Chris Laskos (chrislaskos)


Geek Repo

Company:Schoox Inc.

Location:Thessaloniki, Greece

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Chris Laskos's repositories


An e-store, cross-platform, desktop application where the user can create an account and purchase digital games. Developed with the NetBeans IDE 8.2 using JavaFX. The application runs locally in a XAMPP enviroment. The administration part is handled by the phpMyAdmin tool for the project's database management.



A local website project that demonstrates my practice with HTML5 and CSS3 fundamentals, using information about coffee found in Wikipedia. The project uses most elements of HTML5 and is designed to run locally in any OS just by opening the .html files in a browser.



A web app that implements user registration and login. After user validation, bookmarks can be created, stored and deleted. Developed in a local development environment (XAMPP Server) using PHP and Ajax.
