chowington / mapveu-rest-prototype

Rough sketch of a restify-based data API for MapVEu refactoring

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A guide to the code architecture

This is a prototype proposal for a new REST data API layer between the popbio map (MapVEu) and the back end (currently Solr).

To run the server for testing:

# tunnel to Solr if required
ssh -f -N -L ash
# first time install if required
npm install
# run server
node server.js

This implementation is obviously tied to Solr but the idea is that once the API is documented, other implementations can be written for other back end data stores.

Note that field names used in URL parameters

  • query : for passing the user's search box query to back end
  • geoField, catField : for faceting
  • fields : for specifying which fields should be returned in regular records (e.g. InfoTable/records) will be configured in the front end code. I don't think there's a need for the data API to know about them? Although if we want to check the validity of these params, the data API will need to know about them.

Path of each handler.js files within ./routes is the REST endpoint

The walkdir() call in server.js looks for handler.js files and adds them to the server's router using their filesystem path as the endpoint path (actually just the part between 'routes/' and '/handler.js').

Object-oriented design

In each handler.js currently either a FacetQuery or RecordQuery object is instantiated and its getData() method called.

The source for these classes is in the directory tree that the handler.js file is located in.

Let's use this example /view/Sample/marker/RecordCount/markerData

You can test it with

curl "http://localhost:8081/view/Sample/marker/RecordCount/markerData?query=geolocations_cvterms:England&geoField=geohash_2&catField=species_category&debug=1" | jq .

The FacetQuery in that directory combines the RecordCount mixin that provides the parseQueryParams() method that sets up the facet query with the ViewQuery superclass located in ../../../ViewQuery.js, which is also routes/view/Sample/ViewQuery.js.

That ViewQuery extends SolrQuery located in ../SolrQuery.js aka routes/view/SolrQuery.js.

The idea here is tha SolrQuery is the base class used by all views and all types of handlers.

As you go into child directories, you inherit more specialised functionality. So in routes/view/Sample/ViewQuery.js a setFilters() function is defined which sets the Solr fq parameter(s) for every Solr query made by handlers in that directory tree. Compare this with the repeated cut-and-paste definition of fq filters in the old Solr config (configoverlay.json and solrconfig.xml) for each requestHandler in the same view (e.g. SmplGeoclust SmplPalette SmplTable and more).

The names of the classes can be the same in different directory subtrees. There are two FacetQuery classes: a Sample-flavoured one and a Genotype-flavoured one. They never need to know about each other so can have the same name. It means it's easier to make the handlers for a whole new view (no need to change all the class names, e.g. to SampleViewQuery and SampleFacetQuery).

The main methods to look at are the constructors and getData().

(But there's still some unwanted duplication that needs addressing. See mixins section below.)

Testing the other three endpoints

# data for genotype pie markers filtered for Allele:Kdr L1014 and categorising on Allele
curl "http://localhost:8081/view/Genotype/marker/AlleleCount/markerData?query=locus_name_s:%22Kdr%20L1014%22&geoField=geohash_2&catField=genotype_name_s" | jq .

# info table data for genotype assays
curl "http://localhost:8081/view/Genotype/panel/InfoTable/records?query=species_category:%22Anopheles%20albimanus%22&fields=id,accession,geolocations" | jq .

# info table data for samples
curl "http://localhost:8081/view/Sample/panel/InfoTable/records?query=species_category:%22Anopheles%20albimanus%22&fields=id,accession,geolocations" | jq .

No complex Solr configuration, or proxy, needed

All the filters, facet statistics etc are configured in the data API implementation, so no need to set up query handlers in configoverlay.json and solrconfig.xml

There shouldn't be any need for the security proxy either.

If we can build the streaming CSV exporter into the restify server, that would be good, but there are some things to consider

  • currently all the exportable fields are copyField'ed to ext_blah versions - IIRC to enable docValues which makes the super efficient streaming possible. Maybe it's just easier to have docValues=true on all fields? maybe have a noExport flag in the client config for fields that can't have docValues (are there any?)

A need for mixins?

Solved by Connor in bobular#1

user query handling not yet done in back-end agnostic fashion

The user queries are what the user enters in the search bar (or clicks on legend categories). For example "Anopheles gambiae in Species" in the old client gets sent to Solr as species_category:"Anopheles gambiae". There's also various logic (and, or and not) that combines them.

In this prototype, they are passed straight through. The client would need to construct Solr syntax queries. This is not ideal. We don't want to be married to Solr!

So, can we find a reasonably mature and widely accepted "text query syntax"? If it was in JSON format, a query for "Anopheles gambiae in Species" AND "pool in Sample type" might look something like this.

  AND: [
      field: 'species_category',
      query: 'Anopheles gambiae',
      phrase: true
      field: 'sample_type',
      query: 'pool'

It would be great if it could handle numeric queries as well, e.g.

  field: 'sample_size_i',
  gt: 10

But also handle ranges, dates etc.

Is there something like this? Should we make something if there isn't?


Rough sketch of a restify-based data API for MapVEu refactoring


Language:JavaScript 100.0%