chrisesharp / foundryvtt-owb-ponteville

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Resistance at the Ponteville Bridge is an introductory support mission for a group of three to six operatives of 1st-3rd level.

The Allies are planning a large raid on the fictional port city of St. Croix la Mer and the characters must destroy a key set of crossings in order to prevent German reinforcements from reaching the coast.


Package Description

Welcome to Resistance at the Ponteville Bridge, the introductory scenario included with the WWII: Operation WhiteBox™ rules from Small Niche Games™.

The mission is a mini-sandbox that includes sabotage as well as opportunities for combat and roleplaying, so a good mix of Character Classes is suggested.

This package includes all the NPCs, Vehicles and Weapons described in the scenario, briefing Journal entries and Maps, and Scenes for the Ponteville village, and the three floors of the Ponteville Tavern.

pregens tavern


You should be able to install this by clicking Install World within Foundry VTT on the Game Worlds tab, and providng the manifest URL

It has both the WWII:OWB and WWII:OWB OGL content pack as dependencies, which should be installed when asked.


This third party product is not affiliated with, but is approved by, Small Niche Games™.
WWII: Operation WhiteBox™ is a trademark of Peter C. Spahn.
Small Niche Games™ is a trademark of Peter C. Spahn.

This scenario textual content is copyright Small Niche Games™, and is reproduced by kind permission of Peter C. Spahn. Used with permission under license.

