chriisong / TarkovMarketDemo

Demo of TarkovMarket

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

iOS Swift


TarkovMarket is a simple market information app for Battlestate Game’s Escape from Tarkov. It retrieves data using a 3rd party API service and displays it appropriately on UITableView and UICollectionView using the latest Diffable Data Source technology for responsive, reactive, and powerful performance. The app uses Core Data for persistence to enable users to favourite their desired items for quick access.

Technology: Core Data, CloudKit, Diffable Data Source, REST API, UIRefreshControl, ResultTypes

3rd Party Libraries: None

TestFlight Public Link:

Screen Recordings

UIRefreshControl to update prices

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Empty State View and updating Core Data Entity to toggle isFavourited property

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Using Diffable Data Source to filter search controller results

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Sorting Core Data objects using NSPredicate

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Demo of TarkovMarket