chrisbutler / iwill

I-will system

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool — a.k.a. The I-Will System

Start with the Functional Spec which also gives the backstory for this project.

Development Setup

Follow the steps below. Please make a pull request if any of this isn't super straightforward or you need to do additional steps to get up and running!

1. Set Up The Database

1.1 Install Postgres

For macOS, we recommend brew install postgresql. (If you're not on macOS, please make a PR with instructions for your OS!)

1.2 Start Postgres

For macOS, start it running with either brew services start postgresql to have it as a background service that will restart if you reboot or pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start to start it just once.

1.3 Run the following to create a user and a database:

createuser -P iwill
createdb -O iwill commitsto

1.4 Confirm that postgresql is running on localhost:5432

If you run pg_isready you should see /tmp:5432 - accepting connections.

2. Install Dependencies

2.1 Install Node

For macOS, we recommend brew install npm. (If you're not on macOS, please make a PR with instructions for your OS!)

2.2 Install Node packages with

npm install

3. Set Up Hosts File For Subdomains

Add the following line to /etc/hosts with whatever subdomains you want to be available:	commits-to.js www.commits-to.js alice.commits-to.js bob.commits-to.js

4. Create Environment File

Create a .env file in the root of the project directory with the following contents, replacing <yourname> with your name:


# Optional

5. Run The Application

Start the development server with npm run start:dev

6. Seed The Database

Browse (or send a GET request) to http://commits-to.js:8080/resetAndDestroyWholeDatabase which drops all tables and inserts seed data from the data/ folder

7. Try The App

Just surf to commits-to.js:8080 and you should be able to do everything you can do at the production version running at


Merges to the master branch will be automatically deployed to our Heroku staging tier at (UPDATE: This staging server is not up at the moment. We're not sure how much Heroku charges for these things.)

Pull Request Review App

Heroku will create a review app for a new pull request, available at


I-will system

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 62.2%Language:CSS 24.5%Language:HTML 13.3%