chris-webst / maturita_c_tasks

A repository with 63 maturita (high school finals) tasks in C [incomplete].

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Maturita tasks

This is a repository with author solution of maturita (high school finals) tasks in C. The tasks are divided into these categories:

  • basic mathematical operations and user input (tasks 1–9) [complete] ✅
  • more advanced mathematical operations and user input (tasks 10-22) [complete] ✅
  • text file operations (tasks 23–29) [complete] ✅
  • functions (tasks 30–35) [complete] ✅
  • 1D arrays (tasks 36–39) [complete] ✅
  • operations with characters and strings (tasks 40–46) [complete] ✅
  • 2D arrays (tasks 47–52) [complete] ✅
  • operations with struct type (tasks 53–55) [complete] ✅
  • other algorithms (tasks 56–63)

Each file contains task assignment and the code itself. To use the code, just download the file with the task you are interested in and run it locally.

Note: Most of the tasks rely on correct user input (correctness of user input is usually not checked).


A repository with 63 maturita (high school finals) tasks in C [incomplete].


Language:C 100.0%