chris-ramon / quartic

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Streaming Data Filtering


Problem Statement Build a rule engine that will apply rules on streaming data. Your program should be able to perform followingtasks, at minimum:

Allow users to create rules on incoming data stream Execute rules on incoming stream and show the data that violates a rule. Incoming data stream is a tagged data stream. Each incoming data is a hashmap with following syntax

{ 'signal': 'ATL1', 'value': '234.98', 'value_type': 'Integer'}
{ 'signal': 'ATL2', 'value': 'HIGH', 'value_type': 'String'}
{ 'signal': 'ATL3', 'value': '23/07/2017 13:24:00.8765', 'value_type': 'Datetime'}

In general, a data unit would have three keys

  • signal: This key specifies the source ID of the signal. It could be any valid alphanumeric combo. ex: ATL1, ATL2, ATL3, ATL4

  • value: This would be the actual value of the signal. This would always be a string. ex: '234', 'HIGH', 'LOW', '23/07/2017'

  • value_type: This would specify how the value is to interpreted. It would be one of the following

  • Integer: In this case the value is interpreted to be an integer. Ex: '234' would be interpreted as 234

  • String: In this case the value is interpreted to be a String. Ex: 'HIGH' would be interpreted as 'HIGH'

  • Datetime: In this case the value is interpreted to be a Date Time.

  • Rules can be specified for a signal and in accordance to the value_type. Some examples of rules are:

  • ATL1 value should not rise above 240.00

  • ATL2 value should never be LOW

  • ATL3 should not be in future

Requirement Assumptions

  • Data Payload - The sample payload json file is about 13KB. Make assumption here, the average payload is about this size.
  • Data Scale - In current example, we assume the data scale at the begining will be 10KB per minute.
  • Data Format - From the sample payload, it's well formatted JSON format. Field "signal" is always 4 characters, "value_type" are always in ["String", "Datetime", "Integer"] and always present the data type of "value" field in the row.
  • Data Security Classification - Assume as cenfidential.


The architect will be built on top of AWS (Amazon Web Service). Using Kinesis Stream as data input and output. Using Kinesis Analytics as filtering engine.


  1. Cost Effective - with AWS, I don't need to own or maintain Data Center or hosts. The cost will be smoothy and only pay for the usage.
  2. Serverless - low maintanance cost. I don't even need to maintain any hosts or virtual machine. No need for security update, hardware CPU, memory and harddisk monitor, no need for setting up new hosts.
  3. Easy to scale up/down - when demand change, I could easily scaling up or down, without dealing with hardware.
  4. Monitor/Alarm support

Cost Analytics

Assuming I have 10KB per minitue at the beginning. It will be 10KB * 60 * 24 * 30 = 432GB per month. The cost for the input and output Kinesis Stream will be $13 per month. Kinesis Analytics will only need 1 KPU at the beginning, would be $79.20 if we always keep it running. Consider at the beginning, we don't have too much payload, we could consider only running a few hours a day if we don't have strong requirement on real-time. The total cost could between $20 ~ $90 per monthl

Steps to Use It

Step 1 - Register Your Own AWS Account

Create an AWS account is FREE - It could connect with your Amazon Retail account.

Step 2 - Create Stack in CloudFormation

In this package, I will have a CloudFormation template. After you log in to your AWS console, select CloudFormation service. Press "Create Stack" and paste this template. It will create all the AWS components needed by this test in your AWS account. After test, you could delete the stack and it will clean up the resources created by it.

Step 3 - Send a payload to Kinesis Stream

Consider using AWS CLI to send events to Kinesis for testing purpose.

data=$(cat ~/Downloads/raw_data.json)
partition=$(md5sum ~/Downloads/raw_data.json | awk '{ print $1 }')
aws kinesis put-record --data "$data" --stream-name test6-InputKinesisStream-1Q614TX8QXW85 --partition-key $partition

Step 4 - Check Result

The output is streaming to another Stream and backed to S3. You could see the result on S3 bucket created by this CloudFormation Stack.

Step 5 - Clean Up

Delete CloudFormation Stack, then all the AWS resources created by this test will be safely deleted.

Assumption Consideration

I made a few assumptions mentioned before. For scale and payload size, we could simply increase Shard Count to scaling up. For data format validation, we could use Lambda functions to validate/reformat before fill into Kinesis Analytics. Kinesis supports encrypt payload to improve data secure at rest. Depends on data classification, we could also encrypt the data on client side before send it to Kinesis.
