chmouel / go-simple-uploader

Simple HTTP uploader server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GolangCI License

GO Simple Uploader

A simple uploader in GO, meant to be deployed in a container behind a nginx protected environment, but you can deploy it as you wish.

I mainly deploy it to OpenShift which handles for me the building of the source the deployment with a nginx server and observability etc See the OpenShift deployment section of this document.


go install


done by environment variable with :

  • UPLOADER_HOST -- hostname to bind to
  • UPLOADER_PORT -- port to bind to
  • UPLOADER_DIRECTORY -- Directory where to upload
  • UPLOADER_UPLOAD_CREDENTIALS -- If you like to protect your upload directory by a username password then specify them separated by colon, i.e: username:password

Usually you will run this behind an HTTP server which will handle the upload protection, acl or others. You really don't want to expose this to the internet unprotected.


It accepts form http fields:

  • file: The file stream of the upload
  • path: The path
  • targz: Assume the file uploaded is a tarball which we want to uncompress on filesystem

OpenShift Deployment

This uses S2I to generate an image against the repo and output it to an OpenShift ImageStream and then use a Kubernetes Deployment to deploy it, with a few sed for dynamic variables.

The deployment has two containers, the main one is nginx getting all requests and passing the uploads to the uwsgi process in the other container and serves the static file directly.

Under nginx configuration the /private directory is protected with the same username password as configured in the htpasswd, which you can use to 'protect stuff.


Run directly

You can run the service directly with the kubernetes template.

By default the uplod password and username is username:password, to protect the /upload and /delete (as you should) properly you will need to change the secret from

Run behind nginx

You need first to create a username password with :

htpasswd -b -c openshift/config/osinstall.htpasswd username password

Then you just use the makefile target to build and deploy :

oc new-project uploader && make deploy

Get the route of your deployment with :

oc get route uploader -o jsonpath='{}'`

Test as working with :

route=http://$(oc get route uploader -o jsonpath='{}')
echo "HELLO WORLD" > /tmp/hello.txt
curl -u username:password -F path=hello-upload.txt -X POST -F file=@/tmp/hello.txt ${route}/upload
curl ${route}/hello-upload.txt



  • method: POST

  • path: /upload

  • arguments:

  • path: Path where to upload the files, which is relative to the upload directory, directory traversal is checked and disallowed.

  • file: File post data

  • targz: Booleean if we want to uncompress the file on fs

  • examples:

curl -u username:password -F path=hello-upload.txt -X POST -F file=@/tmp/hello.txt ${route}/upload
tar czf - /path/to/directory|curl -u username:password -F path=hello-upload.txt -F targz=true -X POST -F file=@- ${route}/upload


  • method: DELETE

  • path: /upload

  • arguments:

  • path: Path to delete

  • example:

curl -u username:password -F path=hello-upload.txt -X DELETE ${route}/upload

  • method: DELETE

  • path: /delete

  • arguments:

  • path: path to directory to delete files in it

  • days: delete files in above directory older than X days

  • recursive: flag to recursively delete files child directorires of path (defaults to false).

  • example:

curl -k -s -u username:password -F path=/path/to/directory  -F days=1 -F recursive=true  -X DELETE ${route}/delete


Apache 2.0


Simple HTTP uploader server

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Go 84.5%Language:Makefile 11.9%Language:Dockerfile 3.6%