An accessible, internationalizable React datepicker. Demo.
yarn add @reecelucas/react-datepicker
<DatePicker onSelect={date => console.log(date)}>
<DatePickerInput />
<DatePickerMonth />
<DatePickerButton updateMonth={({ prev }) => prev()}>
Prev Month
<DatePickerButton updateMonth={({ next }) => next()}>
Next Month
<DatePickerTable />
initialDate={new Date(2020, 10, 10)}
onSelect={date => console.log(date)}
{/* ... */}
minDate={new Date(2020, 0, 1)}
onSelect={date => console.log(date)}
{/* ... */}
maxDate={new Date(2020, 0, 1)}
onSelect={date => console.log(date)}
{/* ... */}
minDate={new Date(}
maxDate={new Date(2020, 0, 1)}
onSelect={date => console.log(date)}
{/* ... */}
excludeDates={[new Date(2019, 6, 1), new Date(2019, 6, 2)]}
onSelect={date => console.log(date)}
{/* ... */}
includeDates={[new Date(2019, 6, 1), new Date(2019, 6, 2)]}
onSelect={date => console.log(date)}
{/* ... */}
Import the required date-fns locale
and make sure to render a custom aria label for each day, using the renderDayLabel
import { format } from 'date-fns';
import locale from 'date-fns/locale/fr';
onSelect={date => console.log(date)}
{/* ... */}
{/* ... */}
renderDayLabel={({ date, isSelected, isSelectable }) => {
const status = isSelected ? 'Sélectionné. ' : `${isSelectable ? 'Disponible. ' : 'Indisponible. '}`;
return `${status}${format(date, 'eeee, do MMMM yyyy', { locale })}.`;
Pass a valid date-fns format
<DatePicker onSelect={date => console.log(date)}>
<DatePickerInput />
<DatePickerMonth dateFormat={'MMM, yyyy'} />
{/* ... */}
import { getDate, isWeekend } from 'date-fns';
<DatePicker onSelect={date => console.log(date)}>
{/* ... */}
{/* ... */}
renderDayContent={date => (
<span style={{ background: isWeekend(date) ? 'pink' : 'transparent' }}>
Pass a valid date-fns format
<DatePicker onSelect={date => console.log(date)}>
<DatePickerInput dateFormat={'MM/dd/yyyy'} />
{/* ... */}
The DatePickerInput
includes an aria-describedby
attribute that references
a visually hidden aria message (for use by screen readers). The default message is:
Press the down arrow key to interact with the calendar and select a date.
The following keyboard shortcuts can be used to change dates.
<li>Enter Key: select the date in focus.</li>
Right and left arrow keys: Move backward (left) and forward (right) by
one day.
Up and down arrow keys: Move backward (up) and forward (down) by one
<li>Page up and page down keys: Switch months.</li>
<li>Home and end keys: go to the first or last day of a week.</li>
<li>Escape key: Return to the date input field.</li>
But you can render a custom message (E.g. written in another language if you're
passing a locale
) by passing a render function...
const renderScreenReaderMsg = () => (
I'm a custom screen reader message. I should describe how to interact with
the date picker, playing special attention to the keyboard shortcuts that
are available. This message won't be visible in the UI.
<DatePicker onSelect={date => console.log(date)}>
<DatePickerInput screenReaderMessage={renderScreenReaderMsg} />
{/* ... */}
...Or by passing a JSX element
<DatePicker onSelect={date => console.log(date)}>
I'm a custom screen reader message. I should describe how to interact with
the date picker, playing special attention to the keyboard shortcuts that
are available. This message won't be visible in the UI.
{/* ... */}
children: React.ReactNode;
onSelect: (selectedDate: Date) => void;
initialDate?: Date; // Defaults to new Date(
minDate?: Date;
maxDate?: Date;
excludeDates?: Date[];
includeDates?: Date[];
locale?: Locale; // date-fns `locale` object
Any props not listed above will be spread onto the underlying
dateFormat?: string; // date-fns `format` string
screenReaderMessage?: JSX.Element | () => JSX.Element;
Any props not listed above will be spread onto the underlying
children: React.ReactNode;
Any props not listed above will be spread onto the underlying
children?: (formattedDate: string) => JSX.Element;
dateFormat?: string; // date-fns `format` string
Any props not listed above will be spread onto the underlying
interface UpdateMonthParams {
prev: () => void;
next: () => void;
children: React.ReactNode;
updateMonth: ({ prev, next }: UpdateMonthParams) => void;
Any props not listed above will be spread onto the underlying
interface RenderDayLabelParams {
date: Date;
isSelected: boolean;
isSelectable: boolean;
renderDayLabel?: ({ date, isSelected, isSelectable }: RenderDayLabelParams) => string;
renderDayContent?: (date: Date) => React.ReactNode;
Any props not listed above will be spread onto the underlying
doesn't provide any default styling; you're free to do what you want and use what you want.
// Example using CSS Modules
import * as styles from './styles';
onSelect={date => console.log(date)}
<DatePickerInput className={styles.input} />
<DatePickerMonth className={styles.selectedMonth} />
updateMonth={({ prev }) => prev()}
Prev Month
updateMonth={({ next }) => next()}
Next Month
<DatePickerTable className={styles.table} />