chrisgrieser / alfred-atop

System monitoring and process management via Alfred

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System monitoring and process management via Alfred.

atop overview showcase


  • Process management: CPU usage, memory usage, parent processes, and child processes.
  • Bluetooth devices: connection status and battery information (if available)
  • Network connections
  • Removable volumes
  • Uptime & reboots
  • Speed-test of internet connection
  • DNS switching
  • All features are live refreshing.


➡️ Download the latest release.


List all available tools via atop and select one. Alternatively, you can also directly access the more frequently used tools via a configurable keyword.

showcase overview

Process Management

showcase processes

Display processes directly via top. Append "parent" to the query to display only processes that have child processes.

  • : Kill the process.
  • : Force-kill the process.
  • : Kill all processes with the same name.
  • : Force-kill all processes with the same name.
  • : If the process belongs to a regular app, restart the app.
  • : Copy the Process Identifier (PID).

Meaning of the icons

  • : process is owned by root.
  • n⇣: process is a parent of n child processes.
  • ↖ foobar: process is a child of foobar.

Bluetooth Devices

showcase bluetooth devices

Display paired Bluetooth devices directly via blue.

  • : If blueutil is installed, toggle the connection state. Otherwise, open the Bluetooth preferences.
  • : Copy the device address.

Removable Volumes

showcase rjectable volumes

Display mounted volumes directly via vol.

DNS Switching

showcase DNS switching

About the developer

In my day job, I am a sociologist studying the social mechanisms underlying the digital economy. For my PhD project, I investigate the governance of the app economy and how software ecosystems manage the tension between innovation and compatibility. If you are interested in this subject, feel free to get in touch.

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System monitoring and process management via Alfred

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 69.9%Language:Shell 23.8%Language:Just 6.3%