Universal React. React + React Native.
git clone https://github.com/este/este.git este
cd este
yarn docker:up
-- this will spin up a docker instance of Postgres and Prisma server at http://localhost:4466yarn docker:down
-- stop docker-compose servers
yarn env dev
yarn deploy:db
yarn prisma token
generate tokenyarn playground
Set database HTTP HEADERS to { "Authorization": "Bearer token" }
yarn dev
- start web developmentyarn dev:ios
yarn dev:android
yarn env dev
- copy.env.dev
yarn env production
- copy.env.production
yarn production
- test production build locallyyarn test
yarn codegen
- after deploy, runyarn dev
, thenyarn codegen
in another tab, then restartyarn dev
yarn deploy:db
yarn deploy:api
yarn deploy:web
yarn messages
yarn prisma --help
yarn prisma reset
wipes the data and keeps the schemayarn prisma delete
get rid of the whole service
- The same as Create Prisma, but use
name, .env.production file, andyarn env production
yarn deploy:db
,yarn deploy:api
, use now generated URL for API_ENDPOINT in .env.productionyarn deploy:web