chrisahl / dex-operator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a operator-sdk based operator to deploy and manage a Dex server instance.

component diagram


Option 1: Building your own image and bundle


  • You will need operator-sdk 1.9.0+
  • OpenShift cluster
  • Github OAuth Application, for now, we will use github as id provider
  • To narrow the scope, you will want the OCP cluster where you run dex to be using signed certificates, as opposed to the default self-signed certificates. If we use self-signed certificates, of course, we have to distribute the CA to each cluster that try to access the dex service. Of cource, this should be supported in the final cut. You can follow the steps defined here to enable LetsEncrypt certificates:


  1. build and deploy the operator/controller

    git clone
    cd dex-operator
    oc new-project dex-operator
    # Set the path to your quay repo.
    # OPTIONAL: arbitrarly change the version number of the image and bundle.
    export VERSION=0.0.5
    # OPTIONAL: specify an alternate dex server image
    # export
    # build all the components
    make bits
    # deploy the operator from the bundle image (creates a catalog source). We can deploy the controller directly, but I started using the bundle and got used to it.
    make sdk-run
  2. verify the pods are running

    oc get pods
    # At this point you should see this in the current namespace.
    NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    da3e6fd7599777c30bcf01817583a0dd66a5d8a2c09b7a802ea083b878lnf7x   0/1     Completed   0          25s
    dex-operator-controller-manager-57b7464cb6-hr5d9                  2/2     Running     0          16s
    quay-io-cdoan-dex-operator-bundle-v0-0-5                          1/1     Running     0          35s
  3. Setup for IDP connectors:

    • Github: If you have not done so already, generate or collect the github oauth application information and set the appropriate environment variables. An example of a github app will have these values like this to reference the dex service :

      key example values format
      Application name: any-string
      Homepage URL:
      Authorization callback URL:

      Where the URL references the location of the dex Service.

      # override your github application client id
      export DEXSERVER_GH_CLIENT_ID=...
      # override your github application client secret
    • LDAP: Follow the steps here to setup an OpenLDAP instance. Override the following environment variables:

      # LDAP Host
      export DEXSERVER_LDAP_HOST=...
      # LDAP Bind DN
      export DEXSERVER_LDAP_BIND_DN=...
      # LDAP Bind PW (The bindDN and bindPW are used as credentials to search for users and passwords)
      export DEXSERVER_LDAP_SECRET=...
      # Base DN to start the search from

      Populate the LDAP server with some sample data. For example:

      ldapadd -H ldap://<ldap_server_url> -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com" -W << EOF
      heredoc> dn: cn=jane,dc=example,dc=com
      heredoc> objectClass: person
      heredoc> objectClass: inetOrgPerson
      heredoc> sn: doe
      heredoc> cn: jane
      heredoc> mail:
      heredoc> userpassword: foo
      heredoc> EOF
      Enter LDAP Password:
      adding new entry "cn=jane,dc=example,dc=com"

      You can make additional modifications as needed to the LDAP connector configuration in the DexServer manifest definition in hack/

    • Microsoft OAuth2 Follow the steps here to register an application with the Microsoft Identity platform. Set the Redirect URI to the callback URL for the dex service. https://<location of dex service>/callback Note the Client ID and Client Secret for the registered application. Set the following evironment variables:

      # your microsoft application client id
      export DEXSERVER_MS_CLIENT_ID=...
      # your microsoft application client secret
      # your Azure AD tenant ID (the tenant in which this application was registered)
      export DEXSERVER_MS_TENANT=...
    • LDAP using Azure Active Directory:

      • Follow the steps here to setup secure LDAP with Azure Active Directory.
      • Place the Root CA, Client Cert and Client key (ca.crt, tls.crt, tls.key) files in the hack/ldap-certs directory
      • Override the following environment variables:
      # AD DS Secure LDAP Host
      export DEXSERVER_LDAP_AD_HOST=...
      # LDAP Bind DN
      export DEXSERVER_LDAP_AD_BIND_DN=...
      # LDAP Bind PW (The bindDN and bindPW are used as credentials to search for users and passwords)
      # Base DN to start the search from

      You can make additional modifications as needed to the LDAP connector configuration in the DexServer manifest definition in hack/

  4. generate the minimal set of manifests for github OAUTH application and LDAP authentication

    cd hack
    cd ..
  5. create a dex server instance

    oc apply -f hack/demo-dexserver-dex2-dex-operator.yaml
  6. verify the dex server is accessible

    make curl
  7. create a dex client

    oc apply -f hack/demo-dexclient-dexclient-cluster2.yaml
  8. verify the dex client record is created in dex

    oc get oauth2clients -A
  9. apply the OAUTH changes

    oc apply -f hack/demo-oauth.yaml

Option 2: Using a deployment manifest

oc new-project dex-operator
oc apply -f bundle/manifests/auth.identitatem.io_dexclients.yaml
oc apply -f bundle/manifests/auth.identitatem.io_dexservers.yaml
oc apply -f hack/deployment.yaml

Option 3: Local development

oc new-project dex-operator
make run-local

The run-local make target will generate and install the Custom Resource Definitions, then run the controller locally.

Follow the "Setup for IDP connectors" steps above to generate and apply sample CRs to trigger your reconcile loops.

If you are testing with DexClients, some extra steps are necessary.

  1. Add the following to your /etc/hosts file: 	grpc.dex-operator.svc.cluster.local

If you are using a namespace other than dex-operator, update the line above accordingly.

  1. Once you've created a DexServer CR and the dex server pod is running, you'll need to do a port forward to allow the controller to make grpc calls to the dex server.
oc port-forward dex2-97d78b6d5-rg9d7 5557:5557

You'll replace the pod name above with your pod, retrieved via oc get pods in your namespace where the dex server is running.

If you want to test using the VSCode debugger, you will need a .vscode/launch.json file. Here is an example:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Launch Dex operator",
            "type": "go",
            "request": "launch",
            "mode": "debug",
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/main.go",
            "env": {
                "RELATED_IMAGE_DEX": ""


Run tests

make test

Tagging and Generating a Release

We have a GitHub action defined to generate a tagged bundle and catalog image when a SemVer GitHub tag is created on this repo. To create a new release that will generate a versioned Bundle/Catalog there are two methods:

NOTE: The Major.Minor SemVer is watched by the mid/downstream processes. If you must change the version from 0.2.*, you MUST notify CICD so they can change the tag_filter they use to watch for changes!!!

Use GitHub UI

  1. Run the following command to generate the value we will use as part of the release and tag for non-shipped releases
date -u "+0.2.1-%Y%m%d-%H-%M-%S"

If you are building a release candidate, the format should be 0.2.1-rc#. (Where # is the release candidate number. Do not use UPPERCASE characters!) If you are building the final release, the format should be 0.2.1.

  1. Go to dex-operator github page and select Releases (
  2. Select Draft a new release
  3. For Release title, enter v and then paste the value from the date command above
  4. Select Choose a tag
  5. In the Find or create a new tag field, paste the value from the date command above
  6. Select Create new tab on publish
  7. Select Publish release. This will cause a github action to start. Once the github action is complete, the new dex-operator quay image from Once the dex-operator quay image is available, move on to the next part which will pull the new dex-operator quay image into the idp-mgmt-operator.


See Reference:


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 80.6%Language:Shell 11.1%Language:Makefile 7.1%Language:Dockerfile 1.1%