chmreid / 2020-csp-report-lambda-cloudwatch

CloudFormation template to create API Gateway + Lambda to send CSP reports to CloudWatch logs.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dockstore CSP: CloudFormation templates for API Gateway + Lambda to CloudWatch logs

This repo contains CloudFormation templates to set up an API gateway that sends content security policy reports to a lambda function, which filters the reports and logs them to CloudWatch for analysis.

Summary of Templates

These CloudFormation templates create the following components:

  • API gateway and related infrastructure
  • Lambda function called by API gateway
  • CloudWatch logs that lambdas use for logging
  • Route 53 record to make API gateway available at

Test Lambda Code Locally

To test locally, use the python-lambda-local Python package and the files in the test/ folder.

Quick start

Quick start instructions for local testing:

  • Create a virtual environment
  • Install python-lambda-local into virtual environment
  • Run your Python lambda function code through python-lambda-local

To create the virtual environment:

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv vp
source vp/bin/activate

To install python-lambda-local:

pip install python-lambda-local

To test your code, you need the following three things:

  • Name of the Python file with your lambda function code
  • Name of function to use as lambda function entry point (must have f(event, context) method signature)
  • Name of JSON file containing event data

Here is a very simple example of an event data json file:

    "answer": 42

Now call the program like this:


For example:

python-lambda-local -f main event.json


This was a useful example that served as a basis for this CloudFormation template:


The lambda function code takes two input arguments, event and context.

Here is a summary of an event object from an API gateway invocation of a lambda function:

    "resource": "Resource path",
    "path": "Path parameter",
    "httpMethod": "Incoming request's method name"
    "headers": {Incoming request headers}
    "queryStringParameters": {query string parameters }
    "pathParameters":  {path parameters}
    "stageVariables": {Applicable stage variables}
    "requestContext": {Request context, including authorizer-returned key-value pairs}
    "body": "A JSON string of the request payload."
    "isBase64Encoded": "A boolean flag to indicate if the applicable request payload is Base64-encode"


We use event.body to get the JSON payload of the CSP reports that we are sent.


CloudFormation template to create API Gateway + Lambda to send CSP reports to CloudWatch logs.

License:Apache License 2.0