chrislm / jquery-handsontable

Handsontable is a minimalistic approach to Excel-like table editor in HTML & jQuery

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Handsontable is a minimalistic approach to Excel-like table editor in HTML & jQuery. Requires jQuery 1.7+. Runs in IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera.

See the demos at or fork the example on JSFiddle.


First, include all the dependencies. All the files that you need (apart from jQuery) are in the dist\ directory:

<script src="../lib/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="dist/jquery.handsontable.full.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="dist/jquery.handsontable.full.css">

Then, run handsontable() constructor on an empty div. After that, load some data if you wish:

<div id="dataTable"></div>
  var data = [
    ["", "Kia", "Nissan", "Toyota", "Honda"],
    ["2008", 10, 11, 12, 13],
    ["2009", 20, 11, 14, 13],
    ["2010", 30, 15, 12, 13]
    data: data,
    startRows: 6,
    startCols: 8

Changelog and Future Versions

To see the list of recent changes, see the Changelog wiki page. To see the planned future releases, see the Milestones page.


Option Role Description
handsontable(options) Constructor Accepts configuration object (see Options)
handsontable('updateSettings', options) Method Use it if you need to change configuration after initialization
handsontable('loadData', data) Method Reset all cells in the grid to contain data from the data array
handsontable('render') Method Rerender the table
handsontable('setDataAtCell', row, col, value) Method Set new value to a cell. To change many cells at once, pass an array of changes in format [[row, col, value], ...] as the only parameter
handsontable('getDataAtCell', row, col) Method Return cell value at row, col
handsontable('countRows') Method Return total number of rows in the grid
handsontable('countCols') Method Return total number of columns in the grid
handsontable('rowOffset') Method Return index of first visible row
handsontable('colOffset') Method Return index of first visible column
handsontable('countVisibleRows') Method Return number of visible rows
handsontable('countVisibleCols') Method Return number of visible columns
handsontable('clear') Method Empty all cells
handsontable('clearUndo') Method Clear undo history
handsontable('getData', [r, c, r2, c2]) Method Return the current data object (the same that was passed by data configuration option or loadData method). Optionally you can provide cell range r, c, r2, c2 to get only a fragment of grid data
handsontable('alter', 'insert_row', index) Method Insert new row above the row at given index
handsontable('alter', 'insert_col', index) Method Insert new column before the column at given index
handsontable('alter', 'remove_row', index, [toIndex]) Method Remove the row at given index [optionally to another index]
handsontable('alter', 'remove_col', index, [toIndex]) Method Remove the column at given index [optionally to another index]
handsontable('getCell', row, col) Method Return <td> element for given row,col
handsontable('getCellMeta', row, col) Method Return cell properties for given row, col coordinates
handsontable('selectCell', r, c, [r2, c2, scrollToSelection=true]) Method Select cell r,c or range finishing at r2,c2. By default, viewport will be scrolled to selection
handsontable('deselectCell') Method Deselect current selection
handsontable('getSelected') Method Return index of the currently selected cells as an array [topLeftRow, topLeftCol, bottomRightRow, bottomRightCol]
handsontable('destroyEditor', [revertOriginal=false]) Method Destroys current editor, renders and selects current cell. If revertOriginal == false, edited data is saved. Otherwise previous value is restored
handsontable('getRowHeader', [row]) Method Return array of row headers (if they are enabled). If param row given, return header at given row as string
handsontable('getColHeader', [col]) Method Return array of col headers (if they are enabled). If param col given, return header at given col as string
handsontable('setCellReadOnly', row, col) Method Sets cell to be readonly
handsontable('setCellEditable', row, col) Method Sets cell to be editable (removes readonly)
handsontable('destroy') Method Remove grid from DOM
handsontable('isUndoAvailable') Method Return true if undo can be performed, false otherwise
handsontable('isRedoAvailable') Method Return true if redo can be performed, false otherwise
handsontable('undo') Method Undo last edit
handsontable('redo') Method Redo edit (used to reverse an undo)


The table below presents configuration options that are interpreted by handsontable() constructor:

Option Type Default Description
data array/object [] Initial data source that will be bound to the data grid by reference (editing data grid alters the data source. See Understanding binding as reference)
minRows number 0 Minimum number of rows. At least that many of rows will be created during initialization
minCols number 0 Minimum number of columns. At least that many of columns will be created during initialization
maxRows number Infinity Maximum number of rows
maxCols number Infinity Maximum number of columns
startRows number 5 Initial number of rows. Notice: This option only has effect in Handsontable constructor and only if data is not provided
startCols number 5 Initial number of columns. Notice: This option only has effect in Handsontable constructor and only if data is not provided
rowHeaders boolean/array false Defines if the row headers (1, 2, 3, ...) should be displayed. You can just set it to true or specify custom a array ["First", "Second", "Third", ...]
colHeaders boolean/array false Defines if the column headers (A, B, C, ...) should be displayed. You can just set it to true or specify custom a array ["First Name", "Last Name", "Address", ...]
colWidths array [50, ..] Defines if the column widths in pixels (array of numbers)
columns array undefined Defines the cell properties and data binding for certain columns. Notice: Using this option sets a fixed number of columns (options startCols, minCols, maxCols will be ignored). See demo/datasources.html for examples
cells function(row, col, prop) undefined Defines the cell properties for given row, col, prop coordinates
dataSchema object like first row Defines the structure of a new row when data source is an object. See demo/datasources.html for examples
minSpareCols number 0 When set to 1 (or more), Handsontable will add a new column at the end of grid if there are no more empty columns
minSpareRows number 0 When set to 1 (or more), Handsontable will add a new row at the end of grid if there are no more empty rows
multiSelect boolean true If true, selection of multiple cells using keyboard or mouse is allowed
fillHandle boolean/string true Defines if the fill handle (drag-down and copy-down) functionality should be enabled. Possible values: true (to enable in all directions), "vertical" or "horizontal" (to enable in one direction), false (to disable completely).
contextMenu boolean/array false Defines if the right-click context menu should be enabled. Context menu allows to create new row or column at any place in the grid. Possible values: true (to enable basic options), false (to disable completely) or array of available strings: row_above, row_below, col_left, col_right, remove_row, remove_col, undo, redo, sep1, sep2, sep3.
undo boolean true If true, undo/redo functionality is enabled
outsideClickDeselects boolean true If true, mouse click outside the grid will deselect the current selection
enterBeginsEditing boolean true If true, ENTER begins editing mode (like Google Docs). If false, ENTER moves to next row (like Excel) and adds new row if necessary. TAB adds new column if necessary.
enterMoves object/function {row: 1, col: 0} Defines cursor move after Enter is pressed (Shift+Enter uses negative vector). Can be an object or a function that returns an object
tabMoves object/function {row: 0, col: 1} Defines cursor move after Tab is pressed (Shift+Tab uses negative vector). Can be an object or a function that returns an object
autoWrapRow boolean false If true, pressing TAB or right arrow in the last column will move to first column in next row
autoWrapCol boolean false If true, pressing ENTER or down arrow in the last row will move to first row in next column
autoComplete array undefined Autocomplete definitions. See Defining autocomplete
copyRowsLimit number 1000 Maximum number of rows than can be copied to clipboard using CTRL+C
copyColsLimit number 1000 Maximum number of columns than can be copied to clipboard using CTRL+C
stretchH string hybrid Column stretching mode. Possible values: none, hybrid, last, all. Hybrid mode works as none where there is no horizontal scrollbar, and as last when the horizontal scrollbar is present.
manualColumnResize boolean false Turn on Manual column resize
manualColumnMove boolean false Turn on Manual column move
columnSorting boolean false Turn on Column sorting
currentRowClassName string undefined Class name for all visible rows in current selection
currentColClassName string undefined Class name for all visible columns in current selection
onSelection function(r, c, r2, c2) undefined Callback fired before one or more cells is selected. You can call updateSettings from inside, e.g. if you want to disable fillHandle for a specific cell. Parameters:
  • r selection start row
  • c selection start column
  • r2 selection end column
  • c2 selection end column
onSelectionByProp function(r, p, r2, p2) undefined The same as above, but data source object property name is used instead of the column number
onBeforeChange function(changes) undefined Callback fired before one or more cells is changed. Its main purpose is to validate the input. Parameters:
  • changes is a 2D array containing information about each of the edited cells [ [row, col, oldVal, newVal], ... ]. You can disregard a single change by setting changes[i][3] to false, or cancel all edit by returning false.
onChange function(changes, source) undefined Callback fired after one or more cells is changed. Its main use case is to save the input. Parameters:
  • changes is a 2D array containing information about each of the edited cells [ [row, col, oldVal, newVal], ... ].
  • source is one of the strings: "alter", "empty", "edit", "populateFromArray", "loadData", "autofill", "paste".
Note: for performance reasone, the changes array is null for "loadData" source.
onCopyLimit function() undefined Callback fired if copyRowsLimit or copyColumnsLimit was reached. Callback parameters are: selectedRowsCount, selectedColsCount, copyRowsLimit, copyColsLimit

Defining autocomplete

The autocomplete option is an array of mixins that define multiple autocomplete providers for the grid.

To keep Handsontable lightweight, this feature has a dependency on another jQuery plugin: bootstrap-typeahead. It is included in the repo.


autoComplete: [
    match: function (row, col, data) {
      if (data()[0][col].indexOf("color") > -1) { //if column name contains word "color"
        return true;
      return false;
    highlighter: function (item) {
      //only define this function if you want a different behavior
      //than the original (defaultAutoCompleteHighlighter in core.js)
      var query = this.query.replace(/[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');
      var label = item.replace(new RegExp('(' + query + ')', 'ig'), function ($1, match) {
        return '<strong>' + match + '</strong>';
      return '<span style="margin-right: 10px; background-color: ' + item + '">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>' + label;
    source: function (row, col) {
      return ["yellow", "red", "orange", "green", "blue", "gray", "black", "white"]
    strict: false //allows other values that defined in array above
    match: function (row, col, data) {
      return (col === 0); //if it is first column
    source: function (row, col) {
      return ["BMW", "Chrysler", "Nissan", "Suzuki", "Toyota", "Volvo"]
    strict: true //only accept predefined values (from array above)

Reporting bugs and feature requests

Please use GitHub Issues board to report bugs and feature requests (not my email address). When providing a bug report, please give me a way to reporoduce the error. The best practice is to add a JSFiddle link that shows the erroneous behavior (start by forking this fiddle). That way I can focus on fixing the bug, not scratching my had how to reproduce it. Thanks for understanding!

Similar projects

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(The MIT License)

Copyright (c) 2012 Marcin Warpechowski <>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Handsontable is a minimalistic approach to Excel-like table editor in HTML & jQuery

License:MIT License