chittojnr / DashX2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

   ____           ____            _    __  ______  
  / ___|__ _ _ __|  _ \  __ _ ___| |__ \ \/ /___ \ 
 | |   / _` | '__| | | |/ _` / __| '_ \ \  /  __) |
 | |__| (_| | |  | |_| | (_| \__ \ | | |/  \ / __/ 
  \____\__,_|_|  |____/ \__,_|___/_| |_/_/\_\_____|

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Initial credits go to Nick Gammon for serial state machine


  • Decode serial communication
  • Manage update of global value including controls and math if needed
  • Update display using handlePreviousState and config in EEPROM

Serial protocol syntax

Serial/I2C syntax: [command letter][decimal value]

  • Ax : Value to dislay in A zone
  • Bx : Value to dislay in B zone
  • Cx : Value to dislay in C zone
  • Dx : Value to dislay in D zone
  • Ex : Value to dislay in E zone
  • Fx : Value to dislay in F zone
  • Hx : Value to dislay in H zone
  • Ix : Value to dislay in I zone
  • Gx : Gear (- for reverse, 0 for neutral)
  • Rx : RPM update (decimal notation)
  • Tx : Max RPM
  • Lx : Display only last x% of RPM on RGB LED ribbon (ex: 1600 max, with L=10 will light LEDS from 1440 to 1600)
  • Ux : RPM autolearn (on=1,off=0).Usefull when game provides data itself. Otherwise we will learn from values received along time
  • Nx : number of red LEDs
  • Mx : number of orange LEDs
  • Sx : Enable(1)/Disable(0) speed multiplier
  • Yx : LED intensity (1-15)
  • Z0 : clear and stop display
  • K0 : start display module

The command will be processed when a new one starts. For example, RPM will be updated on the module once a new command such as S will start Serial data to start with max luminosity set (5), speed=95, RPM=4250, gear=2, lap=3, position=12 (last caracter is to finish processing of RPM, can be anything except a digit)

Sample INIT string, to make sure everything is initialized at least once in EEPROM correctly:

  • T9600L20N3M4S0Y3U0K0 : define RPM to dipsplay between 8991 and 9600 (20%), no RPM learn, intensity = 3, 3 RED LEDS, 4 Orange LEDS
  • L40N3M4S0Y3U1K0 : define RPM to dipsplay (40%), RPM learn, intensity = 3, 3 RED LEDS, 4 Orange LEDS

Sample Game string:

  • T1600L100N3M4S0R1600G2A1B2C3D4G2
  • Y2T1600L100N2M3S0R800G2A1B2C3D4G2
  • T1600R99
  • T1600N2M3L20R1440R1280R1600

If gear is negative, the reverse is assumed and 'R' is displayed If gear is 0, neutral is assumed and 'N' is displayed

Power usage

Turn on all LED segments, gear with maximal dots turned on (neutral), max RPM (serial command Y1A8888B8888C8888D8888E8888F8888H8888I8888G0T1600R1600G0)

Measure with several intensity (Y parameter in serial protocol)

  • intensity=1 => 0.15 ma
  • intensity=4 => 0.32 ma
  • intensity=8 => 0.45 ma
  • intensity=15 => 0.65 ma


Arduino UNO/Genuino:

        +---+                   +-----+
   +----[PWR]-------------------| USB |--+
   |    +---+                   +-----+  |
   |         GND/RST2  [ ][ ]            |
   |       MOSI2/SCK2  [ ][ ]  A5/SCL[ ] |   C5
   |          5V/MISO2 [ ][ ]  A4/SDA[ ] |   C4
   |                             AREF[ ] |
   |                              GND[ ] |
   | [ ]N/C                    SCK/13[ ] |   B5
   | [ ]IOREF                 MISO/12[ ] |   B4  MAX7219 CS
   | [ ]RST                   MOSI/11[X]~|   B3  MAX7219 CLK
   | [ ]3V3    +---+               10[X]~|   B2  MAX7219 DATA
   | [ ]5v    -| A |-               9[X]~|   B1
   | [ ]GND   -| R |-               8[ ] |   B0
   | [ ]GND   -| D |-                    |
   | [ ]Vin   -| U |-               7[ ] |   D7
   |          -| I |-               6[X]~|   D6  DIN RGB LEDS  
   | [ ]A0    -| N |-               5[ ]~|   D5  RPM reset switch (short to GND)
   | [ ]A1    -| O |-               4[ ] |   D4
   | [ ]A2     +---+           INT1/3[ ]~|   D3
   | [ ]A3                     INT0/2[ ] |   D2
   | [ ]A4/SDA  RST SCK MISO     TX>1[ ] |   D1
   | [ ]A5/SCL  [ ] [ ] [ ]      RX<0[ ] |   D0
   |            [ ] [ ] [ ]              |
   |  UNO_R3    GND MOSI 5V  ____________/

Arduino NANO:

       +------------| USB |------------+
       |            +-----+            |
  B5   | [ ]D13/SCK        MISO/D12[ ] |   B4  MAX7219 CS
       | [ ]3.3V           MOSI/D11[ ]~|   B3  MAX7219 CLK
       | [ ]V.ref     ___    SS/D10[ ]~|   B2  MAX7219 DATA
  C0   | [ ]A0       / N \       D9[ ]~|   B1
  C1   | [ ]A1      /  A  \      D8[ ] |   B0
  C2   | [ ]A2      \  N  /      D7[ ] |   D7
  C3   | [ ]A3       \_0_/       D6[ ]~|   D6  DIN RGB LEDS
  C4   | [ ]A4/SDA               D5[ ]~|   D5  RPM reset switch (short to GND)
  C5   | [ ]A5/SCL               D4[ ] |   D4
       | [ ]A6              INT1/D3[ ]~|   D3
       | [ ]A7              INT0/D2[ ] |   D2
       | [ ]5V                  GND[ ] |     
  C6   | [ ]RST                 RST[ ] |   C6
       | [ ]GND   5V MOSI GND   TX1[ ] |   D0
       | [ ]Vin   [ ] [ ] [ ]   RX1[ ] |   D1
       |          [ ] [ ] [ ]          |
       |          MISO SCK RST         |
       | NANO-V3                       |

Hard configuration

While the serial protocol allows you to modify runtime options, some behavior require some values to be changed in the code as describded below. Especially the order of the modules which will depend on the cascading of the modules when you solder them together.

// ===============================
// = Change to match your config =
// ===============================
#define DELAY 0
//#define DEBUG
// How many NeoPixels are attached to the Arduino?
#define NUMPIXELS      24 // Number of RGB LEDS in ribbon
// On which PIN are the NeoPixel attached to ?
#define PIN            6
// NeoPixel right/left or left/right orientation
// MAX7219 pinout (Data,Clock,Strobe,number of cascaded modules)
LedControl lc = LedControl(10, 11, 12, 5);
// MAX7219 cascaded modules order. Depends on the soldering
#define SEGMODULE1 0
#define SEGMODULE2 2
#define SEGMODULE3 4
#define SEGMODULE4 3
#define GEARMODULE 1

More details available here

Pay attention when you power your modules: each module will lower the available voltage for the next one by 0.5-0.7V ! It is highly suggested that you do not cascade power lines


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 100.0%