chrisjkr / xcode-device-support-files

Xcode device support files (Xcode/Contents/Developer/Platforms). Your guaranteed solution for "Could not locate device support files" errors.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


- What is this?

This is a handy solution to a common Xcode error that happens when you run your project on a newer/older device/opearating system.

- I get it, how do I fix this error?

  1. Find your missing platform version in this repo.
  2. Download .zip of this version.
  3. Open Applications on your Mac.
  4. Right-click on Xcode -> Open Package Contents.
  5. Go to Contents/Developer/Platforms/<platform-of-your-choice>.platform/DeviceSupport.
  6. Extract downloaded .zip here.
  7. Restart Xcode.
  8. Done!


Xcode device support files (Xcode/Contents/Developer/Platforms). Your guaranteed solution for "Could not locate device support files" errors.