc3 = Document.new({:content=>"NI riots leads to 26 arrests"})
corpus << doc1 corpus << doc2 corpus << doc3
similarity = corpus.similarity(doc1, doc2)
For more examples, see the examples
- Performance improvements
- Switch to storing document vector spaces in sparse form, using linalg?
- (Optional) stemming of source terms
- Fork the project
- Send a pull request
- Don’t touch the .gemspec, I’ll do that when I release a new version
Chris Lowis - BBC R&D