Chris Arrowood (chrisarr)


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Chris Arrowood's repositories


Data Pipeline - Small Visualization Project



Byte 6 for Data Pipeline course



Automatic headphone equalization from frequency responses

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


Online social network undirected graphing exercises for CMU data pipeline.



In this project for my Experiential Media course at CMU, I looked at the idea of computationally random numbers, and their nature as not-truly-random. I wanted to play around with the idea of bringing a physical method of randomization (like drawing a name from a hat, or selecting a bingo ball) into a digital experience, to look at how to subvert the nature of the machine and create a more randomized (and experiential!) process.I started by wiring an Arduino with a single potentiometer, from which I would take an analog reading and map to a range of 0-360 degrees.In Processing, using the Box2D physics library, and some classes from Daniel Shiffman's Nature of Code book, I created a sketch which displays a 2D box, containing a large number of box entities, presumably representing our selections to randomize and choose from.Box2D calculate the position, velocity, mass and direction of each box, giving life and motion to them. The Processing sketch takes a serial read from Arduino, and rotate the canvas (while moving the gravity center point), simulating the tumbling of a drum. The numbers are all shuffled together randomly.Still to do: Make a selection function which plucks one of the numbers off the top, or maybe from the middle or the drum.



Convert workout data from Peloton into JSON/TCX/FIT files that can be uploaded to Garmin Connect



Simple helper function and guide to working with Spark Core's and Processing.
