chompoo500ml / classroom-mode

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FCC Classroom Mode

Proudly built by:


The application currently has a react frontend and an express backend. The frontend is located inside of the the '/client' folder, while the backend is located inside of the '/server' folder. Both the client and the server run as seperate web applications, which means that they each have a separate server. The react server is runs on port 8080, while the express server runs on port 8083.

The react server proxies requests to the express server (see /client/package.json to see how the proxy is defined).


npm run setup to install both server and client applications dependencies.

If running on cloud9, you must rename the .env.development.cloud9 as .env.development. Note that you should not commit this file to github. It should be disabled when deploying to a productoin environment

To run the application, you must start both the client and the server:

npm run dev to start both servers

Or you may run the below script in separate terminals

npm run server
npm run client

Setup Database Configuration

cp server/variables.env.sample server/variables.env

Run Test

npm test


We welcome pull requests from freeCodeCamp campers (our students) and seasoned JavaScript developers alike! See the list of contributors who participated in writing this tool.

To get started the first thing you're going to want to do is fork this repository over to your personal github.

Next, go ahead and clone the repo from your repository locally. From there you have two steps:

git remote add upstream

Then go ahead fetch the changes.

git fetch upstream

Afterward, you will want to create a new branch locally with git checkout -b BRANCHNAME

When you're done and ready for a pull request fetch and merge anything that's been done on the upstream/master into your newly created BRANCHNAME and resolve any merge conflicts.



Language:JavaScript 94.4%Language:HTML 3.6%Language:CSS 1.9%