chkmrv / shop-app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My Books shop

How to start

To run locally as developer please start two separated bash instances.

First instance (Server)

  • cd server && npm install && npm run start
  • this will start server on port 9000 which will power the API
    • if you have process.env.PORT set to something else, it will use that port but then you need to update manually proxy field in frontend/package.json.

Second instance (Frontend)

  • cd frontend && npm install && npm run start
  • this will start React frontend port 3000
    • page access by url /books
    • main is AppView component as layout in /src/routes/App/components/AppView
    • data reducer store/global-reducers/data-reducer

Test of modal component

  • cd frontend && npm install && npm run test


I choose React Redux, since i have much more experties in this area. Typescript will be better then propTypes. I didn't use it for a wile. So it's simple js.

To buy a Book and checkout handled by routes and book id. It can be done another way for local or session storage, or event store it in context or redux store. But I thought it's just the simplest way for a challenge.

I was focusing more on the functionality, so it's a lot to improve. To add more tests, split code more for tools and methods. For the same reason of not enough time, I took material-UI.

For the server I took simple endpoints-example from In the end I realise url to the photos is broken, so i created one more mock/photos.json



Language:JavaScript 93.0%Language:HTML 3.3%Language:SCSS 2.9%Language:CSS 0.7%Language:Shell 0.0%