chprice / Hash256

A simple python program that uses sha256 hashing to determine if files have changed.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#Channon Price
#Program to compute sha256 hashes of files in a specified directory.

#NOTE: Currently only set up to handle windows OS. Minor changes and testing needed to change file handling to work with unix.

#Has four main functions.
#makeHash computes the sha256 hash of a file
#getFileNames generates a list of all file names within a given directory and their hashes
#openFile opens a precomputed list of filenames and hashes
#writeFile writes a list of filenames and hashes

#Call writeFile(getFileNames()) to write a file with the hashes for a directory.

#The program currently compares an inputted hashfile to an inputted directory tree and returns any discrepancies.


A simple python program that uses sha256 hashing to determine if files have changed.


Language:Python 100.0%