chrishokamp / neural_mt

Neural Machine Translation based on Blocks and Fuel

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Neural Machine Translation


Follow the instructions matching your platform at


Training a Sample Model

There is a sample experiment with very small data set up in test_data/sample_experiment/tiny_demo_dataset. The configuration file for this experiment is in experiment/configs/sample_nmt_config.yaml. If your environment is set up correctly, you can run:

python -m machine_translation experiments/configs/sample_nmt_config.yaml

to make sure things are working. The paths in this demo are relative, so you need to run it from inside the neural_mt directory.

Training a Real Model

There are two steps to the process: (1) Prepare your training and validation experiments (2) train your model

(1) Preparing the data
Download and preprocess the default data with vocab size = 30000. Make sure you have the source and target language codes correct!

python machine_translation/ -s es -t en --source-dev --target-dev newstest2013.en --source-vocab 30000 --target-vocab 30000

Edit machine_translation/ with your desired parameters, again, be careful about the language codes

We also provide a lot of hooks for customizing your dictionaries, validation data, etc... See the argument specification of machine_translation/ for more details.

(2) Training the model

Be sure your ~/.theanorc is configured correctly (see install_instructions).

If you are using a GPU, check the memory available with

watch -d nvidia-smi

The default gpu should be zero. To select another GPU e.g. number 3 pre-apend

export THEANO_FLAGS='device=gpu3'

to your call

python -m machine_translation <path_to_configuration_file.yaml> 2&>1 | tee -a log.out 

When using remote machines it is useful to launch the jobs from byobu, tmux or similar

(3) Loading saved models and predicting

  • make sure the neural_mt module is on your PYTHONPATH export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<path_to_dir_containing_neural_mt>

To run a server with a simple prediction demo, do:

python -m machine_translation -m server <path_to_configuration_file>      

You don't need a GPU for prediction, but you do want as many cores as you can spare (gpu should be somewhat faster). Prediction with a large model took ~4sec per sentence on a 2012 machine with 8 older-generation i7 cores.

Notes and Gotchas

  • The script tries to be smart about finding and extracting the data for your language pair, but it's not smart enough, because it doesn't find reverse pairs. I.e. if es-en exists, it doesn't know that you implicitly have en-es (debates on translation direction aside). Therefore, you may need to rename some files in data/tmp/train_data.tgz to make things work, or you can find the right combination of command line args that works for your desired setup.

  • the default configuration requires too much memory for a 4GB GPU -- the params that you need to change are:

    Sequences longer than this will be discarded

    config['seq_len'] = 50

    Number of hidden units in encoder/decoder GRU

    config['enc_nhids'] = 1000 config['dec_nhids'] = 1000

    Dimension of the word embedding matrix in encoder/decoder

    config['enc_embed'] = 620 config['dec_embed'] = 620

For example, a working configuration is:

    # Sequences longer than this will be discarded
    config['seq_len'] = 40

    # Number of hidden units in encoder/decoder GRU
    config['enc_nhids'] = 600
    config['dec_nhids'] = 600

    # Dimension of the word embedding matrix in encoder/decoder

    config['enc_embed'] = 400
    config['dec_embed'] = 400
  • the config['vocab_size'] parameter also impacts the memory requirements, but you need to make sure that it corresponds to your settings for the script (see above).

  • we have also added support for using custom vocabularies from another file or set of files. This is useful if you want to use the parameters of the trained NMT model to initialize another model, such as a Quality Estimation model, and you need the vocabularies to match. See machine_translation/ for the available dataset preparation commands.

Preparing Datasets

Several utilities are available for dataset preparation. The high-level process is:

(1) get parallel datasets (2) concatenate all your data together (excluding dev and test) (3) shuffle -- a simple shuffling script is provided in scripts/

scripts/ -f <src-file> <tgt-file>

(4) tokenize train, dev and test sets -- the moses tokenizer is fast and reliable

perl tokenizer/tokenizer.perl -l en -no-escape 1 -threads 20 < all_data.en.shuf > all_data.en.shuf.tok

(5) create subword encoding codes from the tokenized training data -- if languages use the same orthography, it's probably best to use both source and target to create a single BPE code index.

Count the unique tokens in each dataset, and set the vocabulary size for each languge to be at least the number of unique tokens.

# this method will be very slow if your data is large -- write a python script!
cat all_data.en.shuf.tok.bpe | tr " " "\n" | sort | uniq | wc -l
# learn the BPE encoding
python -s 80000 < /media/1tb_drive/parallel_data/en-pt/en_and_pt_data_for_bpe.shuf.tok > /media/1tb_drive/parallel_data/en-pt/
# apply BPE encoding to data

(5a) (optional) at this point, you may want to pre-train word vectors using word2vec, fastText, etc...

(6) create source and target vocabularies

python -d /media/1tb_drive/parallel_data/en-fr/phrasal_acl/vocab.bpe.66000.en-fr.en.pkl -v 66000 /media/1tb_drive/parallel_data/en-fr/phrasal_acl/en.bpe

Commands for monitoring your experiments

  • access the shared monitoring screens (Google for basic byobu commands) byobu

  • monitor GPU usage watch -d nvidia-smi

Install Blocks and Fuel

pip install -e git+git:// \

TODO (writeme): YAML config file format


Neural Machine Translation based on Blocks and Fuel


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