chriscoombs / ASLens

Sign-to-speech for the American Sign Language alphabet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Before deploying model to DeepLens, ensure MXNet is updated on device.

Copy contents of into Lambda.

S3 model artifact path for model: s3://deeplens-230118/aslens/output

Once the project is synced with DeepLens device, copy contents of letters directory to artifacts directory.

Add ggc_user to audio group.

Add audio devices to Greengrass group (ensure that group is set to audio). Add resources to Lambda function. Deploy the group.

Ensure that playsound and dependencies are deployed on the device.

Restart the Greengrass service.


Sign-to-speech for the American Sign Language alphabet


Language:Python 53.6%Language:Jupyter Notebook 46.4%