chitreshkr / Sentiment-Analysis

Sentiment Analysis of US Elections Twitter Data using Tweepy, Textblob, NLTK, and Word Cloud

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

import os
import sys
path = '/packages/Lib/site-packages'
sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd() + path)
from slistener import SListener
import json
import time
import tweepy
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
consumer_key = 'tbFDqEaP7Am0bWqcqsVs9JyiV'
consumer_secret = 'GaRHsAhLXxaCg6Ms1HpMN1ZNOvNkitdfDKI66yEtGO7PbPoMhx'

access_token =  '86722005-nFCl0hQNYFTjdWPmpe7jh8MKraMaQbFtq8R1c1V6q'
access_token_secret = '9if08KJLrXrfxkLgFtFBZikA4bfvHfryMB5jJUMqPZttz'
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
api  = tweepy.API(auth)
#for tweet in['#Election2020','trump','biden']):
#    print(tweet.text)
df = pd.DataFrame(columns= ['Tweets','User','User_location','User_statuses_count','user_followers',
def stream(data,file_name):
    i = 0 
    for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(,q=data,count=100,lang='en').items():
        df.loc[i,'Tweets'] = tweet.text
        df.loc[i,'User'] =
        df.loc[i,'User_statuses_count'] = tweet.user.statuses_count 
        df.loc[i,'user_followers'] = tweet.user.followers_count
        df.loc[i,'user_verified'] = tweet.user.verified
        df.loc[i,'User_location'] = tweet.user.location
        df.loc[i,'fav_count'] = tweet.favorite_count
        df.loc[i,'rt_count'] = tweet.retweet_count
        df.loc[i,'tweet_date'] = tweet.created_at
        if i == 4000:
(3535, 12)
Index(['Tweets', 'User', 'User_location', 'User_statuses_count',
       'user_followers', 'user_verified', 'fav_count', 'rt_count',
       'tweet_date', 'clean_tweets', 'sentiment_scores', 'Sentiment'],
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Tweets User User_location User_statuses_count user_followers user_verified fav_count rt_count tweet_date clean_tweets sentiment_scores Sentiment
0 The U.S. election is now just a day away.\n\n#Election2020 #9News\n 9News Queensland Brisbane, Australia 272205 136289 True 0 0 2020-11-03 01:33:08 The U S election is now just a day away Election2020 9News {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
1 RT @AynRandPaulRyan: James Carville on Trump: “He’s gonna get his fat ass beat” 🔥\n\nAlso, on MSNBC: “People are nervous for no reason. We’ll… William Black 12853 232 False 0 260 2020-11-03 01:33:06 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll {'neg': 0.281, 'neu': 0.719, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': -0.7783} Positive
2 RT @EuropeElects: If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election:\n\nTrump–Biden (%)\n🇷🇺68–32\n🇵🇱50–50\n🇹🇷47–53\n🇭🇺41–59\n🇮🇹23–77 / 47–53\n🇬🇧1… Blair McDougall East Renfrewshire 76819 15106 True 0 198 2020-11-03 01:33:02 RT If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election Trump Biden 68 32 50 50 47 53 41 59 23 77 47 53 1 {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
3 The U.S. election is now just a day away.\n\n#Election2020 #9News\n 9News Gold Coast Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast 141043 39002 True 0 0 2020-11-03 01:32:59 The U S election is now just a day away Election2020 9News {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
4 RT @HKrassenstein: It’s simple:\n\nIf you want a healthy United States of America, vote for Joe Biden.\n\nIf you want a sick Divided States of… Cheese 🌞⛈️ 19097 1094 False 0 288 2020-11-03 01:32:54 RT It s simple If you want a healthy United States of America vote for Joe Biden If you want a sick Divided States of {'neg': 0.116, 'neu': 0.599, 'pos': 0.285, 'compound': 0.4215} Negative
df1 = df.copy()
tweet_data = df['Tweets']
0                                                                 The U.S. election is now just a day away.\n\n#Election2020 #9News\n
1             RT @AynRandPaulRyan: James Carville on Trump: “He’s gonna get his fat ass beat” 🔥\n\nAlso, on MSNBC: “People are nervous for no reason. We’ll…
2       RT @EuropeElects: If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election:\n\nTrump–Biden (%)\n🇷🇺68–32\n🇵🇱50–50\n🇹🇷47–53\n🇭🇺41–59\n🇮🇹23–77 / 47–53\n🇬🇧1…
3                                                                 The U.S. election is now just a day away.\n\n#Election2020 #9News\n
4            RT @HKrassenstein: It’s simple:\n\nIf you want a healthy United States of America, vote for Joe Biden.\n\nIf you want a sick Divided States of…
3530            RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide…
3531            RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide…
3532            RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide…
3533            RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide…
3534            RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide…
Name: Tweets, Length: 3535, dtype: object
0    The U.S. election is now just a day away.\n\n#Election2020 #9News\n
Name: Tweets, dtype: object
import re
#tweet_data = re.sub(r"http\S+", "", tweet_data)
#text = re.sub(r'^https?:\/\/.[\r\n]', '', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
#for i in tweet_data:
tweet_1 =  re.sub(r'http\S+', ' ', str(tweet_data),flags=re.MULTILINE)
'0                                                                 The U.S. election is now just a day away.\\n\\n#Election2020 #9News\\n \n1             RT @AynRandPaulRyan: James Carville on Trump: “He’s gonna get his fat ass beat” 🔥\\n\\nAlso, on MSNBC: “People are nervous for no reason. We’ll…\n2       RT @EuropeElects: If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election:\\n\\nTrump–Biden (%)\\n🇷🇺68–32\\n🇵🇱50–50\\n🇹🇷47–53\\n🇭🇺41–59\\n🇮🇹23–77 / 47–53\\n🇬🇧1…\n3                                                                 The U.S. election is now just a day away.\\n\\n#Election2020 #9News\\n \n4            RT @HKrassenstein: It’s simple:\\n\\nIf you want a healthy United States of America, vote for Joe Biden.\\n\\nIf you want a sick Divided States of…\n                                                                                ...                                                                         \n3530            RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide…\n3531            RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide…\n3532            RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide…\n3533            RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide…\n3534            RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide…\nName: Tweets, Length: 3535, dtype: object'
tweet_data = pd.DataFrame(tweet_data)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
0 The U.S. election is now just a day away.\n\n#Election2020 #9News\n
1 RT @AynRandPaulRyan: James Carville on Trump: “He’s gonna get his fat ass beat” 🔥\n\nAlso, on MSNBC: “People are nervous for no reason. We’ll…
2 RT @EuropeElects: If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election:\n\nTrump–Biden (%)\n🇷🇺68–32\n🇵🇱50–50\n🇹🇷47–53\n🇭🇺41–59\n🇮🇹23–77 / 47–53\n🇬🇧1…
3 The U.S. election is now just a day away.\n\n#Election2020 #9News\n
4 RT @HKrassenstein: It’s simple:\n\nIf you want a healthy United States of America, vote for Joe Biden.\n\nIf you want a sick Divided States of…
... ...
3530 RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide…
3531 RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide…
3532 RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide…
3533 RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide…
3534 RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide…

3535 rows × 1 columns

def clean_tweet(tweet): 
    return ' '.join(re.sub('(@[A-Za-z0-9]+)|([^0-9A-Za-z \t])|(\w+:\/\/\S+)', ' ', tweet).split())
df['clean_tweets'] = df['Tweets'].apply(lambda x: clean_tweet(x))
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Tweets User User_location User_statuses_count user_followers user_verified fav_count rt_count tweet_date clean_tweets sentiment_scores Sentiment
0 The U.S. election is now just a day away.\n\n#Election2020 #9News\n 9News Queensland Brisbane, Australia 272205 136289 True 0 0 2020-11-03 01:33:08 The U S election is now just a day away Election2020 9News {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
1 RT @AynRandPaulRyan: James Carville on Trump: “He’s gonna get his fat ass beat” 🔥\n\nAlso, on MSNBC: “People are nervous for no reason. We’ll… William Black 12853 232 False 0 260 2020-11-03 01:33:06 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll {'neg': 0.281, 'neu': 0.719, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': -0.7783} Positive
2 RT @EuropeElects: If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election:\n\nTrump–Biden (%)\n🇷🇺68–32\n🇵🇱50–50\n🇹🇷47–53\n🇭🇺41–59\n🇮🇹23–77 / 47–53\n🇬🇧1… Blair McDougall East Renfrewshire 76819 15106 True 0 198 2020-11-03 01:33:02 RT If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election Trump Biden 68 32 50 50 47 53 41 59 23 77 47 53 1 {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
3 The U.S. election is now just a day away.\n\n#Election2020 #9News\n 9News Gold Coast Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast 141043 39002 True 0 0 2020-11-03 01:32:59 The U S election is now just a day away Election2020 9News {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
4 RT @HKrassenstein: It’s simple:\n\nIf you want a healthy United States of America, vote for Joe Biden.\n\nIf you want a sick Divided States of… Cheese 🌞⛈️ 19097 1094 False 0 288 2020-11-03 01:32:54 RT It s simple If you want a healthy United States of America vote for Joe Biden If you want a sick Divided States of {'neg': 0.116, 'neu': 0.599, 'pos': 0.285, 'compound': 0.4215} Negative
5 RT @AynRandPaulRyan: James Carville on Trump: “He’s gonna get his fat ass beat” 🔥\n\nAlso, on MSNBC: “People are nervous for no reason. We’ll… STAN BTS Twitter World 2673 72 False 0 260 2020-11-03 01:32:54 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll {'neg': 0.281, 'neu': 0.719, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': -0.7783} Positive
6 RT @thenewsoncnbc: The credibility of the U.S. is “absolutely” on the line with #Election2020, presidential historian @BeschlossDC says. He… Susan Cox Cambridge, MA 44907 437 False 0 8 2020-11-03 01:32:53 RT The credibility of the U S is absolutely on the line with Election2020 presidential historian says He {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
7 RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide… Mark Albrecht 34717 137 False 0 2176 2020-11-03 01:32:51 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
8 RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide… Sandra Odom 1737 178 False 0 2176 2020-11-03 01:32:49 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
9 RT @PeteKent01: If #Trump breaking through the #BlueWall was the story in '16, his breaking through the Black/Brown Wall looms as the story… CindyProAmerica 97023 25825 False 0 4 2020-11-03 01:32:47 RT If Trump breaking through the BlueWall was the story in 16 his breaking through the Black Brown Wall looms as the story {'neg': 0.068, 'neu': 0.932, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': -0.1531} Negative
10 Trump still not here. They're playing audio from attack against Biden. #Election2020 Uday Rana New Delhi, India 27387 6561 False 0 0 2020-11-03 01:32:40 Trump still not here They re playing audio from attack against Biden Election2020 {'neg': 0.195, 'neu': 0.692, 'pos': 0.113, 'compound': -0.3182} Positive
11 RT @business: Biden: "Trump said he was going to fire Dr. Fauci... I got a better idea: elect me and I'm going to hire Dr. Fauci." #Electio… Jack Toy 27807 267 False 0 105 2020-11-03 01:32:35 RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio {'neg': 0.091, 'neu': 0.798, 'pos': 0.11, 'compound': 0.128} Positive
12 RT @julito77: Final week of 9-week @NALEO 2020 Latino Weekly Tracking Poll (3,700 Latino voters). #Election2020 \n\nBiden-Harris 69%\nTrump-Pe… Dave McW 🔵 Seattle Area, WA 187555 2662 False 0 14 2020-11-03 01:32:35 RT Final week of 9 week 2020 Latino Weekly Tracking Poll 3 700 Latino voters Election2020 Biden Harris 69 Trump Pe {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
13 RT @w_terrence: Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he’s a registered Democrat. He said "As far as I know Bide… Jones143 New York 94710 1084 False 0 2172 2020-11-03 01:32:33 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
14 RT @StatesPoll: Florida: Trump vs Biden\nEmerson, 10/29-10/30. 849 LV\nMy Analysis Post:\n#Florida2020 #FL2020 #Electi… Patriot🇨🇺🇺🇸 9486 93 False 0 7 2020-11-03 01:32:20 RT Florida Trump vs Biden Emerson 10 29 10 30 849 LV My Analysis Post Florida2020 FL2020 Electi {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
15 RT @StatesPoll: 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map \nDonald Trump vs Joe Biden\nNovember 2. 2020\nMy Analysis Post:… 🟥Edey London 46344 1747 False 0 154 2020-11-03 01:32:18 RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
16 RT @StatesPoll: Florida: Trump vs Biden\nSt. Pete Polls, 10/29-10/30. 2,758 LV\nMy Analysis Post:\n#Florida2020 #FL202… Patriot🇨🇺🇺🇸 9486 93 False 0 5 2020-11-03 01:32:18 RT Florida Trump vs Biden St Pete Polls 10 29 10 30 2 758 LV My Analysis Post Florida2020 FL202 {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
17 #America voting rally's everywhere heres the #TRUMP campaign in #kenosha live stream to event hit link… #Innzopinion Australia 989 57 False 0 0 2020-11-03 01:32:17 America voting rally s everywhere heres the TRUMP campaign in kenosha live stream to event hit link {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
18 RT @StatesPoll: Florida: Trump vs Biden\nABC/Washington Post, 10/24-10/29. 824 LV.\nMy Analysis Post: \n#Florida2020 #… Patriot🇨🇺🇺🇸 9486 93 False 0 7 2020-11-03 01:32:14 RT Florida Trump vs Biden ABC Washington Post 10 24 10 29 824 LV My Analysis Post Florida2020 {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
19 RT @StatesPoll: Florida: Trump vs Biden\nIpsos, 10/21-10/27. 704 LV\nMy Analysis Post:\n#Florida2020 #FL2020 #Election… Patriot🇨🇺🇺🇸 9486 93 False 0 6 2020-11-03 01:32:10 RT Florida Trump vs Biden Ipsos 10 21 10 27 704 LV My Analysis Post Florida2020 FL2020 Election {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Positive
df['tweet_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['tweet_date'])
0      2020-11-03 01:33:08
1      2020-11-03 01:33:06
2      2020-11-03 01:33:02
3      2020-11-03 01:32:59
4      2020-11-03 01:32:54
3530   2020-11-02 20:54:16
3531   2020-11-02 20:54:11
3532   2020-11-02 20:54:10
3533   2020-11-02 20:54:07
3534   2020-11-02 20:54:05
Name: tweet_date, Length: 3535, dtype: datetime64[ns]
df_indexed = df.copy()
df_indexed = df_indexed.set_index('tweet_date')
#from flatten_tweets import flatten_tweets, check_word_in_tweet
def check_word_in_tweet(word, data):
    """Checks if a word is in a Twitter dataset's text. 
    Checks text and extended tweet (140+ character tweets) for tweets,
    retweets and quoted tweets.
    Returns a logical pandas Series.
    contains_column = data['clean_tweets'].str.contains(word, case = False)
    return contains_column
df_indexed['biden'] = check_word_in_tweet('biden', df_indexed)
2020-11-03 01:33:08    False
2020-11-03 01:33:06    False
2020-11-03 01:33:02     True
2020-11-03 01:32:59    False
2020-11-03 01:32:54     True
2020-11-02 20:54:16    False
2020-11-02 20:54:11    False
2020-11-02 20:54:10    False
2020-11-02 20:54:07    False
2020-11-02 20:54:05    False
Name: biden, Length: 3535, dtype: bool
df_indexed['trump'] = check_word_in_tweet('trump', df_indexed)
2020-11-03 01:33:08    False
2020-11-03 01:33:06     True
2020-11-03 01:33:02     True
2020-11-03 01:32:59    False
2020-11-03 01:32:54    False
2020-11-02 20:54:16    False
2020-11-02 20:54:11    False
2020-11-02 20:54:10    False
2020-11-02 20:54:07    False
2020-11-02 20:54:05    False
Name: trump, Length: 3535, dtype: bool
mean_biden = df_indexed['biden'].resample('1 H').mean()
2020-11-02 20:00:00    0.208054
2020-11-02 21:00:00    0.384615
2020-11-02 22:00:00    0.544952
2020-11-02 23:00:00    0.524297
2020-11-03 00:00:00    0.550898
2020-11-03 01:00:00    0.622047
Freq: H, Name: biden, dtype: float64
mean_trump = df_indexed['trump'].resample('1 H').mean()
2020-11-02 20:00:00    0.248322
2020-11-02 21:00:00    0.412260
2020-11-02 22:00:00    0.546335
2020-11-02 23:00:00    0.694373
2020-11-03 00:00:00    0.709581
2020-11-03 01:00:00    0.729659
Freq: H, Name: trump, dtype: float64
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(mean_trump.index.hour,mean_trump, color = 'blue')
plt.plot(mean_biden.index.hour,mean_biden, color = 'green')
plt.title('Presidential Candidates mentions')
plt.legend(('trump', 'biden'))


import warnings
import nltk'vader_lexicon')
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
sid = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
df['sentiment_scores'] = df['clean_tweets'].apply(sid.polarity_scores)
pos = df['clean_tweets'].apply(sid.polarity_scores)
for message in df['clean_tweets']:
    scores = sid.polarity_scores(message)

    for key in sorted(scores):
        print('{0}: {1} '.format(key, scores[key]), end='')

    if scores["compound"] >= 0.05:

    elif scores["compound"] <= -0.05:
compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.116 neu: 0.599 pos: 0.285 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1531 neg: 0.068 neu: 0.932 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.195 neu: 0.692 pos: 0.113 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.6486 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.674 pos: 0.326 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.119 neu: 0.881 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.765 neg: 0.138 neu: 0.47 pos: 0.393 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1531 neg: 0.078 neu: 0.922 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.833 pos: 0.167 

compound: -0.177 neg: 0.099 neu: 0.833 pos: 0.067 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.185 neu: 0.815 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2838 neg: 0.118 neu: 0.882 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.679 pos: 0.321 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.848 pos: 0.152 

compound: -0.4939 neg: 0.311 neu: 0.556 pos: 0.133 

compound: 0.9044 neg: 0.088 neu: 0.39 pos: 0.521 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.119 neu: 0.881 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.756 pos: 0.244 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4915 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.198 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6124 neg: 0.167 neu: 0.833 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3818 neg: 0.133 neu: 0.867 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.271 neu: 0.462 pos: 0.267 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.678 pos: 0.322 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: -0.1531 neg: 0.138 neu: 0.748 pos: 0.114 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.202 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.133 neu: 0.867 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6739 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.768 pos: 0.232 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6124 neg: 0.174 neu: 0.826 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.902 pos: 0.098 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.6486 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.636 pos: 0.364 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.861 pos: 0.139 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5499 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.202 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2838 neg: 0.118 neu: 0.882 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.925 pos: 0.075 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.743 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.741 pos: 0.259 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.887 pos: 0.113 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.0772 neg: 0.219 neu: 0.538 pos: 0.244 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6739 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.768 pos: 0.232 

compound: 0.2023 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.904 pos: 0.096 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8225 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.602 pos: 0.398 

compound: 0.2023 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.904 pos: 0.096 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2023 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.904 pos: 0.096 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.765 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.742 pos: 0.258 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.861 pos: 0.139 

compound: -0.5106 neg: 0.231 neu: 0.769 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.851 pos: 0.149 

compound: -0.2023 neg: 0.092 neu: 0.853 pos: 0.055 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6249 neg: 0.186 neu: 0.814 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.113 neu: 0.887 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.125 neu: 0.661 pos: 0.213 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.138 neu: 0.862 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.296 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0516 neg: 0.214 neu: 0.565 pos: 0.22 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.125 neu: 0.661 pos: 0.213 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4939 neg: 0.198 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6369 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.724 pos: 0.276 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.894 pos: 0.106 

compound: 0.6408 neg: 0.073 neu: 0.691 pos: 0.236 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.138 neu: 0.862 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.296 neg: 0.145 neu: 0.855 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4915 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.198 

compound: -0.0516 neg: 0.141 neu: 0.727 pos: 0.132 

compound: -0.7906 neg: 0.28 neu: 0.72 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1531 neg: 0.17 neu: 0.72 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.6739 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.768 pos: 0.232 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.167 neu: 0.833 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6739 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.708 pos: 0.292 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.111 neu: 0.761 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.889 pos: 0.111 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.778 pos: 0.222 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.116 neu: 0.599 pos: 0.285 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4019 neg: 0.162 neu: 0.838 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0516 neg: 0.167 neu: 0.66 pos: 0.174 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4466 neg: 0.092 neu: 0.746 pos: 0.161 

compound: 0.8625 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.569 pos: 0.431 

compound: -0.4019 neg: 0.124 neu: 0.876 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.362 neu: 0.638 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.847 pos: 0.153 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.734 pos: 0.266 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8225 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.725 pos: 0.275 

compound: 0.2023 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.909 pos: 0.091 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4767 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.14 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2023 neg: 0.21 neu: 0.649 pos: 0.141 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.909 pos: 0.091 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.889 pos: 0.111 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8271 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.623 pos: 0.377 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.679 pos: 0.321 

compound: 0.8591 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.698 pos: 0.302 

compound: 0.8271 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.573 pos: 0.427 

compound: -0.1531 neg: 0.11 neu: 0.89 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6633 neg: 0.174 neu: 0.826 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8126 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.684 pos: 0.316 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6808 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.772 pos: 0.228 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.828 pos: 0.172 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.296 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1531 neg: 0.17 neu: 0.72 pos: 0.11 

compound: -0.4019 neg: 0.16 neu: 0.756 pos: 0.084 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.678 pos: 0.322 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.64 pos: 0.36 

compound: 0.3815 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.765 pos: 0.235 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.88 pos: 0.12 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.899 pos: 0.101 

compound: 0.5106 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.82 pos: 0.18 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.838 pos: 0.162 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.193 neu: 0.691 pos: 0.116 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8225 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.568 pos: 0.432 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6808 neg: 0.258 neu: 0.742 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.8225 neg: 0.35 neu: 0.65 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.102 neu: 0.677 pos: 0.222 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.098 neu: 0.639 pos: 0.263 

compound: 0.8567 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.917 pos: 0.083 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.0258 neg: 0.099 neu: 0.806 pos: 0.095 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.942 pos: 0.058 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.8225 neg: 0.458 neu: 0.542 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.0258 neg: 0.099 neu: 0.806 pos: 0.095 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.0258 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.791 pos: 0.103 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6865 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.75 pos: 0.25 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5233 neg: 0.226 neu: 0.774 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.116 neu: 0.884 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7269 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.677 pos: 0.323 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.769 pos: 0.231 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.277 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.925 pos: 0.075 

compound: 0.7506 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.782 pos: 0.218 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.914 pos: 0.086 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.833 pos: 0.167 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4767 neg: 0.224 neu: 0.699 pos: 0.077 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.116 neu: 0.599 pos: 0.285 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.277 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.925 pos: 0.075 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.861 pos: 0.139 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.277 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.925 pos: 0.075 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.909 pos: 0.091 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.198 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.116 neu: 0.599 pos: 0.285 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.0516 neg: 0.144 neu: 0.72 pos: 0.136 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.147 neu: 0.853 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.769 pos: 0.231 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7672 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: -0.1901 neg: 0.111 neu: 0.889 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.159 neu: 0.569 pos: 0.272 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7269 neg: 0.243 neu: 0.757 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7003 neg: 0.095 neu: 0.603 pos: 0.302 

compound: -0.7034 neg: 0.408 neu: 0.592 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6249 neg: 0.369 neu: 0.631 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.0516 neg: 0.066 neu: 0.934 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.077 neu: 0.769 pos: 0.154 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.819 pos: 0.181 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.817 pos: 0.183 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.868 pos: 0.132 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5423 neg: 0.156 neu: 0.844 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: -0.5423 neg: 0.368 neu: 0.632 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.0 neg: 0.147 neu: 0.673 pos: 0.179 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.892 pos: 0.108 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.774 pos: 0.226 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3291 neg: 0.059 neu: 0.82 pos: 0.121 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7717 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.676 pos: 0.324 

compound: 0.7184 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.667 pos: 0.333 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7003 neg: 0.309 neu: 0.691 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.162 neu: 0.838 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.061 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.137 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9062 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.594 pos: 0.406 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.105 neu: 0.714 pos: 0.181 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.34 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.888 pos: 0.112 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8658 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.637 pos: 0.363 

compound: 0.296 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.905 pos: 0.095 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7003 neg: 0.367 neu: 0.633 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8126 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.709 pos: 0.291 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.854 pos: 0.146 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5766 neg: 0.185 neu: 0.504 pos: 0.311 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.847 pos: 0.153 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.759 pos: 0.241 

compound: -0.6739 neg: 0.312 neu: 0.688 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.748 pos: 0.252 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5267 neg: 0.238 neu: 0.654 pos: 0.108 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7184 neg: 0.132 neu: 0.504 pos: 0.364 

compound: 0.6901 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.613 pos: 0.387 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.25 neg: 0.076 neu: 0.763 pos: 0.161 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.813 pos: 0.187 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5605 neg: 0.061 neu: 0.777 pos: 0.163 

compound: 0.8582 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.578 pos: 0.422 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.703 pos: 0.297 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8625 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.625 pos: 0.375 

compound: 0.6369 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.811 pos: 0.189 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: -0.4767 neg: 0.22 neu: 0.78 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.081 neu: 0.741 pos: 0.178 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.857 pos: 0.143 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6597 neg: 0.231 neu: 0.69 pos: 0.079 

compound: 0.4767 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.107 

compound: 0.4951 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.756 pos: 0.244 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: -0.836 neg: 0.331 neu: 0.669 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.0 neg: 0.152 neu: 0.662 pos: 0.185 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.9349 neg: 0.569 neu: 0.431 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4019 neg: 0.197 neu: 0.803 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.222 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.135 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.296 neg: 0.145 neu: 0.855 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5106 neg: 0.231 neu: 0.769 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6597 neg: 0.231 neu: 0.69 pos: 0.079 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.707 neg: 0.246 neu: 0.754 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.132 neu: 0.786 pos: 0.082 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7964 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.693 pos: 0.307 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.236 neu: 0.621 pos: 0.143 

compound: 0.4767 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.107 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3818 neg: 0.133 neu: 0.867 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2263 neg: 0.213 neu: 0.787 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2382 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.897 pos: 0.103 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.814 pos: 0.186 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.808 pos: 0.192 

compound: 0.34 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.876 pos: 0.124 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.925 pos: 0.075 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.699 pos: 0.162 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2023 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.296 neg: 0.186 neu: 0.814 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.854 pos: 0.146 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7184 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.75 pos: 0.25 

compound: 0.1531 neg: 0.12 neu: 0.736 pos: 0.143 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.874 pos: 0.126 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.112 neu: 0.745 pos: 0.143 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.198 

compound: -0.4767 neg: 0.256 neu: 0.744 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.865 pos: 0.135 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: -0.836 neg: 0.331 neu: 0.669 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.826 pos: 0.174 

compound: -0.3818 neg: 0.133 neu: 0.867 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6124 neg: 0.292 neu: 0.568 pos: 0.14 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.9599 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.438 pos: 0.562 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4939 neg: 0.213 neu: 0.698 pos: 0.089 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.803 pos: 0.197 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3818 neg: 0.133 neu: 0.867 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.116 neu: 0.599 pos: 0.285 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.8779 neg: 0.484 neu: 0.386 pos: 0.13 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.8074 neg: 0.272 neu: 0.65 pos: 0.077 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3818 neg: 0.148 neu: 0.852 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.85 pos: 0.15 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.851 pos: 0.149 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.296 neg: 0.109 neu: 0.891 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.648 pos: 0.352 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.075 neu: 0.791 pos: 0.134 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.6656 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.72 pos: 0.28 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6597 neg: 0.231 neu: 0.69 pos: 0.079 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.648 pos: 0.352 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.1531 neg: 0.188 neu: 0.588 pos: 0.224 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: -0.4767 neg: 0.256 neu: 0.744 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.296 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.891 pos: 0.109 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6633 neg: 0.189 neu: 0.811 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.851 pos: 0.149 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: -0.296 neg: 0.121 neu: 0.879 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.774 pos: 0.226 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2023 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.357 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6597 neg: 0.231 neu: 0.69 pos: 0.079 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.6 pos: 0.4 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.92 pos: 0.08 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.116 neu: 0.684 pos: 0.2 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2263 neg: 0.152 neu: 0.759 pos: 0.09 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.431 neg: 0.194 neu: 0.655 pos: 0.151 

compound: -0.6597 neg: 0.231 neu: 0.69 pos: 0.079 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.251 neu: 0.411 pos: 0.338 

compound: -0.1531 neg: 0.164 neu: 0.701 pos: 0.136 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7506 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.637 pos: 0.363 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.73 pos: 0.27 

compound: 0.7506 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.619 pos: 0.381 

compound: -0.2023 neg: 0.114 neu: 0.805 pos: 0.081 

compound: -0.4939 neg: 0.151 neu: 0.849 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.818 pos: 0.182 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.778 pos: 0.222 

compound: 0.886 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.646 pos: 0.354 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.856 pos: 0.144 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2263 neg: 0.101 neu: 0.899 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5267 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.825 pos: 0.175 

compound: -0.296 neg: 0.115 neu: 0.885 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.92 pos: 0.08 

compound: 0.886 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.591 pos: 0.409 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.851 pos: 0.149 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.838 pos: 0.162 

compound: -0.6597 neg: 0.248 neu: 0.667 pos: 0.085 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.73 pos: 0.27 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4215 neg: 0.141 neu: 0.859 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6486 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.791 pos: 0.209 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6705 neg: 0.314 neu: 0.686 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.714 pos: 0.286 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.8542 neg: 0.342 neu: 0.658 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.769 pos: 0.231 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.8074 neg: 0.272 neu: 0.65 pos: 0.077 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.095 neu: 0.769 pos: 0.136 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.862 pos: 0.138 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2263 neg: 0.101 neu: 0.899 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2263 neg: 0.106 neu: 0.894 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2827 neg: 0.279 neu: 0.511 pos: 0.211 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.25 neg: 0.106 neu: 0.748 pos: 0.146 

compound: 0.6486 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.762 pos: 0.238 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8807 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.579 pos: 0.421 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.851 pos: 0.149 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9081 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.599 pos: 0.401 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.856 pos: 0.144 

compound: 0.296 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.891 pos: 0.109 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.296 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.891 pos: 0.109 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.678 pos: 0.322 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.183 neu: 0.685 pos: 0.132 

compound: 0.5904 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.796 pos: 0.204 

compound: -0.8193 neg: 0.334 neu: 0.666 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.847 pos: 0.153 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9468 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.408 pos: 0.592 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5187 neg: 0.148 neu: 0.787 pos: 0.064 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6124 neg: 0.168 neu: 0.781 pos: 0.051 

compound: 0.296 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.891 pos: 0.109 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.064 

compound: 0.5267 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.812 pos: 0.188 

compound: -0.5574 neg: 0.248 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.109 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.748 pos: 0.252 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.25 neg: 0.217 neu: 0.652 pos: 0.13 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.787 pos: 0.213 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.863 pos: 0.137 

compound: 0.8777 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.627 pos: 0.373 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.14 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.14 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.851 pos: 0.149 

compound: -0.802 neg: 0.325 neu: 0.675 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4767 neg: 0.224 neu: 0.699 pos: 0.077 

compound: -0.4215 neg: 0.141 neu: 0.859 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.856 pos: 0.144 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.098 neu: 0.902 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7269 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.736 pos: 0.264 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3597 neg: 0.111 neu: 0.889 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6124 neg: 0.168 neu: 0.781 pos: 0.051 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.086 neu: 0.782 pos: 0.132 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.765 neg: 0.352 neu: 0.648 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.851 pos: 0.149 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.9087 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.598 pos: 0.402 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.73 pos: 0.27 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.198 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.887 pos: 0.113 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.759 pos: 0.241 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.748 pos: 0.252 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.851 pos: 0.149 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6124 neg: 0.168 neu: 0.781 pos: 0.051 

compound: -0.4019 neg: 0.119 neu: 0.881 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.759 pos: 0.241 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6124 neg: 0.168 neu: 0.781 pos: 0.051 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5267 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.784 pos: 0.216 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7845 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.655 pos: 0.345 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.819 pos: 0.181 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6124 neg: 0.175 neu: 0.772 pos: 0.053 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4767 neg: 0.154 neu: 0.846 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1027 neg: 0.226 neu: 0.609 pos: 0.165 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.811 pos: 0.189 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4915 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.198 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.828 pos: 0.172 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.133 neu: 0.867 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7845 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.685 pos: 0.315 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.2023 neg: 0.194 neu: 0.588 pos: 0.218 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7003 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.746 pos: 0.254 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.847 pos: 0.153 

compound: -0.2023 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.061 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.137 

compound: -0.3597 neg: 0.111 neu: 0.889 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.743 pos: 0.257 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.925 pos: 0.075 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8225 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.678 pos: 0.322 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4215 neg: 0.135 neu: 0.865 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4915 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.198 

compound: 0.7739 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.62 pos: 0.38 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.847 pos: 0.153 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7783 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.726 pos: 0.274 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.87 pos: 0.13 

compound: -0.4939 neg: 0.151 neu: 0.849 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.1263 neg: 0.126 neu: 0.725 pos: 0.149 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7351 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.647 pos: 0.353 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7506 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.714 pos: 0.286 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4915 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.198 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.809 pos: 0.191 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.851 pos: 0.149 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.887 pos: 0.113 

compound: 0.5106 neg: 0.123 neu: 0.595 pos: 0.283 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.138 neu: 0.862 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3327 neg: 0.246 neu: 0.556 pos: 0.198 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.792 pos: 0.208 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.725 pos: 0.275 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.597 pos: 0.403 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.9201 neg: 0.453 neu: 0.547 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.851 pos: 0.149 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.0772 neg: 0.15 neu: 0.751 pos: 0.099 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.851 pos: 0.149 

compound: 0.7579 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.651 pos: 0.349 

compound: -0.5267 neg: 0.231 neu: 0.648 pos: 0.12 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6037 neg: 0.198 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.851 pos: 0.149 

compound: 0.9599 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.438 pos: 0.562 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.819 pos: 0.181 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.823 pos: 0.177 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.116 neu: 0.599 pos: 0.285 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.765 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.708 pos: 0.292 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.887 pos: 0.113 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.119 neu: 0.728 pos: 0.152 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.826 pos: 0.174 

compound: -0.4404 neg: 0.172 neu: 0.828 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.1027 neg: 0.104 neu: 0.769 pos: 0.126 

compound: -0.2023 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7579 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.681 pos: 0.319 

compound: 0.7269 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.736 pos: 0.264 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0516 neg: 0.186 neu: 0.62 pos: 0.194 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7625 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.679 pos: 0.321 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: -0.0772 neg: 0.219 neu: 0.538 pos: 0.244 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.774 pos: 0.226 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5574 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.847 pos: 0.153 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9403 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.505 pos: 0.495 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6633 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.76 pos: 0.24 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.092 neu: 0.631 pos: 0.277 

compound: 0.7783 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.726 pos: 0.274 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.858 pos: 0.142 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.0772 neg: 0.219 neu: 0.538 pos: 0.244 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4767 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.107 

compound: -0.4767 neg: 0.237 neu: 0.763 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7394 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.706 pos: 0.294 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.652 pos: 0.348 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8176 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.691 pos: 0.309 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.116 neu: 0.599 pos: 0.285 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4588 neg: 0.109 neu: 0.677 pos: 0.214 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.905 pos: 0.095 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4588 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.875 pos: 0.125 

compound: 0.1779 neg: 0.135 neu: 0.699 pos: 0.166 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9081 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.612 pos: 0.388 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4767 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.881 pos: 0.119 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: -0.4404 neg: 0.178 neu: 0.822 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4588 neg: 0.201 neu: 0.684 pos: 0.115 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.873 pos: 0.127 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0258 neg: 0.095 neu: 0.804 pos: 0.101 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.925 pos: 0.075 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2023 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.1531 neg: 0.129 neu: 0.647 pos: 0.224 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.765 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.663 pos: 0.337 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.915 pos: 0.085 

compound: -0.6479 neg: 0.219 neu: 0.714 pos: 0.066 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6059 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.669 pos: 0.331 

compound: -0.7902 neg: 0.304 neu: 0.696 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.4915 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.198 

compound: 0.296 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.891 pos: 0.109 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.7096 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.742 pos: 0.258 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.81 pos: 0.19 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.87 pos: 0.13 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.897 pos: 0.103 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.819 pos: 0.181 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.1531 neg: 0.147 neu: 0.6 pos: 0.253 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.3034 neg: 0.11 neu: 0.731 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.741 pos: 0.259 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.819 pos: 0.181 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.843 pos: 0.157 

compound: -0.0498 neg: 0.177 neu: 0.608 pos: 0.215 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.811 pos: 0.189 

compound: -0.2023 neg: 0.141 neu: 0.859 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.095 neu: 0.647 pos: 0.259 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.296 neg: 0.084 neu: 0.916 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5423 neg: 0.149 neu: 0.851 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4915 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.198 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4915 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.198 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8442 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.676 pos: 0.324 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4915 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.793 pos: 0.207 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5267 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.848 pos: 0.152 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.1557 neg: 0.149 neu: 0.682 pos: 0.169 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7867 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.742 pos: 0.258 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6249 neg: 0.177 neu: 0.823 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4404 neg: 0.182 neu: 0.818 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8442 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.676 pos: 0.324 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.858 pos: 0.142 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.678 pos: 0.322 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.189 neu: 0.679 pos: 0.132 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.59 neg: 0.257 neu: 0.743 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4588 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.778 pos: 0.222 

compound: 0.0422 neg: 0.152 neu: 0.689 pos: 0.159 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.302 neu: 0.698 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.116 neu: 0.599 pos: 0.285 

compound: 0.8442 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.651 pos: 0.349 

compound: 0.7845 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.653 pos: 0.347 

compound: 0.8122 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.709 pos: 0.291 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3818 neg: 0.11 neu: 0.89 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.8896 neg: 0.369 neu: 0.631 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.876 pos: 0.124 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7003 neg: 0.33 neu: 0.556 pos: 0.115 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.856 pos: 0.144 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.833 pos: 0.167 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.787 pos: 0.213 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.075 neu: 0.755 pos: 0.17 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.856 pos: 0.144 

compound: -0.5423 neg: 0.189 neu: 0.811 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: -0.4215 neg: 0.141 neu: 0.859 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.877 pos: 0.123 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.852 pos: 0.148 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5423 neg: 0.149 neu: 0.851 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.856 pos: 0.144 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: -0.1531 neg: 0.138 neu: 0.862 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.8176 neg: 0.333 neu: 0.667 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.867 pos: 0.133 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.849 pos: 0.151 

compound: -0.5267 neg: 0.195 neu: 0.805 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0258 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.939 pos: 0.061 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6486 neg: 0.223 neu: 0.777 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: -0.5267 neg: 0.173 neu: 0.827 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.817 pos: 0.183 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.764 pos: 0.236 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.863 pos: 0.137 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.9231 neg: 0.487 neu: 0.513 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.881 pos: 0.119 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9599 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.438 pos: 0.562 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.73 pos: 0.27 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.867 pos: 0.133 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: -0.5267 neg: 0.238 neu: 0.654 pos: 0.108 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5423 neg: 0.163 neu: 0.837 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.774 pos: 0.226 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.0516 neg: 0.122 neu: 0.766 pos: 0.113 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.861 pos: 0.139 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5574 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.847 pos: 0.153 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7184 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.667 pos: 0.333 

compound: -0.8316 neg: 0.386 neu: 0.614 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2023 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.833 pos: 0.167 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5574 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.841 pos: 0.159 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.892 pos: 0.108 

compound: -0.7269 neg: 0.243 neu: 0.757 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6908 neg: 0.304 neu: 0.591 pos: 0.105 

compound: 0.4588 neg: 0.115 neu: 0.659 pos: 0.225 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.812 pos: 0.188 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6808 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.772 pos: 0.228 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9599 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.438 pos: 0.562 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8115 neg: 0.054 neu: 0.613 pos: 0.333 

compound: 0.6705 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.784 pos: 0.216 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.6808 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.728 pos: 0.272 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.8625 neg: 0.35 neu: 0.65 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.25 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.857 pos: 0.143 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.833 pos: 0.167 

compound: 0.0387 neg: 0.105 neu: 0.748 pos: 0.148 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.774 pos: 0.226 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.829 pos: 0.171 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6705 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.353 pos: 0.647 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4767 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.796 pos: 0.204 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.86 pos: 0.14 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2755 neg: 0.11 neu: 0.89 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.847 pos: 0.153 

compound: 0.2144 neg: 0.082 neu: 0.792 pos: 0.127 

compound: 0.5267 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.848 pos: 0.152 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.884 pos: 0.116 

compound: -0.4019 neg: 0.144 neu: 0.856 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4019 neg: 0.119 neu: 0.881 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.084 neu: 0.646 pos: 0.27 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.861 pos: 0.139 

compound: 0.2936 neg: 0.118 neu: 0.631 pos: 0.252 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.296 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.694 pos: 0.306 

compound: -0.3381 neg: 0.229 neu: 0.63 pos: 0.141 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0258 neg: 0.243 neu: 0.511 pos: 0.247 

compound: 0.5267 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.825 pos: 0.175 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.9304 neg: 0.538 neu: 0.462 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.829 pos: 0.171 

compound: -0.5106 neg: 0.171 neu: 0.829 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5994 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.588 pos: 0.412 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.073 neu: 0.685 pos: 0.242 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.873 pos: 0.127 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4215 neg: 0.141 neu: 0.859 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.859 pos: 0.141 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8625 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.556 pos: 0.444 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.124 neu: 0.876 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.8 pos: 0.2 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.858 pos: 0.142 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.7906 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.667 pos: 0.333 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7003 neg: 0.345 neu: 0.655 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.34 neg: 0.13 neu: 0.625 pos: 0.245 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6249 neg: 0.338 neu: 0.662 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.858 pos: 0.142 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2411 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.921 pos: 0.079 

compound: 0.0258 neg: 0.171 neu: 0.618 pos: 0.211 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4122 neg: 0.152 neu: 0.787 pos: 0.06 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4576 neg: 0.15 neu: 0.85 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7783 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.726 pos: 0.274 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.7906 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.625 pos: 0.375 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: -0.6808 neg: 0.235 neu: 0.765 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4588 neg: 0.221 neu: 0.441 pos: 0.338 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.873 pos: 0.127 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3597 neg: 0.111 neu: 0.889 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7351 neg: 0.266 neu: 0.633 pos: 0.101 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.858 pos: 0.142 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0258 neg: 0.144 neu: 0.705 pos: 0.151 

compound: 0.5267 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.673 pos: 0.327 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6808 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.772 pos: 0.228 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.201 neu: 0.704 pos: 0.095 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.775 pos: 0.225 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.877 pos: 0.123 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.7783 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.726 pos: 0.274 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.075 neu: 0.755 pos: 0.17 

compound: -0.8255 neg: 0.299 neu: 0.701 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.5994 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.822 pos: 0.178 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.179 neu: 0.821 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.116 neu: 0.599 pos: 0.285 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.861 pos: 0.139 

compound: 0.0276 neg: 0.142 neu: 0.641 pos: 0.217 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.87 pos: 0.13 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6808 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.772 pos: 0.228 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8126 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.73 pos: 0.27 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.847 pos: 0.153 

compound: -0.4767 neg: 0.307 neu: 0.693 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4767 neg: 0.237 neu: 0.763 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4767 neg: 0.256 neu: 0.744 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8402 neg: 0.105 neu: 0.368 pos: 0.526 

compound: 0.1531 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.874 pos: 0.126 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7096 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.742 pos: 0.258 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: -0.4404 neg: 0.244 neu: 0.756 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1531 neg: 0.18 neu: 0.67 pos: 0.149 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.088 neu: 0.733 pos: 0.179 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7096 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.704 pos: 0.296 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.858 pos: 0.142 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2755 neg: 0.11 neu: 0.89 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.8176 neg: 0.333 neu: 0.667 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7925 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.63 pos: 0.37 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.859 pos: 0.141 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.652 pos: 0.348 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.917 pos: 0.083 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.808 pos: 0.192 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.678 pos: 0.322 

compound: 0.6747 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.743 pos: 0.257 

compound: 0.25 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.909 pos: 0.091 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: -0.2263 neg: 0.16 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.1363 neg: 0.138 neu: 0.692 pos: 0.169 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.1363 neg: 0.138 neu: 0.692 pos: 0.169 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.1557 neg: 0.149 neu: 0.682 pos: 0.169 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.1363 neg: 0.138 neu: 0.692 pos: 0.169 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.1363 neg: 0.147 neu: 0.673 pos: 0.18 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: -0.4939 neg: 0.198 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.1363 neg: 0.147 neu: 0.673 pos: 0.18 

compound: 0.6808 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.752 pos: 0.248 

compound: 0.25 neg: 0.123 neu: 0.675 pos: 0.202 

compound: 0.1557 neg: 0.149 neu: 0.682 pos: 0.169 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.368 neg: 0.187 neu: 0.646 pos: 0.167 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.917 pos: 0.083 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.1557 neg: 0.149 neu: 0.682 pos: 0.169 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: -0.4588 neg: 0.271 neu: 0.596 pos: 0.133 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.905 pos: 0.095 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.34 neg: 0.11 neu: 0.698 pos: 0.192 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: -0.6997 neg: 0.234 neu: 0.766 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.915 pos: 0.085 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.1557 neg: 0.159 neu: 0.66 pos: 0.181 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4404 neg: 0.187 neu: 0.813 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.878 pos: 0.122 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.1531 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.922 pos: 0.078 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.85 pos: 0.15 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2023 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.859 pos: 0.141 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.2716 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.89 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7602 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.716 pos: 0.284 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.725 pos: 0.275 

compound: -0.0781 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.755 pos: 0.117 

compound: -0.5106 neg: 0.185 neu: 0.815 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.821 pos: 0.179 

compound: -0.2766 neg: 0.114 neu: 0.823 pos: 0.063 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: -0.0516 neg: 0.062 neu: 0.938 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7783 neg: 0.405 neu: 0.595 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: -0.2023 neg: 0.215 neu: 0.607 pos: 0.178 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.914 pos: 0.086 

compound: 0.0258 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.064 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.073 neu: 0.785 pos: 0.141 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5423 neg: 0.241 neu: 0.759 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.11 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.099 neu: 0.782 pos: 0.119 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.743 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.526 pos: 0.474 

compound: 0.25 neg: 0.102 neu: 0.752 pos: 0.146 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.87 pos: 0.13 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.905 pos: 0.095 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3818 neg: 0.133 neu: 0.867 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.829 pos: 0.171 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.921 pos: 0.079 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0276 neg: 0.142 neu: 0.641 pos: 0.217 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.765 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.742 pos: 0.258 

compound: 0.34 neg: 0.124 neu: 0.695 pos: 0.181 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.765 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.708 pos: 0.292 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0276 neg: 0.142 neu: 0.641 pos: 0.217 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.296 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.694 pos: 0.306 

compound: 0.0276 neg: 0.142 neu: 0.641 pos: 0.217 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0276 neg: 0.142 neu: 0.641 pos: 0.217 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.847 pos: 0.153 

compound: 0.0276 neg: 0.153 neu: 0.613 pos: 0.234 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.873 pos: 0.127 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.873 pos: 0.127 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.194 neu: 0.806 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.921 pos: 0.079 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.921 pos: 0.079 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.34 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.902 pos: 0.098 

compound: 0.4956 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.81 pos: 0.19 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.861 pos: 0.139 

compound: -0.8679 neg: 0.366 neu: 0.553 pos: 0.081 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.921 pos: 0.079 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.873 pos: 0.127 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4404 neg: 0.245 neu: 0.755 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4215 neg: 0.141 neu: 0.859 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.34 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.833 pos: 0.167 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.299 neu: 0.521 pos: 0.18 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4404 neg: 0.262 neu: 0.738 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1531 neg: 0.071 neu: 0.929 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.861 pos: 0.139 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.296 neg: 0.104 neu: 0.896 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.271 neu: 0.462 pos: 0.267 

compound: -0.7845 neg: 0.535 neu: 0.465 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7627 neg: 0.279 neu: 0.721 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.847 pos: 0.153 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: -0.5267 neg: 0.238 neu: 0.654 pos: 0.108 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.88 pos: 0.12 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.68 pos: 0.32 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.095 neu: 0.702 pos: 0.202 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.743 neg: 0.367 neu: 0.465 pos: 0.167 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.811 pos: 0.125 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.861 pos: 0.139 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.828 pos: 0.172 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4404 neg: 0.186 neu: 0.745 pos: 0.068 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.1027 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.92 pos: 0.08 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.124 neu: 0.876 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5423 neg: 0.226 neu: 0.774 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.759 pos: 0.241 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.787 pos: 0.213 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7579 neg: 0.041 neu: 0.712 pos: 0.247 

compound: -0.296 neg: 0.187 neu: 0.704 pos: 0.109 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.861 pos: 0.139 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7096 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.576 pos: 0.424 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.792 pos: 0.208 

compound: -0.8255 neg: 0.277 neu: 0.723 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.887 pos: 0.113 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4939 neg: 0.355 neu: 0.5 pos: 0.145 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8126 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.684 pos: 0.316 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.7579 neg: 0.046 neu: 0.675 pos: 0.278 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.296 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.694 pos: 0.306 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7506 neg: 0.225 neu: 0.775 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.87 pos: 0.13 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.759 pos: 0.241 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5423 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.741 pos: 0.259 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.296 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.804 pos: 0.196 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.905 pos: 0.095 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.094 neu: 0.762 pos: 0.143 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.685 pos: 0.315 

compound: 0.8176 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.679 pos: 0.321 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.631 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.795 pos: 0.205 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.296 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.694 pos: 0.306 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5267 neg: 0.173 neu: 0.827 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.296 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.577 pos: 0.423 

compound: 0.1027 neg: 0.106 neu: 0.769 pos: 0.125 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.099 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.798 pos: 0.202 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9599 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.438 pos: 0.562 

compound: 0.1027 neg: 0.111 neu: 0.758 pos: 0.131 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.917 pos: 0.083 

compound: -0.7845 neg: 0.345 neu: 0.655 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4404 neg: 0.146 neu: 0.854 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.103 neu: 0.739 pos: 0.158 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7579 neg: 0.362 neu: 0.638 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.296 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.891 pos: 0.109 

compound: 0.5423 neg: 0.122 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.235 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.829 pos: 0.171 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.87 pos: 0.13 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.759 pos: 0.241 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.157 neu: 0.712 pos: 0.132 

compound: 0.7717 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.717 pos: 0.283 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.881 pos: 0.119 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4588 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.818 pos: 0.182 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7845 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.653 pos: 0.347 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.5106 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.769 pos: 0.231 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.819 pos: 0.181 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.858 pos: 0.142 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.2 neu: 0.8 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.87 pos: 0.13 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.868 pos: 0.132 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.87 pos: 0.13 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.116 neu: 0.599 pos: 0.285 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.297 neu: 0.405 pos: 0.297 

compound: -0.7351 neg: 0.279 neu: 0.721 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.87 pos: 0.13 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.128 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.909 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6249 neg: 0.145 neu: 0.558 pos: 0.297 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.1027 neg: 0.174 neu: 0.632 pos: 0.195 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.917 pos: 0.083 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7351 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.744 pos: 0.256 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4215 neg: 0.2 neu: 0.682 pos: 0.118 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.87 pos: 0.13 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2382 neg: 0.106 neu: 0.66 pos: 0.234 

compound: 0.5106 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.852 pos: 0.148 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.271 neu: 0.462 pos: 0.267 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.87 pos: 0.13 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7269 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.747 pos: 0.253 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5423 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.757 pos: 0.243 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.107 neu: 0.893 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8591 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.678 pos: 0.322 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6697 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.703 pos: 0.297 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: -0.8126 neg: 0.28 neu: 0.72 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4019 neg: 0.197 neu: 0.803 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.118 neu: 0.882 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.1531 neg: 0.168 neu: 0.632 pos: 0.2 

compound: 0.3506 neg: 0.081 neu: 0.712 pos: 0.206 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.868 pos: 0.132 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.861 pos: 0.139 

compound: -0.5256 neg: 0.166 neu: 0.834 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.2732 neg: 0.29 neu: 0.424 pos: 0.286 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.8591 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.655 pos: 0.345 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.212 neu: 0.514 pos: 0.273 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9158 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.555 pos: 0.445 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.124 neu: 0.876 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6124 neg: 0.268 neu: 0.643 pos: 0.089 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1531 neg: 0.096 neu: 0.904 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6705 neg: 0.314 neu: 0.686 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6997 neg: 0.234 neu: 0.766 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6997 neg: 0.234 neu: 0.766 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6997 neg: 0.234 neu: 0.766 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.862 pos: 0.138 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5423 neg: 0.131 neu: 0.619 pos: 0.251 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7906 neg: 0.336 neu: 0.607 pos: 0.056 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.929 pos: 0.071 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.917 pos: 0.083 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.759 pos: 0.241 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.858 pos: 0.142 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.101 neu: 0.721 pos: 0.178 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.844 pos: 0.156 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.1531 neg: 0.2 neu: 0.562 pos: 0.237 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.064 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6705 neg: 0.314 neu: 0.686 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.069 neu: 0.931 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.885 pos: 0.115 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0258 neg: 0.166 neu: 0.664 pos: 0.171 

compound: 0.6739 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.768 pos: 0.232 

compound: 0.8596 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.631 pos: 0.369 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4767 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.846 pos: 0.154 

compound: -0.1027 neg: 0.123 neu: 0.877 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.124 neu: 0.876 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6908 neg: 0.087 neu: 0.646 pos: 0.266 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.859 pos: 0.141 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6705 neg: 0.314 neu: 0.686 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6705 neg: 0.314 neu: 0.686 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7579 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.735 pos: 0.265 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9599 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.438 pos: 0.562 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: -0.6486 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.127 neu: 0.718 pos: 0.155 

compound: -0.4184 neg: 0.265 neu: 0.546 pos: 0.19 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4404 neg: 0.209 neu: 0.791 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9599 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.438 pos: 0.562 

compound: 0.6249 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.788 pos: 0.212 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.086 neu: 0.619 pos: 0.295 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9062 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.474 pos: 0.526 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.8176 neg: 0.321 neu: 0.679 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.735 pos: 0.265 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5256 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.848 pos: 0.152 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9117 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.569 pos: 0.431 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0422 neg: 0.152 neu: 0.689 pos: 0.159 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.899 pos: 0.101 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9158 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.555 pos: 0.445 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.615 pos: 0.385 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.917 pos: 0.083 

compound: 0.7096 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.718 pos: 0.282 

compound: 0.3626 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.871 pos: 0.129 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.817 pos: 0.183 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.917 pos: 0.083 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.833 pos: 0.167 

compound: 0.8115 neg: 0.056 neu: 0.596 pos: 0.348 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.803 pos: 0.197 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.884 pos: 0.116 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.759 pos: 0.241 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.884 pos: 0.116 

compound: -0.5267 neg: 0.254 neu: 0.586 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5267 neg: 0.139 neu: 0.861 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.8271 neg: 0.493 neu: 0.376 pos: 0.131 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: -0.5423 neg: 0.368 neu: 0.632 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.867 pos: 0.133 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.13 neu: 0.87 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5267 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.833 pos: 0.167 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.13 neu: 0.87 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.764 pos: 0.236 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.856 pos: 0.144 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.884 pos: 0.116 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6369 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.755 pos: 0.245 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.165 neu: 0.69 pos: 0.146 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.146 neu: 0.854 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.128 neg: 0.133 neu: 0.756 pos: 0.111 

compound: 0.7096 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.688 pos: 0.312 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.194 neu: 0.806 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5413 neg: 0.163 neu: 0.837 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.115 neu: 0.769 pos: 0.115 

compound: 0.7506 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.726 pos: 0.274 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.917 pos: 0.083 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8487 neg: 0.085 neu: 0.559 pos: 0.356 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.85 pos: 0.15 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.92 pos: 0.08 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5423 neg: 0.062 neu: 0.758 pos: 0.18 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.208 neu: 0.583 pos: 0.208 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7945 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.678 pos: 0.322 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.936 pos: 0.064 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.748 pos: 0.252 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.211 neu: 0.789 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.277 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.916 pos: 0.084 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7574 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.629 pos: 0.371 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.884 pos: 0.116 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: -0.3612 neg: 0.16 neu: 0.741 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3716 neg: 0.187 neu: 0.724 pos: 0.09 

compound: -0.4404 neg: 0.266 neu: 0.734 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8885 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.549 pos: 0.451 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.05 neu: 0.826 pos: 0.124 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4404 neg: 0.132 neu: 0.868 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5106 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.837 pos: 0.163 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.126 neu: 0.733 pos: 0.141 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.34 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.888 pos: 0.112 

compound: -0.3818 neg: 0.19 neu: 0.694 pos: 0.116 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.8074 neg: 0.272 neu: 0.65 pos: 0.077 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.14 neu: 0.702 pos: 0.158 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6249 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.702 pos: 0.298 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.104 neu: 0.695 pos: 0.201 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.917 pos: 0.083 

compound: 0.3976 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.882 pos: 0.118 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.884 pos: 0.116 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.92 pos: 0.08 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1027 neg: 0.23 neu: 0.612 pos: 0.158 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.819 pos: 0.181 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.848 pos: 0.152 

compound: 0.4576 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.875 pos: 0.125 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.111 neu: 0.658 pos: 0.23 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.116 neu: 0.599 pos: 0.285 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.917 pos: 0.083 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5423 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.599 pos: 0.12 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.707 pos: 0.293 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6369 neg: 0.331 neu: 0.538 pos: 0.131 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.707 pos: 0.293 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.128 neg: 0.213 neu: 0.557 pos: 0.23 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7672 neg: 0.281 neu: 0.719 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8126 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.67 pos: 0.33 

compound: 0.9158 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.555 pos: 0.445 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.071 neu: 0.857 pos: 0.071 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6249 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.702 pos: 0.298 

compound: -0.6166 neg: 0.237 neu: 0.763 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7003 neg: 0.392 neu: 0.608 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.296 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.909 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5267 neg: 0.238 neu: 0.654 pos: 0.108 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.296 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.909 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: -0.0258 neg: 0.113 neu: 0.779 pos: 0.108 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.296 neg: 0.091 neu: 0.909 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.7184 neg: 0.106 neu: 0.551 pos: 0.343 

compound: 0.3182 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.867 pos: 0.133 

compound: -0.34 neg: 0.098 neu: 0.902 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5859 neg: 0.147 neu: 0.853 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8596 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.631 pos: 0.369 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4333 neg: 0.185 neu: 0.815 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6369 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.741 pos: 0.259 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.296 neg: 0.099 neu: 0.901 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.743 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.656 pos: 0.344 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.296 neg: 0.128 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.917 pos: 0.083 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6997 neg: 0.225 neu: 0.775 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.917 pos: 0.083 

compound: 0.2023 neg: 0.155 neu: 0.62 pos: 0.225 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.917 pos: 0.083 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2023 neg: 0.175 neu: 0.57 pos: 0.254 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.6249 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.638 pos: 0.362 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.8176 neg: 0.309 neu: 0.691 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.9607 neg: 0.554 neu: 0.446 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.917 pos: 0.083 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6486 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.656 pos: 0.344 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.071 neu: 0.857 pos: 0.071 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2263 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.913 pos: 0.087 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.116 neu: 0.599 pos: 0.285 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.119 neu: 0.746 pos: 0.134 

compound: -0.8979 neg: 0.405 neu: 0.595 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.802 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.687 pos: 0.313 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7351 neg: 0.292 neu: 0.708 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.08 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.08 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.812 pos: 0.188 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.776 pos: 0.224 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4939 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.862 pos: 0.138 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.8176 neg: 0.333 neu: 0.667 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5719 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.829 pos: 0.171 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.854 pos: 0.146 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0258 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.864 pos: 0.136 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9158 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.555 pos: 0.445 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.847 pos: 0.153 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.116 neu: 0.599 pos: 0.285 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: -0.6997 neg: 0.234 neu: 0.766 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6444 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.655 pos: 0.345 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5267 neg: 0.238 neu: 0.654 pos: 0.108 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.7269 neg: 0.291 neu: 0.657 pos: 0.052 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0276 neg: 0.108 neu: 0.779 pos: 0.113 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4019 neg: 0.153 neu: 0.847 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9158 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.555 pos: 0.445 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.853 pos: 0.147 

compound: -0.8176 neg: 0.333 neu: 0.667 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.826 pos: 0.174 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.826 pos: 0.174 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9158 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.522 pos: 0.478 

compound: -0.743 neg: 0.364 neu: 0.636 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.1779 neg: 0.102 neu: 0.898 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.4404 neg: 0.162 neu: 0.838 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.34 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.902 pos: 0.098 

compound: 0.9599 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.438 pos: 0.562 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.828 pos: 0.172 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.759 pos: 0.241 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.198 neu: 0.678 pos: 0.124 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6597 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.748 pos: 0.252 

compound: -0.5499 neg: 0.173 neu: 0.827 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.847 pos: 0.153 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6602 neg: 0.311 neu: 0.689 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.0772 neg: 0.15 neu: 0.751 pos: 0.099 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5574 neg: 0.194 neu: 0.806 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.854 pos: 0.146 

compound: -0.5106 neg: 0.155 neu: 0.845 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.6997 neg: 0.234 neu: 0.766 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5719 neg: 0.32 neu: 0.68 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.5423 neg: 0.368 neu: 0.632 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4019 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.87 pos: 0.13 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3818 neg: 0.061 neu: 0.802 pos: 0.137 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0772 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.874 pos: 0.126 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5473 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.836 pos: 0.164 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.0772 neg: 0.122 neu: 0.769 pos: 0.109 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.2732 neg: 0.059 neu: 0.829 pos: 0.112 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.6865 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.726 pos: 0.274 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4404 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.861 pos: 0.139 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.9081 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.625 pos: 0.375 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.3182 neg: 0.158 neu: 0.734 pos: 0.108 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.3612 neg: 0.104 neu: 0.734 pos: 0.162 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: -0.836 neg: 0.331 neu: 0.669 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.8271 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.722 pos: 0.278 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.5859 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.84 pos: 0.16 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.4215 neg: 0.0 neu: 0.872 pos: 0.128 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 

compound: 0.0 neg: 0.0 neu: 1.0 pos: 0.0 
from textblob import TextBlob 
from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS 
import chart_studio.plotly as py
def analyze_sentiment(tweet):
    analysis = TextBlob(tweet) 
    if analysis.sentiment.polarity >= 0.05:
        return 'Positive' 
    elif analysis.sentiment.polarity <=-0.05:
        return 'Negative'
        return 'Neutral'   
#Now let's create our new columns: 
#df['clean_tweets'] = df['Tweets'].apply(lambda x: clean_tweet(x)) 
df['Sentiment'] = df['clean_tweets'].apply(lambda x: analyze_sentiment(x))
0        Neutral
1        Neutral
2        Neutral
3        Neutral
4       Negative
3530    Positive
3531    Positive
3532    Positive
3533    Positive
3534    Positive
Name: Sentiment, Length: 3535, dtype: object
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Tweets User User_location User_statuses_count user_followers user_verified fav_count rt_count tweet_date clean_tweets sentiment_scores Sentiment
0 The U.S. election is now just a day away.\n\n#Election2020 #9News\n 9News Queensland Brisbane, Australia 272205 136289 True 0 0 2020-11-03 01:33:08 The U S election is now just a day away Election2020 9News {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Neutral
1 RT @AynRandPaulRyan: James Carville on Trump: “He’s gonna get his fat ass beat” 🔥\n\nAlso, on MSNBC: “People are nervous for no reason. We’ll… William Black 12853 232 False 0 260 2020-11-03 01:33:06 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll {'neg': 0.281, 'neu': 0.719, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': -0.7783} Neutral
df_indexed['biden'] = df_indexed['biden'].astype(int)
df_indexed['trump'] = df_indexed['trump'].astype(int) 
Positive    1950
Neutral     1340
Negative     245
Name: Sentiment, dtype: int64
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Tweets User User_location User_statuses_count user_followers user_verified fav_count rt_count tweet_date clean_tweets sentiment_scores Sentiment
0 The U.S. election is now just a day away.\n\n#Election2020 #9News\n 9News Queensland Brisbane, Australia 272205 136289 True 0 0 2020-11-03 01:33:08 The U S election is now just a day away Election2020 9News {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Neutral
1 RT @AynRandPaulRyan: James Carville on Trump: “He’s gonna get his fat ass beat” 🔥\n\nAlso, on MSNBC: “People are nervous for no reason. We’ll… William Black 12853 232 False 0 260 2020-11-03 01:33:06 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll {'neg': 0.281, 'neu': 0.719, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': -0.7783} Neutral
import chart_studio.plotly as py
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as px
fig = px.scatter(df, x="User_statuses_count", y="user_followers",
                 title= "Number of statuses vs number of followers"
fig.update_traces(mode='markers', marker_line_width=2, marker_size=10)
<script type="text/javascript"> require(["plotly"], function(Plotly) { window.PLOTLYENV=window.PLOTLYENV || {}; if (document.getElementById("5ffbfbe6-17c7-4570-8e2d-f9053589de17")) { Plotly.newPlot( "5ffbfbe6-17c7-4570-8e2d-f9053589de17", [{"hovertemplate": "user_verified=True
user_followers=%{y}", "legendgroup": "True", "marker": {"color": "#636efa", "line": {"width": 2}, "size": 10, "symbol": "circle"}, "mode": "markers", "name": "True", "showlegend": true, "type": "scattergl", "x": [272205, 76819, 141043, 4456, 218216, 70431, 193829, 32731, 25540, 72836, 144939, 27887, 13011, 154186, 159631, 145441, 19063, 35946, 86851, 1886986, 228143, 52035, 14970, 388381, 4162, 180368, 29564, 6825, 13011, 606764, 12390, 242435, 11090, 9889, 13011, 14084, 388382, 4162, 263569, 13011, 12155, 27887, 180368, 43309, 7776, 8174, 39115, 33014, 88462, 127149, 47852, 13011, 14540, 10949, 38572, 63873, 13011, 13092, 105775, 27887, 88463, 23367, 13011, 17639, 51795, 8763, 6807, 5135, 333378, 461260, 11418, 606770, 57355, 12331, 13012, 155270, 170531, 74115, 1784, 625382, 4443, 279767, 25954, 5975, 13012, 251091, 22820, 100982, 83157, 5463, 625383, 19214, 15493, 40233, 135579, 8047, 1070, 120427, 66728, 1142, 59079, 5955, 309686, 15493, 13456, 16209, 34791, 13012, 279769, 112388, 144964, 21193, 5285, 388387, 3699, 32213, 17057, 4164, 42209, 133953, 66876, 1582, 114984, 11828, 269493, 14781, 130268], "xaxis": "x", "y": [136289, 15106, 39002, 4853, 81006, 97632, 48879, 453099, 33486, 13863, 7381, 31883, 2704, 108710, 1027247, 20686, 4437, 81672, 431236, 541106, 35294, 4460, 8144, 3806662, 37940, 586597, 16250, 1346, 2704, 22551815, 2683, 473166, 44551, 3531, 2704, 3568, 3806662, 37941, 6455668, 2704, 7699, 31883, 586599, 111758, 19033, 3013, 14146, 27026, 271206, 93818, 21033, 2704, 3002, 58129, 12470, 3663, 2704, 26519, 4699, 31883, 271207, 2162, 2704, 8744, 20125, 5929, 1561, 6764, 4170735, 139715, 3004, 22551915, 3520, 3632, 2704, 356726, 284100, 107770, 962, 6729491, 6469, 411037, 2423, 683, 2704, 737233, 12311, 238665, 32921, 91700, 6729500, 7410, 39370, 42172, 467634, 21082, 4411, 10952, 69602, 1059, 107794, 13962, 2525254, 39372, 17153, 4887, 15167, 2704, 411039, 14687, 1483476, 37519, 7724, 3806690, 1870, 109376, 5979, 37971, 43700, 109258, 30988, 9959, 63684, 10147, 870434, 16573, 327023], "yaxis": "y"}, {"hovertemplate": "user_verified=False
user_followers=%{y}", "legendgroup": "False", "marker": {"color": "#EF553B", "line": {"width": 2}, "size": 10, "symbol": "circle"}, "mode": "markers", "name": "False", "showlegend": true, "type": "scattergl", "x": [12853, 19097, 2673, 44907, 34717, 1737, 97023, 27387, 27807, 187555, 94710, 9486, 46344, 9486, 989, 9486, 9486, 9486, 82766, 11727, 11433, 219441, 97604, 9486, 448, 9486, 843, 127585, 9486, 163045, 9486, 1742, 9486, 6925, 6371, 1563, 928, 15848, 264, 145, 115899, 9486, 9486, 2607, 9486, 20986, 30013, 9486, 264, 165785, 20017, 9486, 18898, 2900, 962, 5573, 46084, 11951, 9486, 19, 9486, 9486, 7663, 394, 24124, 71218, 8294, 2151, 23748, 42724, 91040, 29098, 180912, 18704, 25726, 180912, 21317, 4384, 1559, 525776, 9486, 2403, 166502, 7547, 14938, 11, 3489, 9717, 16880, 163045, 7552, 2151, 187967, 34719, 222712, 4314, 3871, 6, 4314, 40936, 162, 260284, 8672, 6351, 3538, 80718, 3960, 350417, 3498, 264, 90492, 530995, 1354, 38, 15961, 21296, 1191, 9486, 118883, 41913, 150323, 17721, 29778, 9717, 20599, 136797, 9486, 123111, 17872, 59972, 131818, 28641, 7443, 177241, 9670, 17878, 79, 9391, 1055, 24631, 176, 231972, 165, 79341, 14514, 17878, 16545, 1240, 17733, 963, 306240, 33839, 54356, 1663, 18523, 25939, 297617, 128, 26346, 24124, 89580, 94253, 2302, 39495, 164337, 8262, 53269, 163045, 4460, 96261, 7822, 425, 165, 24722, 9483, 1304, 20232, 44015, 1163, 119678, 6556, 12, 92, 21799, 9405, 40570, 32724, 10466, 159848, 130387, 544115, 357, 139374, 4194, 14133, 69487, 105852, 13393, 4, 5216, 107884, 11329, 6281, 134, 6977, 22546, 34608, 48691, 57299, 49840, 11599, 349, 59169, 12701, 9012, 277132, 392347, 12360, 22730, 79770, 22554, 7552, 30007, 30007, 2196, 41137, 52046, 350417, 456235, 475402, 1269, 10535, 4310, 45583, 9800, 28934, 360219, 26768, 221, 8487, 5184, 3223, 3874, 53835, 71467, 33519, 4296, 26298, 646, 16943, 64920, 40654, 836, 103537, 7603, 1, 329221, 4276, 4449, 59533, 8487, 566, 40, 20399, 5072, 27387, 24574, 347280, 150, 44015, 16048, 39, 30737, 4686, 661, 122, 3272, 485195, 2218, 122, 22949, 837, 2679, 593, 90344, 466, 185, 335587, 5342, 96310, 3029, 104304, 681, 2424, 2966, 11850, 14617, 25200, 31, 38583, 258269, 127199, 18218, 51497, 21704, 38137, 122, 52538, 89, 24124, 6845, 106777, 30679, 16048, 31516, 115, 30543, 25028, 564, 139, 64102, 24740, 27387, 28455, 24753, 163045, 29859, 15953, 8556, 308624, 28485, 1975, 4304, 550, 30309, 662, 68367, 11490, 16048, 19797, 52538, 12917, 97862, 3367, 12782, 8284, 12905, 42462, 6434, 16506, 78449, 16049, 30, 6, 47337, 255980, 20414, 23761, 4265, 24228, 22546, 17761, 38322, 89, 16357, 17491, 28, 6176, 3973, 6662, 99090, 35989, 1155, 17782, 1965, 2903, 249975, 16049, 2004, 432, 11802, 4340, 10756, 4074, 72615, 118253, 111, 8639, 10163, 114307, 74953, 15941, 79, 24135, 53622, 1051, 7611, 1469, 519, 59727, 174142, 16049, 11426, 16035, 835, 197, 84, 9373, 621440, 7252, 10, 36, 110935, 59573, 24804, 7334, 71749, 939, 28007, 10, 39295, 5967, 1025, 7651, 12790, 79659, 152415, 267, 2052, 264, 6479, 6845, 148300, 17323, 1389, 69, 31444, 3122, 96904, 133565, 15507, 197214, 163045, 2350, 9661, 55616, 4144, 1814, 335588, 32926, 197214, 2200, 1213, 604156, 16739, 2267, 10220, 83263, 133060, 130027, 1891, 548995, 52395, 177929, 10662, 7841, 112372, 12133, 46045, 910, 152, 4692, 451, 14802, 1504, 162202, 2244, 367, 1018, 9479, 31565, 16019, 9935, 1309, 27657, 211885, 1024, 2959, 29925, 31582, 9891, 85, 2971, 217, 3055, 8262, 275958, 145, 19538, 390, 60533, 23233, 42995, 49646, 73479, 11081, 368381, 2482, 12513, 58269, 292029, 4409, 27847, 4305, 53761, 81181, 1576, 58395, 29967, 14237, 3200, 26157, 61017, 24135, 42078, 6040, 9752, 32676, 99913, 57870, 27657, 25644, 17372, 6, 233, 4075, 270, 15931, 7019, 10903, 9418, 2840, 57870, 8064, 17268, 11652, 10618, 5333, 10376, 89705, 36864, 603, 1768, 973, 262083, 25662, 1752, 127446, 1210, 183433, 85792, 89, 6161, 86219, 2446, 196613, 62652, 19361, 184300, 73431, 41740, 983, 6701, 693, 518940, 7840, 455, 4803, 3865, 17610, 1119, 14396, 24040, 14, 8868, 21650, 11746, 150838, 2342, 111647, 5, 11746, 16645, 31067, 3316, 14185, 29948, 679, 20308, 390, 22794, 61017, 2113, 24352, 95320, 88118, 378, 10102, 6349, 509, 23563, 6155, 15011, 21650, 47657, 11154, 9005, 26, 9112, 27544, 5775, 64913, 629, 11720, 118274, 116280, 27436, 38062, 32250, 144, 485, 73382, 4918, 372655, 20666, 5057, 69339, 11643, 4809, 9095, 51410, 490243, 600, 8177, 67546, 3262, 87, 2740, 27888, 78462, 239, 127, 25, 42211, 17508, 66138, 227442, 728, 24124, 587, 56429, 8631, 1215, 1577, 2840, 81190, 90073, 5809, 11932, 114487, 84257, 3824, 24124, 1712, 841, 8488, 18776, 91828, 13394, 25311, 171032, 197364, 38540, 108491, 84172, 130051, 5236, 4621, 5987, 155952, 700, 104763, 2798, 65688, 8850, 4925, 110494, 17775, 505, 716, 48045, 4087, 3519, 1468, 10371, 949269, 27604, 34154, 3800, 35699, 60783, 2375, 21027, 17484, 638, 57477, 1622, 79583, 17508, 3559, 52844, 54, 1074, 1544, 1114, 4670, 576822, 3154, 15434, 41330, 1543, 17508, 10365, 5340, 53089, 71222, 2856, 42158, 9971, 8488, 62582, 25544, 76166, 2840, 1899, 6233, 23469, 7450, 29613, 3544, 44469, 22194, 82324, 1669, 6052, 15179, 724, 14073, 111235, 20991, 111235, 111332, 16049, 111235, 199649, 18530, 72046, 46, 4234, 237878, 77, 10134, 4091, 1763, 15362, 6015, 604166, 24758, 3031, 77692, 16049, 167914, 185368, 146515, 172, 123643, 41, 17191, 20676, 100833, 28299, 3800, 1074, 57343, 7062, 33515, 186, 361, 36661, 7521, 36661, 2903, 19637, 10903, 36661, 157357, 243, 243752, 207, 5999, 85223, 159942, 9705, 126149, 230469, 19871, 12268, 4580, 1826, 1268, 59319, 4964, 7307, 6348, 20240, 36864, 8561, 373, 12, 650, 4529, 15359, 12059, 215516, 75, 243, 1364, 7895, 30828, 248, 14514, 30291, 2962, 190123, 14, 10681, 2917, 1074, 1063, 639, 8, 21, 1729, 10257, 8359, 2921, 6348, 18361, 23444, 139375, 139375, 139375, 19257, 111220, 2672, 7113, 94901, 130810, 19421, 32368, 129589, 1160, 3540, 1381, 13009, 35218, 29823, 525, 7876, 1114, 2840, 243, 28706, 6071, 13856, 40186, 219, 81910, 1394, 4612, 2098, 104572, 1893, 600511, 1113, 19481, 279863, 9395, 51481, 1105, 30226, 268, 1232, 104390, 5864, 355260, 4626, 2187, 24013, 58, 1629, 90329, 43403, 18934, 3136, 2371, 31, 6690, 31, 7349, 2968, 96971, 31087, 5909, 125, 417, 9263, 29018, 3670, 178455, 494, 3920, 6951, 8640, 32182, 10660, 485, 161, 6290, 518, 39495, 13564, 11400, 11764, 78609, 164495, 85, 125491, 216, 132137, 1135, 4015, 5969, 2098, 11312, 245, 4, 33410, 849, 12144, 73, 1171089, 16050, 8379, 9843, 3977, 17626, 7822, 91030, 3660, 94202, 8776, 231216, 6947, 108609, 28636, 58336, 24594, 134991, 395, 2254, 2427, 12308, 120725, 5393, 10932, 20467, 24135, 42883, 394130, 30488, 38831, 787, 109147, 3800, 8043, 31449, 755148, 30012, 219588, 30012, 18583, 26682, 162899, 37406, 135, 30012, 8474, 3480, 83666, 79, 283, 30012, 5567, 879, 87237, 108461, 95, 41076, 1975, 14076, 56759, 43837, 52538, 1061, 9486, 29632, 36722, 15597, 161421, 351, 244, 9105, 83263, 16467, 15880, 7746, 3456, 1995, 11382, 10903, 66438, 416766, 18704, 16311, 37835, 44334, 211893, 97697, 135, 440881, 1998, 52239, 16694, 2005, 440881, 28227, 11606, 1377, 49298, 353, 2004, 440881, 30947, 28357, 418, 47318, 261805, 73462, 19540, 41431, 2098, 89705, 4043, 3810, 6958, 974, 12615, 162202, 162202, 162202, 59585, 4123, 24230, 30417, 13848, 2123, 20581, 28878, 4236, 907, 7985, 3912, 530, 7293, 17082, 11321, 199649, 39291, 118719, 766, 884, 58309, 3764, 4954, 37586, 23816, 11247, 33942, 73560, 1659, 60567, 34500, 1101, 1381, 68097, 241688, 510, 263, 11085, 5240, 100867, 139686, 14906, 26721, 374, 105285, 134, 14198, 38779, 196571, 69492, 255248, 8772, 44469, 26120, 41942, 12109, 22508, 7259, 19898, 5089, 37193, 10144, 63261, 1846, 68877, 27646, 25031, 3973, 7542, 187616, 163045, 8488, 17082, 35407, 2976, 37871, 105747, 934, 1024, 8140, 127, 24608, 9437, 8000, 2069, 1, 96, 133196, 43801, 4956, 102, 3782, 840, 1290, 5559, 1240, 1804, 12839, 196, 312985, 522, 81755, 1846, 8657, 16050, 3297, 1104, 2484, 6545, 65372, 3757, 44980, 13559, 10759, 57370, 6235, 67546, 55090, 12800, 9231, 76198, 14052, 41167, 71467, 62448, 21201, 27387, 76804, 47645, 71467, 23940, 187970, 187970, 90103, 2908, 15911, 187970, 720, 7838, 26417, 4, 972, 15911, 505895, 125272, 150, 14744, 12504, 15911, 34415, 1842, 1582, 3048, 15911, 1392, 36739, 153450, 22, 64454, 206007, 65630, 2026, 5564, 37723, 13371, 1056, 19890, 282196, 19012, 28217, 61987, 870329, 7542, 26673, 288, 28, 1074, 101576, 2698, 567, 2798, 8488, 499, 2165, 75485, 97, 3585, 20231, 363, 435845, 183, 19000, 7349, 60432, 30111, 20656, 24863, 50477, 16644, 1264, 117227, 48, 42759, 3505, 99499, 7382, 44915, 16749, 210170, 10300, 4610, 16749, 51504, 105432, 18982, 2700, 3289, 1, 14509, 7555, 3684, 4928, 230081, 7201, 34687, 64484, 118291, 11615, 102004, 49, 2690, 39551, 3461, 600, 9470, 621, 20002, 621, 102004, 23872, 10443, 621, 621, 102004, 621, 22159, 621, 565, 22095, 3800, 7620, 621, 621, 2513, 621, 93714, 294, 621, 3194, 69802, 1114, 7503, 7611, 263092, 19467, 8868, 3162, 47085, 4561, 2530, 691, 204345, 13303, 57745, 70124, 32846, 58, 10317, 20218, 3239, 3777, 38066, 28, 9405, 5617, 8904, 78129, 200, 169657, 83080, 622, 16050, 23233, 5764, 41552, 211, 1567, 542560, 153057, 81980, 149405, 79514, 196572, 7674, 1714, 34714, 56387, 19432, 20, 753, 14251, 163045, 1027, 57883, 12076, 18416, 39495, 2334, 267153, 28438, 10072, 94798, 13371, 10747, 75, 56275, 60783, 15830, 4389, 7542, 119679, 7911, 28062, 9949, 305207, 95236, 4724, 7542, 10811, 17088, 20694, 901, 95817, 112489, 24967, 16267, 5335, 5507, 51081, 90103, 1762, 14663, 34500, 19527, 1545, 15911, 16050, 310, 3173, 8620, 27372, 2698, 792, 6444, 27801, 34980, 31177, 111235, 23046, 8488, 111235, 392, 442313, 19368, 25764, 97697, 346675, 305207, 11631, 248, 14279, 26668, 57134, 272, 33318, 19788, 26019, 8488, 18484, 349, 158493, 43389, 411370, 59778, 48170, 1106, 17560, 7822, 376, 12195, 2133, 11240, 238868, 107759, 10919, 16050, 11333, 136157, 65408, 32177, 85682, 7293, 67546, 16919, 6444, 1763, 219, 9130, 3505, 180907, 39291, 70320, 89348, 3247, 162202, 6444, 146, 634, 49315, 93757, 8179, 94936, 61395, 398769, 550897, 44043, 100, 187819, 17233, 38290, 2020, 886, 73222, 33199, 112115, 15017, 36225, 125328, 16050, 1532, 80110, 29760, 8097, 31054, 15797, 106605, 34, 2163, 57905, 66605, 7727, 5774, 607310, 583, 567290, 48341, 1368, 44854, 16050, 942, 1238, 32178, 12636, 67546, 783, 25852, 237825, 345346, 9772, 539, 86566, 13659, 92622, 12098, 24555, 19110, 29232, 3474, 782, 2750, 1294, 10153, 29905, 21620, 36798, 6633, 53484, 88735, 676518, 63431, 53484, 10656, 40080, 31069, 8642, 20241, 12296, 308, 902, 28275, 6385, 28062, 1635, 374, 3523, 21740, 10845, 858, 7901, 29699, 4428, 2143, 132910, 58879, 39736, 89096, 8550, 284361, 552547, 6911, 28224, 53484, 28663, 282096, 8406, 2808, 127181, 940905, 68444, 25665, 579, 49964, 2122, 15208, 3504, 29, 60169, 1252, 24, 331, 155956, 325599, 28663, 6444, 1424, 138, 25179, 15083, 129347, 321, 1194, 18295, 3519, 91852, 13688, 64092, 5180, 40715, 14706, 1059, 63182, 117159, 1926, 8858, 31909, 1896, 48658, 5039, 6444, 15360, 200, 7016, 610, 760, 325599, 254692, 60984, 2186, 639, 27343, 37560, 3014, 4867, 2161, 62642, 92737, 824, 7492, 82886, 766, 9276, 6596, 2718, 9222, 16050, 57600, 3795, 13389, 2166, 940, 3485, 51077, 1646, 4389, 5259, 12870, 16050, 25448, 282115, 1591, 148483, 46924, 15147, 4797, 88480, 4868, 11581, 831, 55635, 34959, 117, 79633, 66382, 1788, 2044565, 203, 11, 104067, 5898, 12941, 36244, 1284, 13804, 3687, 17787, 7340, 1422, 8676, 2837, 14251, 7869, 39066, 33351, 2158, 66732, 1470, 56908, 99633, 5222, 962, 21328, 55383, 20480, 6535, 10579, 5258, 30012, 15349, 16565, 33246, 12228, 127967, 58706, 175180, 7394, 73944, 60121, 315694, 2119, 9999, 66110, 175, 1667, 5167, 1657, 26544, 17162, 823, 6354, 25700, 66450, 34921, 4659, 4659, 18023, 22362, 2337, 4766, 2293, 97092, 11575, 40333, 3313, 4383, 11575, 14423, 1, 2084, 384870, 38232, 528, 44, 10364, 2119, 16908, 238293, 450691, 35699, 4383, 319284, 1301, 12969, 497, 4527, 2327, 82073, 6, 23259, 35809, 50749, 759017, 13372, 900, 19449, 759017, 88963, 5717, 323545, 62530, 1016, 161965, 280338, 164983, 1211, 8489, 4263, 131258, 1354, 1251, 8243, 12710, 94424, 61966, 15731, 1081, 573990, 3563, 3901, 32178, 118722, 26237, 118722, 28960, 116913, 118722, 14885, 8550, 118722, 228914, 118722, 212052, 214, 486568, 124, 67915, 4583, 87977, 393, 17776, 97377, 38444, 18153, 70675, 4643, 10265, 128027, 1498, 20319, 1116, 5, 5893, 8781, 910, 6803, 56229, 45349, 41414, 46, 926, 40511, 9315, 313160, 461, 77, 61527, 3050, 34310, 62530, 221250, 104658, 182655, 11703, 3798, 113203, 21622, 37546, 302, 1379, 3869, 2869, 4091, 98165, 392, 13772, 15205, 159028, 61705, 391710, 20233, 413969, 5160, 6967, 15868, 7152, 29921, 62298, 1974, 23700, 1887, 4220, 229534, 2141, 11430, 3423, 1586, 389, 32773, 40142, 41301, 49429, 342461, 67571, 199, 11919, 66355, 42231, 6994, 4957, 18399, 16050, 66695, 410, 22957, 49632, 5634, 8047, 97905, 33786, 20929, 11424, 3800, 2441, 3800, 255, 20647, 3800, 1972, 13410, 25349, 187564, 33618, 1719, 14059, 604185, 2895, 177041, 241513, 1106, 58812, 131899, 18, 74153, 35888, 162879, 233852, 3591, 110319, 31833, 39367, 453, 18309, 12941, 3800, 103873, 1101, 67703, 15807, 3722, 136332, 5330, 33193, 16908, 36, 5252, 31150, 18239, 5447, 21828, 16050, 247181, 42273, 12245, 211892, 9750, 42273, 71572, 76441, 12558, 3533, 85098, 21487, 110983, 305965, 319976, 124755, 121021, 12937, 378269, 767653, 159, 16050, 42540, 5304, 18457, 56381, 66355, 598165, 40692, 262435, 952, 46, 4318, 3268, 83, 126803, 2082899, 32178, 2207, 335476, 15528, 53433, 73552, 140969, 15528, 47766, 30088, 14293, 230451, 71, 4818, 9984, 12510, 8439, 609, 32601, 5080, 498899, 1014, 81041, 333, 37044, 74265, 34420, 2474, 42809, 110983, 33148, 5149, 15528, 4420, 15528, 4826, 38578, 15528, 8307, 293, 641968, 3187, 189133, 3829, 3059, 32120, 499082, 1628, 102241, 97586, 10519, 5609, 167177, 62014, 76939, 13483, 306794, 1533, 2045, 99919, 2025, 52382, 22644, 64870, 522, 5493, 48435, 60, 60944, 521, 41416, 305965, 21938, 11415, 16898, 214617, 308, 14115, 5319, 14068, 7624, 12235, 17002, 7780, 792, 173437, 28627, 20349, 28379, 133723, 19896, 285284, 7363, 39633, 6970, 232341, 10323, 144456, 86030, 6772, 600513, 17217, 762, 9163, 4686, 11772, 58219, 30514, 6088, 241688, 1085, 1912, 189501, 2412, 3635, 15571, 555, 1274, 42798, 4727, 45805, 74381, 47, 3024, 10988, 841, 2416, 8412, 78706, 6044, 170860, 39355, 54703, 2788, 9280, 6033, 15385, 254081, 19674, 241688, 440891, 105689, 8436, 20774, 145950, 14608, 160, 171778, 32178, 8306, 255, 1804, 37890, 490257, 129995, 69, 214239, 36286, 39805, 28755, 2722, 15532, 779, 164640, 22758, 152591, 12386, 721, 6794, 659, 136, 348, 84894, 44916, 11847, 241688, 8748, 294634, 851, 306726, 4100, 1301, 1482, 196, 2475, 5927, 80562, 211111, 148521, 929, 638, 8307, 30880, 49507, 62783, 70824, 1878, 142662, 13036, 380, 54509, 2615, 25922, 13345, 2359, 21956, 245, 65, 609, 27197, 227, 162, 1533, 239416, 909, 14237, 25923, 107618, 16050, 207, 308, 6866, 39805, 1210609, 253281, 3874, 1305, 22417, 1775, 1607, 10925, 159564, 10039, 43095, 20148, 28422, 1271, 26761, 108634, 12133, 15400, 253494, 350902, 81672, 910, 15466, 7996, 16050, 7465, 61017, 112496, 21272, 58962, 8073, 5180, 604192, 32966, 35595, 841, 5541, 10004, 282616, 61765, 15682, 3813, 16050, 115964, 53066, 13324, 36125, 63091, 4667, 106545, 63, 349, 4, 113728, 26002, 57513, 376445, 588, 14856, 82231, 8221, 16050, 5998, 11786, 4838, 20903, 148938, 71480, 25546, 97697, 74805, 7738, 21994, 2678, 5298, 78, 88, 16050, 6744, 82904, 57967, 7465, 350, 21994, 1409, 5419, 5049, 131, 36819, 757, 1232, 688, 241688, 7852, 121913, 291315, 94461, 12541, 78, 16050, 12484, 18124, 2170, 6282, 5215, 162, 24073, 25819, 56, 6651, 236511, 13483, 10017, 39092, 1678, 659, 5910, 111575, 54083, 196438, 26105, 12216, 12470, 70437, 38036, 9813, 5098, 15045, 6456, 16050, 39688, 106491, 159029, 119081, 120355, 30012, 30012, 54567, 14560, 20786, 19366, 24809, 15819, 9741, 26141, 24437, 30012, 18617, 974, 3707, 1307, 2934, 24976, 7550, 321, 5562, 241688, 25569, 24437, 4403, 817, 19263, 6439, 28696, 32681, 65584, 68830, 20, 8939, 23190, 46028, 21485, 23566, 6995, 145214, 28788, 27995, 1730, 96542, 11791, 9177, 24008, 640, 81238, 65776, 191643, 15845, 390107, 185, 1544, 5444, 6791, 9816, 52281, 9207, 3106, 102293, 44244, 8239, 16050, 97604, 16885, 423, 2664, 84453, 25243, 58, 2620, 291315, 6411, 675, 96028, 17054, 85410, 2901, 871, 2641, 241688, 207649, 8866, 16292, 16050, 3749, 22582, 36823, 89496, 33356, 2934, 90542, 291315, 10169, 33243, 291315, 29701, 22955, 24088, 16035, 43278, 49394, 330, 428, 92501, 12655, 468, 6387, 22025, 241688, 314, 24546, 80375, 5920, 53678, 567290, 400, 567290, 201, 16050, 16050, 573990, 28116, 60852, 7070, 634, 9334, 777, 93894, 27636, 1689, 22803, 58345, 241688, 215610, 16733, 567290, 567290, 5628, 567290, 56794, 567290, 42688, 3135, 25650, 309, 1512, 18, 761, 452, 213791, 9159, 11202, 326041, 65352, 3426, 8107, 241688, 20392, 134333, 14325, 6503, 6658, 6034, 327769, 4193, 327769, 12174, 9139, 5208, 327769, 63276, 66196, 79337, 68, 2425, 14741, 3967, 747, 16956, 4787, 40900, 79, 64512, 166, 14793, 327769, 166965, 80, 1158, 3632, 10663, 16902, 604201, 15, 2024, 327769, 2654, 7824, 101331, 10, 205601, 469279, 59533, 457020, 2925, 88, 83, 1723, 6052, 26259, 8703, 12738, 11523, 10308, 4258, 83572, 51693, 60422, 69189, 2024, 23815, 1051, 12587, 4769, 16669, 18998, 2930, 24837, 17316, 26261, 5102, 3, 2024, 9146, 19100, 27357, 97697, 390, 10013, 8454, 19490, 40900, 6130, 36917, 6482, 22583, 37834, 30266, 137709, 176146, 52091, 7085, 18117, 1492, 13483, 1725, 24267, 4050, 5175, 40, 117505, 7394, 559, 784, 4844, 26809, 7702, 157268, 5302, 362, 157268, 253287, 5637, 157268, 80991, 78694, 28260, 177114, 17135, 11063, 36613, 471, 2054, 23116, 2245, 15616, 3578, 11652, 41714, 4592, 50344, 651, 11383, 795, 6278, 74662, 4481, 9496, 444365, 4420, 30398, 213522, 139, 79135, 14, 16904, 3319, 20548, 2096, 13086, 297164, 1319, 107, 100408, 16664, 27866, 466163, 2, 66092, 6745, 56525, 3039, 3842, 215, 291531, 6024, 6658, 829, 25762, 11557, 75349, 69, 22933, 2049, 20597, 47598, 664, 8210, 7576, 14807, 13241, 50590, 128338, 91279, 67551, 38326, 2109, 1465, 56421, 126348, 66092, 25995, 4257, 9814, 46787, 66858, 20524, 1299, 8709, 256, 6845, 18069, 15453, 31069, 886, 57765, 4967, 17619, 32347, 30236, 1680, 8447, 171, 58552, 21994, 5686, 31725, 18785, 337, 151696, 22692, 44953, 139708, 46905, 10877, 8149, 9691, 5284, 23203, 2798, 8816, 173032, 1269, 19638, 119, 7394, 104194, 21025, 2904, 20229, 173032, 10597, 11243, 687, 6894, 5375, 37875, 31987, 2461, 40824, 253860, 14676, 2803, 1339, 18632, 83398, 3490, 11663, 67551, 3, 1784, 14068, 6348, 88378, 6276, 3008, 282, 14008, 15765, 291, 20699, 309029, 526, 43772, 2327, 19091, 944, 133063, 97519, 5201, 9162, 37378, 974, 2273, 425, 138, 5780, 9383, 128242, 34652, 43276, 44775, 106653, 27249, 103771, 30901, 1373, 18977, 178379, 134509, 550805, 90054, 43743, 550805, 128242, 592, 22736, 2705134, 1785, 867, 2545, 15266, 15064, 71480, 2447, 3640, 514, 318931, 13889, 38200, 5485, 3231, 2418, 31511, 3707, 1242, 1753, 239419, 8185, 3436, 37650, 130888, 135191, 4524, 2181, 117047, 130, 8124, 37990, 16943, 107, 3711, 13414, 211323, 26191, 21551, 8308, 298, 41070, 151656, 160435, 107, 2360, 27323, 106378, 2778, 23877, 415, 158, 159291, 3535, 503, 289311, 13339, 248690, 1460, 6253, 14369, 16463, 303670, 10647, 173032, 57505, 6581, 7991, 150152, 4782, 19609, 510247, 435, 42967, 2318, 510247, 350, 5975, 621, 7601, 15307, 22149, 218335, 65705, 1393, 199, 26473, 4851, 20472, 33236, 135628, 100992, 223391, 69033, 2960, 51937, 5723, 235636, 2305, 2107, 112186, 101207, 57377, 14253, 2250, 41365, 1738, 193631, 96767, 20701, 32738, 2923, 6381, 16050, 5850, 8419, 1338, 3624, 30786, 943992, 102662, 40140, 16, 2508, 90492, 102292, 79634, 57420, 90492, 7059, 124, 40140, 2545, 455, 40140, 19778, 3448, 3509, 78, 196798, 408, 331, 32106, 95204, 25202, 19269, 67282, 63, 3357, 24553, 48173, 2339, 3052, 251224, 113329, 230750, 16577, 1130, 24407, 1247, 31327, 41707, 6659, 6023, 9474, 16837, 76373, 21533, 21, 74, 1983, 1189, 27205, 125217, 74279, 124137, 7049, 56742, 7745, 1373, 2589, 14689, 10419, 34535, 4274, 12840, 412, 3840, 630, 48607, 12, 368, 5475, 8425, 248934, 19170, 24922, 1297, 4492, 5675, 12361, 550805, 10503, 34, 6716, 6459, 3652, 173448, 11163, 1611, 25262, 90492, 104539, 6278, 12293, 68446, 11283, 3142, 343229, 32573, 27498, 32191, 1196, 919, 6777, 35262, 4461, 46318, 68, 81, 8633, 7891, 52878, 6092, 43629, 25699, 2988, 1611, 296, 9609, 7743, 5, 62095, 76796, 18846, 84623, 15957, 26966, 7, 24854, 1500, 20462, 1578, 1676, 38592, 1796, 94, 163027, 74526, 7109, 14015, 30513, 4900, 35143, 2823, 47778, 6575, 9867, 50764, 1676, 18114, 25730, 16140, 646, 7175, 50526, 23534, 6278, 75964, 322, 3444, 1120, 34402, 43254, 17064, 4383, 26, 6067, 110777, 81247, 54, 7286, 9050, 1125, 19110, 10891, 45275, 31943, 7798, 3779, 842, 164994, 2928, 7470, 4006, 4063, 116137, 96143, 31621, 4137, 53559, 31907, 9596, 9653, 24550, 21386, 2435, 35123, 199, 22127, 35913, 22069, 4834, 253, 1307, 82963, 43013, 4712, 6850, 1529, 704, 2144, 125836, 4656, 22593, 301615, 25852, 23073, 13185, 152061, 19351, 14981, 59427, 96305, 3197, 7083, 8913, 11253, 18212, 24550, 3580, 7698, 6278, 5901, 3155, 97, 54505, 10364, 23228, 2719, 116317, 1655, 237149, 854, 64462, 111235, 1325, 1334, 50841, 46542, 57429, 6278, 132, 89205, 77364, 39807, 2384, 7292, 5086, 9747, 248, 53556, 39924, 13764, 1328, 45389, 6622, 2832, 13483, 146, 418, 2618, 4967, 13020, 250042, 1388, 708, 89788, 58340, 347138, 22935, 974, 11187, 2208, 85941, 558, 14165, 108948, 11017, 3797, 457, 49585, 5500, 512, 8772, 2801, 1699, 4688, 3812, 6157, 1264, 1330, 54762, 2384, 6830, 128808, 28487, 25908, 143135, 529, 6669, 253941, 7139, 84549, 2489, 50662, 160937, 35861, 8158, 104887, 72472, 53909, 67895, 131879, 3143, 3094, 805, 35604, 74771, 11037, 539, 2011, 8489, 54798, 33099, 38265, 3941, 181424, 50379, 14174, 14155, 59586, 586, 1526, 9623, 1379, 36337, 6527, 678, 47284, 586, 6667, 57712, 17264, 2300, 28037, 1162, 1701, 385254, 9091, 69141, 127187, 143202, 9129, 14562, 1443, 751035, 20948, 32421, 6631, 3554, 30707, 70788, 38681, 3013, 3315, 38119, 8348, 17433, 53799, 492, 1249, 4888, 867, 37642, 101953, 213961, 7890, 188980, 25120, 1583, 29968, 27375, 8313, 198475, 15665, 3881, 2217, 43258, 22135, 121096, 23781, 3433, 4095, 22909, 84807, 126219, 5824, 17428, 48621, 77774, 163613, 23721, 107930, 124109, 73479, 4389, 13849, 15222, 1339, 29984, 73972], "xaxis": "x", "y": [232, 1094, 72, 437, 137, 178, 25825, 6561, 267, 2662, 1084, 93, 1747, 93, 57, 93, 93, 93, 335, 70, 106, 233678, 1155, 93, 21, 93, 136, 47373, 93, 122928, 93, 81, 93, 90, 65, 11, 36, 611, 5, 91, 894, 93, 93, 51, 93, 136, 144, 93, 5, 3758, 509, 93, 188, 44, 171, 270, 269, 368, 93, 1, 93, 93, 159, 25, 403, 1828, 181, 106, 5447, 1599, 218, 195, 5836, 174, 291, 5836, 6155, 532, 3124, 2080, 93, 81, 1610, 30, 77, 0, 64, 2298, 63, 122929, 23857, 106, 1361, 577, 7554, 388, 22, 56, 388, 449, 9, 13027, 12941, 575, 532, 4060, 473, 1784, 155, 5, 6175, 1863, 283, 3, 358, 2074, 1288, 93, 18138, 2162, 1771, 414, 105, 2298, 294, 2053, 93, 3400, 204, 4673, 3065, 1738, 2165, 10583, 225, 997, 6, 219, 35, 2071, 0, 104907, 144, 5097, 852, 997, 439, 4, 923, 31, 38884, 4477, 94, 434, 228, 8885, 1505, 269, 106643, 403, 3434, 624, 3196, 4922, 1908, 164, 1286, 122929, 2081, 1031, 3950, 67, 48, 204, 46, 124, 548, 360, 51, 923, 740, 7, 2, 673, 3468, 6942, 20262, 344, 11405, 1100, 51270, 89, 1756, 276, 637, 524, 397, 68, 2, 57, 6422, 11165, 142, 1361, 146, 7333, 1026, 488, 710, 1430, 325, 8, 2450, 811, 214, 2183, 14073, 239, 2015, 1529, 684, 23857, 390, 390, 21, 381, 238, 1784, 2369, 15172, 252, 225, 70, 1094, 604, 546, 11060, 293, 420, 27071, 211, 48, 1458, 717, 692, 98, 8, 149, 57, 334, 753, 4137, 16, 294, 138, 0, 1188, 215, 145, 2845, 27071, 104, 13, 5114, 608, 6561, 5560, 4242, 27, 360, 766, 8, 1257, 3060, 250, 52, 154, 4535, 45, 52, 189, 31, 2047, 10, 2787, 62, 11, 3445, 100, 3939, 67, 227, 37, 48, 549, 295, 9388, 214, 2, 287, 19878, 59441, 12175, 1124, 472, 3425, 31, 6402, 2, 403, 975, 15338, 848, 766, 2449, 18, 1313, 14277, 89, 42, 253, 353, 6561, 1140, 2014, 122931, 1127, 530, 215, 3782, 1325, 128, 318, 27, 179, 4, 83, 513, 766, 126, 6402, 601, 14540, 125, 994, 428, 450, 269, 369, 487, 351, 766, 172, 3, 929, 11041, 7869, 362, 873, 1339, 7333, 1015, 631, 6, 486, 302, 13, 3, 62, 65, 1286, 293, 67, 2398, 12, 290, 978, 766, 61, 43, 3119, 79, 112, 36, 860, 2273, 0, 411, 253, 2851, 965, 122, 10, 1170, 2204, 532, 3049, 438, 13, 3727, 722, 766, 197, 4981, 30, 410, 73, 94, 87573, 212, 0, 0, 1213, 192, 180, 39, 1966, 8, 3370, 0, 316, 337, 695, 691, 210, 7789, 4935, 833, 10, 1, 231, 975, 2899, 125, 186, 10, 14118, 62, 256, 1638, 77, 3706, 122933, 27, 541, 957, 3171, 616, 3445, 578, 3706, 149, 470, 964, 29, 1308, 1747, 1267, 11115, 1282, 103, 7640, 778, 2406, 620, 33, 380, 808, 772, 4756, 10, 26, 288, 436, 65, 18332, 109, 37, 177, 146, 710, 1342, 482, 29, 2510, 5108, 30, 323, 382, 18232, 1490, 116, 158, 91, 395, 164, 6601, 6, 139, 552, 655, 976, 176, 6352, 268, 133, 7892, 16, 462, 331, 19505, 114, 61, 17, 3589, 1002, 601, 793, 1336, 405, 356, 314, 239, 1170, 871, 1345, 667, 2505, 2719, 375, 2510, 639, 744, 0, 21, 1068, 0, 1162, 128, 85, 601, 15, 375, 509, 1336, 616, 568, 2153, 88, 2540, 2214, 38, 3, 1798, 2194, 2803, 56, 1273, 18, 1157, 3958, 6, 115, 1770, 50, 3040, 18215, 613, 3065, 4636, 1396, 23, 404, 9, 12909, 330, 77, 158, 451, 457, 16, 259, 450, 2, 81, 524, 70, 2768, 231, 1885, 0, 70, 289, 1542, 52, 673, 1010, 81, 14093, 552, 1217, 239, 100, 416, 18288, 1711, 17, 1560, 814, 64, 647, 743, 272, 524, 3318, 785, 280, 7, 180, 1116, 68, 991, 15, 19, 4015, 3333, 321, 3057, 23465, 9, 139, 245, 884, 3857, 322, 160, 4474, 804, 61, 1244, 78, 5597, 16, 253, 1114, 746, 4, 222, 2189, 2736, 89, 22, 41, 545, 949, 12884, 1653, 401, 403, 778, 604, 143, 7, 60, 15, 53317, 313, 1414, 538, 3907, 4545, 708, 403, 45, 267, 27071, 1326, 273, 427, 281, 5178, 4, 415, 735, 639, 309, 137, 103, 978, 4021, 229, 1323, 14564, 2854, 438, 74, 2259, 55, 22, 49, 175, 266, 315, 65, 63, 3465, 291, 1037, 1105, 1419, 5397, 93, 694, 642, 165, 2246, 63, 131, 949, 25, 15226, 11, 8, 158, 114, 323, 56080, 1503, 103, 986, 35, 949, 4517, 304, 3686, 640, 496, 2293, 69, 27072, 187, 132, 463, 15, 35, 631, 241, 248, 1248, 991, 1672, 186, 6911, 49, 1654, 72, 108, 339, 2466, 60, 2466, 881, 766, 2466, 6586, 159, 180, 8, 93, 1559, 324, 723, 403, 21, 167, 435, 964, 263, 243, 302, 766, 229014, 902, 754, 2, 598, 72, 328, 903, 383, 505, 1105, 219, 1073, 106, 727, 3401, 0, 4339, 742, 4339, 290, 90, 85, 4339, 73233, 28, 1584, 4027, 27, 3122, 989, 141, 1911, 1737, 128, 3190, 536, 182, 56, 550, 21, 20, 636, 31, 2214, 216, 28, 59, 14, 67, 3088, 365, 6952, 133, 22, 38, 23, 24596, 31, 855, 7640, 48, 791, 4, 97, 56, 36, 91, 3, 0, 15, 194, 521, 373, 1584, 636, 886, 942, 1756, 1756, 1756, 964, 16054, 75, 1046, 844, 5740, 3061, 214, 688, 39, 4, 120, 6547, 260, 86, 297, 209, 175, 15, 45, 2514, 491, 240, 799, 6, 181, 14, 101, 840, 11172, 9, 1966, 4456, 54, 12201, 3226, 6459, 356, 747, 387, 9, 316, 124, 1251, 95, 23, 611, 2, 119, 426, 3201, 11929, 715, 812, 9, 41, 4, 727, 706, 1782, 310, 130, 30, 14, 962, 4058, 117, 4390, 48, 336, 198, 785, 373, 163, 81, 0, 143, 10, 4922, 268, 91, 199, 2138, 2997, 1, 10793, 882, 7525, 99, 63, 246, 840, 827, 85, 0, 404, 8, 79, 0, 1441, 766, 232, 62, 61, 456, 3950, 359, 56, 228, 103, 1090, 3354, 83439, 252, 791, 167, 233, 4, 92, 235, 3987, 2315, 4537, 754, 512, 1170, 13253, 12274, 1230, 4062, 10, 1309, 1105, 494, 342, 3240, 390, 3669, 390, 42, 97, 5579, 311, 2, 390, 493, 541, 3795, 10, 19, 390, 3828, 6, 3200, 4010, 2, 2279, 125, 339, 554, 3321, 6402, 37, 93, 3739, 121, 218, 1059, 604, 1, 31, 1002, 601, 141, 418, 15, 71, 397, 85, 1728, 1805, 100, 1667, 349, 62, 2557, 460, 406, 643, 47, 611, 247, 51, 643, 3578, 164, 5, 792, 46, 29, 643, 6597, 1146, 154, 603, 12939, 360, 524, 1992, 840, 2540, 1062, 73, 165, 1802, 184, 18330, 18330, 18330, 849, 235, 460, 14192, 837, 1326, 375, 4052, 32, 11, 539, 55, 28, 5064, 19, 75, 6586, 177, 2840, 16, 9, 208, 128, 547, 455, 800, 757, 568, 4226, 15, 5468, 1685, 44, 118, 818, 6273, 11, 500, 92, 190, 2836, 268, 106, 764, 15, 240, 86, 685, 15455, 3110, 2910, 7289, 722, 785, 4996, 1315, 92, 305, 59, 334, 141, 2745, 204, 2203, 187, 552, 445, 274, 222, 114, 1524, 122936, 27072, 19, 1038, 35, 72936, 161, 28, 112, 236, 21, 404, 96, 286, 66, 2, 24, 3808, 1170, 2299, 1, 76, 17, 63, 127, 137, 113, 13, 29, 2128, 33, 500, 63, 137, 766, 275, 38, 27, 409, 3035, 68, 1283, 244, 2563, 2667, 867, 1114, 619, 2058, 138, 142, 180, 6313, 308, 7606, 1084, 6561, 9218, 256, 308, 573, 11870, 11870, 1225, 1355, 1413, 11870, 1064, 98, 595, 17, 78, 1413, 6982, 1154, 25, 697, 2699, 1413, 1142, 111, 130, 1075, 1413, 215, 64, 59526, 0, 2575, 2573, 6456, 7, 57, 572, 908, 6, 30819, 4865, 1734, 682, 48575, 7245, 114, 4539, 19, 19, 8, 198, 88, 97, 2755, 27074, 14, 4, 1323, 3, 29, 149, 173, 5038, 227, 127, 727, 403, 379, 64, 145, 220, 173, 12, 18701, 38, 730, 518, 25144, 463, 3028, 54, 760, 101, 646, 54, 1197, 3706, 3732, 167, 69, 0, 5685, 961, 90, 204, 4341, 528, 2996, 330, 554, 2823, 1280, 4, 56, 1745, 47, 0, 141, 81, 354, 81, 1280, 538, 610, 81, 81, 1280, 81, 28, 81, 69, 2698, 1105, 343, 81, 81, 204, 81, 1956, 279, 81, 7, 1113, 28, 177, 4356, 4752, 284, 584, 3120, 77, 93, 47, 59, 7920, 409, 297, 1247, 278, 2, 933, 1066, 1325, 18165, 2847, 7, 3468, 28, 714, 717, 27, 328, 4110, 91, 766, 303, 1176, 696, 32, 74, 29093, 16796, 895, 939, 217, 3110, 28, 25, 1746, 3046, 279, 2, 25, 255, 122937, 204, 375, 409, 332, 4922, 91, 1360, 19737, 80, 1347, 908, 691, 22, 165, 947, 6359, 77, 114, 923, 412, 1370, 15415, 11960, 221, 324, 114, 1554, 189, 315, 1159, 1669, 1256, 1605, 195, 1264, 110, 888, 1225, 135, 4489, 1685, 229, 485, 1413, 766, 26, 76, 880, 21610, 88, 49, 71, 202, 1323, 270, 2466, 2199, 27074, 2466, 66, 26027, 79, 439, 460, 5280, 11960, 65, 16, 105, 338, 1536, 20, 5725, 749, 90, 27074, 85, 29, 4370, 1990, 22318, 695, 25110, 326, 63, 3950, 13, 872, 77, 41, 2229, 2440, 196, 766, 55949, 4988, 1583, 3295, 375, 5064, 1114, 137, 71, 353, 4, 775, 225, 2959, 177, 7688, 1111, 11, 18330, 1865, 749, 61, 1710, 428, 119, 3782, 199, 1439, 11786, 6891, 22, 4700, 547, 3442, 9, 72, 14552, 461, 1889, 160, 180, 1089, 766, 13, 20386, 85, 174, 7347, 990, 1601, 93, 93, 881, 439, 118, 9905, 5030, 37, 3987, 3508, 18, 1799, 766, 175, 138, 1053, 50, 1114, 866, 235, 2077, 6473, 2068, 150, 12106, 234, 1374, 386, 7516, 196, 1324, 185, 105, 146, 25, 1399, 288, 1199, 271, 130, 402, 662, 5800, 1750, 402, 768, 6817, 4899, 427, 162, 428, 106, 106, 2738, 1013, 1370, 100, 39, 320, 275, 157, 45, 386, 273, 59, 8, 649, 17182, 12485, 5383, 138, 413, 1420, 1488, 4779, 402, 1645, 727, 440, 3441, 432, 7309, 12086, 54, 3, 438, 43, 535, 51, 133, 2021, 1056, 14, 47, 3870, 809, 1645, 71, 127, 14, 1036, 127, 4175, 4, 24, 554, 36, 1621, 89, 7960, 301, 284, 48427, 51, 1176, 754, 2156, 1085, 89, 177, 9562, 454, 71, 76, 2, 253, 63, 1, 809, 397, 5823, 467, 9, 416, 3169, 49, 212, 42, 479, 595, 27, 178, 4225, 59, 113, 363, 1, 64, 766, 2536, 660, 182, 578, 493, 189, 7080, 4, 247, 35, 100, 766, 28, 1137, 23, 2294, 1580, 2771, 641, 22196, 230, 984, 776, 439, 2973, 0, 588, 100, 17, 2289, 24, 9, 11748, 145, 462, 447, 150, 396, 23, 235, 1329, 2133, 4548, 210, 255, 3802, 344, 238, 38, 1311, 94, 3599, 1387, 219, 44, 335, 1361, 225, 1269, 1585, 1966, 390, 178, 828, 2198, 1263, 472, 24900, 16548, 12027, 40844, 4480, 2845, 62, 60, 36896, 60, 13, 197, 173, 315, 681, 18, 313, 236, 306, 213, 85, 133, 401, 484, 440, 529, 169, 1082, 152, 1085, 768, 425, 152, 11154, 0, 89, 2220, 2174, 21, 0, 239, 259, 3538, 16961, 15909, 1419, 425, 997, 2, 9472, 16, 15454, 17, 1170, 2, 648, 5072, 843, 1577, 907, 9, 743, 1577, 80, 413, 12505, 430, 224, 17167, 819, 5018, 27, 27073, 124, 1533, 20, 58, 86, 137, 262, 718, 15220, 8, 10271, 465, 26, 24281, 2839, 328, 2839, 702, 7932, 2839, 2845, 564, 2839, 2054, 2839, 4562, 42, 2288, 289, 13425, 125, 300, 1, 84, 28607, 556, 5292, 600, 34, 196, 3000, 566, 728, 12, 1, 3188, 422, 4756, 114, 1622, 540, 617, 16, 51, 3733, 136, 2495, 5, 99, 528, 429, 63, 430, 7690, 1229, 598, 307, 943, 531, 459, 91, 40, 48, 94, 532, 403, 1858, 9, 562, 463, 881, 2178, 12934, 543, 983, 291, 410, 721, 735, 1763, 442, 68, 2024, 168, 98, 2987, 56, 1989, 11586, 106, 31, 4749, 331, 2706, 343, 3038, 336, 10, 21386, 2088, 42957, 260, 184, 499, 766, 29416, 127, 2166, 6953, 289, 615, 532, 2109, 131, 200, 1105, 266, 1105, 109, 101, 1105, 63, 200, 846, 1483, 204, 6, 161, 964, 34, 660, 3773, 10, 1395, 716, 8, 5820, 559, 2995, 4146, 232, 2838, 413, 175, 33, 403, 4065, 1105, 1429, 2, 1689, 1418, 166, 10235, 354, 3240, 3538, 0, 2086, 121, 5261, 107, 93, 766, 380, 221, 5470, 5108, 170, 221, 899, 636, 353, 340, 4232, 113, 247, 18992, 5260, 13242, 8800, 636, 26960, 1827, 12, 766, 4329, 120, 132, 7244, 2088, 750, 4864, 19458, 2, 102, 260, 1264, 10, 5065, 7372, 24281, 299, 795, 700, 578, 325, 3195, 700, 2070, 1337, 1326, 30415, 3, 177, 3013, 102, 168, 281, 379, 608, 3674, 311, 5753, 5, 2602, 279, 946, 93, 1228, 247, 80, 3115, 700, 239, 700, 99, 433, 700, 2003, 33, 95811, 1251, 15867, 148, 65, 3112, 15233, 67, 942, 689, 74, 306, 4103, 1440, 1244, 26805, 4519, 89, 177, 517, 30, 1262, 466, 1715, 6, 80, 608, 8, 2367, 5205, 288, 18992, 690, 102, 576, 2641, 192, 837, 331, 591, 329, 418, 14997, 719, 142, 1537, 6976, 1255, 162, 2627, 221, 10153, 952, 6755, 2472, 2504, 126, 1147, 2553, 18, 1966, 113, 22, 1300, 173, 221, 2663, 909, 66941, 6273, 465, 241, 3981, 209, 66, 297, 11, 21, 280, 147, 145, 376, 2, 88, 42, 2, 374, 375, 2404, 55, 1820, 606, 1094, 5, 591, 67, 106, 4476, 7180, 6273, 643, 460, 69, 6315, 2372, 202, 4, 1517, 24281, 96, 30, 642, 2424, 5597, 3656, 1073, 3380, 1527, 3709, 301, 332, 1120, 26, 3035, 14880, 452, 326, 113, 220, 152, 2, 21, 604, 3561, 486, 6273, 6287, 8817, 230, 557, 1437, 2, 248, 52, 106, 124, 1015, 8597, 4325, 9, 44, 2003, 4208, 444, 341, 303, 25, 234, 500, 100, 4005, 11657, 1589, 124, 58, 90, 178, 187, 281, 1816, 7, 24, 89, 4308, 35, 368, 8184, 1813, 766, 6, 192, 3497, 3709, 9746, 10797, 1458, 41, 7856, 29557, 132, 279, 6266, 1107, 88, 275, 3044, 28, 770, 2608, 2462, 356, 6387, 386, 7627, 6, 81, 1308, 766, 414, 239, 1256, 182, 144, 5703, 301, 964, 199, 488, 35, 1965, 10408, 10168, 122, 75, 375, 766, 1201, 2306, 5235, 734, 210, 1845, 1263, 0, 149, 4, 465, 1544, 8648, 14790, 12, 1188, 3127, 427, 766, 506, 197, 216, 561, 7101, 3470, 112, 460, 1311, 114, 267, 76, 161, 11, 68, 766, 63, 1128, 1196, 414, 455, 267, 39, 516, 3296, 205, 272, 140, 0, 4, 6273, 42, 11963, 1460, 2191, 318, 2, 766, 410, 9, 67, 23, 478, 10, 1007, 466, 145, 43, 200, 26806, 1201, 4615, 110, 4, 212, 3984, 898, 59998, 2345, 880, 49, 261, 1227, 6191, 305, 3906, 424, 766, 797, 1300, 881, 1507, 2555, 390, 390, 377, 1344, 3971, 854, 3335, 1259, 823, 1542, 2234, 390, 5346, 27, 470, 46, 400, 1605, 489, 131, 129, 6273, 771, 2234, 483, 4, 400, 108, 203, 2841, 1023, 2656, 97, 10343, 1196, 7070, 1852, 900, 421, 5934, 907, 55454, 55, 367, 402, 611, 626, 119, 1057, 2639, 4837, 207, 1795, 11, 10, 644, 458, 515, 290, 604, 1, 3329, 2039, 231, 766, 351, 334, 444, 221, 347, 368, 1, 11, 1460, 59, 6, 811, 1714, 961, 452, 6, 165, 6273, 1262, 188, 94, 766, 3047, 251, 272, 520, 1390, 170, 841, 1460, 5390, 17580, 1460, 1455, 403, 827, 4981, 599, 712, 361, 22, 1972, 97, 170, 528, 663, 6273, 92, 127, 10632, 34, 341, 3987, 399, 3987, 73, 766, 766, 10271, 2318, 7848, 134, 67, 41, 34, 426, 5123, 1364, 716, 4394, 6273, 1558, 15, 3987, 3987, 20, 3987, 304, 3987, 658, 611, 167, 9, 123, 11, 1044, 464, 3609, 1480, 3171, 1686, 2953, 448, 26, 6273, 1070, 1080, 480, 938, 51, 135, 675, 8317, 675, 219, 3974, 46, 675, 516, 4622, 549, 2, 59, 3387, 314, 201, 50, 41, 356, 2, 1017, 86, 2687, 675, 829, 8, 41, 6161, 125, 126, 964, 3, 776, 675, 932, 22, 4269, 8, 3354, 758, 4166, 3901, 25, 12, 12, 30, 217, 1612, 949, 416, 341, 466, 172, 4853, 1545, 229, 4581, 776, 459, 397, 145, 1444, 988, 36, 393, 356, 616, 232, 140, 1, 776, 18, 3753, 358, 460, 19, 597, 322, 3329, 356, 336, 576, 20, 251, 3164, 279, 6932, 7254, 2946, 99, 226, 21, 26806, 2054, 574, 663, 1288, 15, 2358, 12027, 0, 353, 348, 2551, 188, 3995, 389, 225, 3995, 10797, 331, 3995, 1427, 424, 5720, 3645, 319, 638, 1525, 28, 120, 1663, 364, 4114, 196, 615, 121, 66, 599, 54, 639, 4284, 170, 3784, 1777, 43, 1523, 256, 474, 1299, 81, 675, 0, 126, 43, 156, 390, 47, 3050, 47, 16, 4154, 113, 502, 12203, 3, 2920, 195, 4375, 377, 380, 96, 3921, 80, 51, 2263, 337, 43, 1317, 35, 1088, 182, 88, 225, 190, 1352, 143, 77, 155, 1163, 4703, 81, 1113, 1988, 85, 29, 605, 2605, 2920, 13986, 82, 261, 168, 2146, 981, 208, 2184, 21, 976, 1708, 829, 4899, 214, 229, 258, 1208, 418, 8489, 22, 348, 87, 240, 267, 139, 423, 556, 28, 426, 172, 469, 4278, 43, 2146, 197, 1166, 589, 280, 14564, 987, 136259, 252, 156, 0, 12027, 1270, 530, 104, 422, 136260, 3142, 262, 11, 286, 3190, 2474, 1940, 115, 4096, 6289, 16, 323, 627, 102, 3340, 149, 605, 1113, 0, 54, 1359, 636, 2299, 363, 131, 33, 14505, 2194, 3, 271, 6474, 3, 1381, 53, 107, 95, 670, 23758, 406, 727, 597, 1813, 988, 337, 3, 998, 101, 173, 9822, 5088, 14394, 5487, 2612, 7893, 4310, 70, 80, 9140, 3458, 4444, 1238, 850, 4444, 173, 551, 276, 10277, 6, 246, 702, 209, 110, 3470, 6, 597, 2, 6496, 88, 529, 782, 9, 82, 895, 1324, 8, 135, 25055, 213, 31, 1377, 2876, 1125, 130, 16, 3317, 8, 218, 4228, 1910, 4, 372, 43, 1480, 715, 2268, 1085, 6, 77, 3494, 3873, 4, 19, 696, 4178, 3058, 2805, 37, 27, 977, 5230, 11, 623, 278, 37994, 410, 614, 742, 225, 8149, 2661, 136261, 1027, 63, 220, 12686, 46, 1739, 83798, 6, 3255, 1235, 83798, 49, 246, 81, 320, 639, 132, 5818, 2482, 708, 9, 1073, 1200, 461, 33591, 423, 1662, 2196, 6982, 4293, 314, 507, 728, 14, 128, 2076, 679, 4490, 167, 18, 3665, 80, 5313, 1001, 812, 1055, 647, 795, 766, 3532, 412, 3155, 225, 2112, 1945, 447, 8193, 1, 6, 6176, 3329, 1334, 276, 6176, 73, 12, 8193, 702, 135, 8193, 340, 159, 9, 5, 3755, 1, 1, 10758, 936, 1992, 270, 822, 68, 5973, 1894, 178, 73, 4290, 1704, 1985, 6451, 491, 360, 127, 273, 880, 857, 250, 55, 78, 256, 466, 939, 0, 7, 9696, 103, 251, 6991, 3611, 1219, 121, 416, 139, 37, 18740, 3655, 88, 1213, 53, 284, 7, 90, 104, 1350, 4, 75, 549, 886, 1202, 302, 863, 321, 251, 156, 124, 4445, 347, 6, 6, 25, 118, 17936, 4802, 107, 396, 6176, 1070, 170, 6446, 12086, 352, 165, 13050, 308, 591, 1268, 29, 45, 171, 4284, 37, 644, 7, 10, 144, 131, 1405, 830, 501, 347, 1106, 107, 162, 127, 1040, 2, 944, 421, 18065, 3351, 121, 452, 4, 1419, 46, 251, 256, 27, 81, 14, 34, 3449, 1052, 780, 45, 1178, 93, 3846, 8249, 2203, 42, 667, 424, 27, 9, 1121, 718, 14, 249, 1558, 2598, 170, 1685, 1794, 115, 107, 24137, 548, 247, 12, 1, 602, 3933, 1885, 10, 166, 276, 18, 1506, 1360, 3399, 373, 482, 401, 7, 640, 35, 82, 76, 260, 1648, 3052, 139, 69, 654, 1359, 338, 55, 10464, 3346, 98, 853, 7, 200, 1112, 82, 46, 65, 27, 2541, 442, 50, 2929, 8, 13, 367473, 243, 2322, 2474, 342, 65, 71, 132, 3658, 41, 227, 3687, 6158, 80, 66, 2467, 152, 1818, 10464, 23, 4362, 170, 427, 12, 121, 2139, 687, 29, 4, 595, 1331, 5281, 3, 1530, 2466, 17, 2, 2891, 2528, 83, 170, 13, 40025, 1621, 306, 139, 2115, 2249, 30, 153, 1770, 293, 223, 75, 417, 243, 24, 26808, 1, 154, 36, 27, 768, 1539, 241, 187, 2542, 6550, 644, 158, 1823, 678, 56, 479, 4, 919, 1608, 6586, 434, 90, 5595, 17, 46, 175, 14572, 184, 98, 494, 323, 71, 276, 338, 139, 126, 5565, 1856, 7113, 4844, 53, 32, 2887, 364, 1232, 45, 1029, 567, 2150, 70, 6007, 1102, 3155, 22832, 397, 85, 3451, 2, 1113, 1795, 2976, 28, 88, 27080, 315, 1883, 494, 300, 1842, 825, 239, 31, 1277, 5643, 42, 811, 1256, 112, 1985, 332, 3227, 5643, 310, 2474, 320, 128, 15566, 15, 1693, 5498, 655, 1673, 432, 1961, 53, 61, 6, 15343, 2512, 1765, 126, 181, 7096, 144, 1363, 9, 369, 3437, 179, 499, 590, 156, 6, 36, 6, 504, 2071, 15945, 989, 19916, 532, 16, 807, 3410, 486, 4955, 890, 3035, 128, 2, 66, 1566, 1016, 171, 166, 130, 4007, 1082, 604, 95, 189, 1901, 1602, 6572, 1560, 427, 268, 170, 28, 1146, 23, 253, 327], "yaxis": "y"}], {"legend": {"title": {"text": "user_verified"}, "tracegroupgap": 0}, "template": {"data": {"bar": [{"error_x": {"color": "#2a3f5f"}, "error_y": {"color": "#2a3f5f"}, "marker": {"line": {"color": "#E5ECF6", "width": 0.5}}, "type": "bar"}], "barpolar": [{"marker": {"line": {"color": "#E5ECF6", "width": 0.5}}, "type": "barpolar"}], "carpet": [{"aaxis": {"endlinecolor": "#2a3f5f", "gridcolor": "white", "linecolor": "white", "minorgridcolor": "white", "startlinecolor": "#2a3f5f"}, "baxis": {"endlinecolor": "#2a3f5f", "gridcolor": "white", "linecolor": "white", "minorgridcolor": "white", "startlinecolor": "#2a3f5f"}, "type": "carpet"}], "choropleth": [{"colorbar": {"outlinewidth": 0, "ticks": ""}, "type": "choropleth"}], "contour": [{"colorbar": {"outlinewidth": 0, "ticks": ""}, "colorscale": [[0.0, "#0d0887"], [0.1111111111111111, "#46039f"], [0.2222222222222222, "#7201a8"], [0.3333333333333333, "#9c179e"], [0.4444444444444444, "#bd3786"], 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<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Tweets User User_location User_statuses_count user_followers user_verified fav_count rt_count clean_tweets sentiment_scores Sentiment biden trump
2020-11-03 01:33:08 The U.S. election is now just a day away.\n\n#Election2020 #9News\n 9News Queensland Brisbane, Australia 272205 136289 True 0 0 The U S election is now just a day away Election2020 9News {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Neutral 0 0
2020-11-03 01:33:06 RT @AynRandPaulRyan: James Carville on Trump: “He’s gonna get his fat ass beat” 🔥\n\nAlso, on MSNBC: “People are nervous for no reason. We’ll… William Black 12853 232 False 0 260 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll {'neg': 0.281, 'neu': 0.719, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': -0.7783} Neutral 0 1
df_indexed['Sentiment'] = df_indexed['clean_tweets'].apply(lambda x: analyze_sentiment(x))
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Tweets User User_location User_statuses_count user_followers user_verified fav_count rt_count clean_tweets sentiment_scores Sentiment biden trump
2020-11-03 01:33:08 The U.S. election is now just a day away.\n\n#Election2020 #9News\n 9News Queensland Brisbane, Australia 272205 136289 True 0 0 The U S election is now just a day away Election2020 9News {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Neutral 0 0
2020-11-03 01:33:06 RT @AynRandPaulRyan: James Carville on Trump: “He’s gonna get his fat ass beat” 🔥\n\nAlso, on MSNBC: “People are nervous for no reason. We’ll… William Black 12853 232 False 0 260 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll {'neg': 0.281, 'neu': 0.719, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': -0.7783} Neutral 0 1
biden_df = df_indexed[df_indexed['biden']==1]
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Tweets User User_location User_statuses_count user_followers user_verified fav_count rt_count clean_tweets sentiment_scores Sentiment biden trump
2020-11-03 01:33:02 RT @EuropeElects: If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election:\n\nTrump–Biden (%)\n🇷🇺68–32\n🇵🇱50–50\n🇹🇷47–53\n🇭🇺41–59\n🇮🇹23–77 / 47–53\n🇬🇧1… Blair McDougall East Renfrewshire 76819 15106 True 0 198 RT If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election Trump Biden 68 32 50 50 47 53 41 59 23 77 47 53 1 {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Neutral 1 1
2020-11-03 01:32:54 RT @HKrassenstein: It’s simple:\n\nIf you want a healthy United States of America, vote for Joe Biden.\n\nIf you want a sick Divided States of… Cheese 🌞⛈️ 19097 1094 False 0 288 RT It s simple If you want a healthy United States of America vote for Joe Biden If you want a sick Divided States of {'neg': 0.116, 'neu': 0.599, 'pos': 0.285, 'compound': 0.4215} Negative 1 0
trump_df = df_indexed[df_indexed['trump']==1]
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Tweets User User_location User_statuses_count user_followers user_verified fav_count rt_count clean_tweets sentiment_scores Sentiment biden trump
2020-11-03 01:33:06 RT @AynRandPaulRyan: James Carville on Trump: “He’s gonna get his fat ass beat” 🔥\n\nAlso, on MSNBC: “People are nervous for no reason. We’ll… William Black 12853 232 False 0 260 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll {'neg': 0.281, 'neu': 0.719, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': -0.7783} Neutral 0 1
2020-11-03 01:33:02 RT @EuropeElects: If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election:\n\nTrump–Biden (%)\n🇷🇺68–32\n🇵🇱50–50\n🇹🇷47–53\n🇭🇺41–59\n🇮🇹23–77 / 47–53\n🇬🇧1… Blair McDougall East Renfrewshire 76819 15106 True 0 198 RT If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election Trump Biden 68 32 50 50 47 53 41 59 23 77 47 53 1 {'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 1.0, 'pos': 0.0, 'compound': 0.0} Neutral 1 1
total_tweets = ' '.join(tweet for tweet in df['clean_tweets'])
'The U S election is now just a day away Election2020 9News RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election Trump Biden 68 32 50 50 47 53 41 59 23 77 47 53 1 The U S election is now just a day away Election2020 9News RT It s simple If you want a healthy United States of America vote for Joe Biden If you want a sick Divided States of RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT The credibility of the U S is absolutely on the line with Election2020 presidential historian says He RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT If Trump breaking through the BlueWall was the story in 16 his breaking through the Black Brown Wall looms as the story Trump still not here They re playing audio from attack against Biden Election2020 RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio RT Final week of 9 week 2020 Latino Weekly Tracking Poll 3 700 Latino voters Election2020 Biden Harris 69 Trump Pe RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Florida Trump vs Biden Emerson 10 29 10 30 849 LV My Analysis Post Florida2020 FL2020 Electi RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Florida Trump vs Biden St Pete Polls 10 29 10 30 2 758 LV My Analysis Post Florida2020 FL202 America voting rally s everywhere heres the TRUMP campaign in kenosha live stream to event hit link RT Florida Trump vs Biden ABC Washington Post 10 24 10 29 824 LV My Analysis Post Florida2020 RT Florida Trump vs Biden Ipsos 10 21 10 27 704 LV My Analysis Post Florida2020 FL2020 Election RT Florida Trump vs Biden NYT Siena 10 27 10 31 1 451 LV My Analysis Post Florida2020 FL2020 El RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT TRUMP 60 BIDEN 40 gt gt gt lt lt lt DWTS GullibleWhiteMaleTrumpVoters Election2020 Voted ElectionDay V RT US President Donald Trump and Democratic rival Joe Biden make last ditch push for votes in pivotal states ahead of Tuesday RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT Joe Biden amp the China Communists which organised in a strategy to control the USA through Dumping amp D RT Wisconsin Trump vs Biden Civiqs 10 29 11 1 789 LV My Analysis Post WI2020 Wisconsin2020 El If Biden wins the US will slowly become like Europe full of Islamic terrorists Please save yourself and vot RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT Arizona Trump vs Biden Emerson 10 29 10 31 732 LV My Analysis Post AZ2020 Arizona2020 Electi RT US President Donald Trump and Democratic rival Joe Biden make last ditch push for votes in pivotal states ahead of Tuesday If Trump breaking through the BlueWall was the story in 16 his breaking through the Black Brown Wall looms as t RT Michigan Trump vs Biden Mitchell 10 29 817 LV My Analysis Post MI2020 Michigan2020 Election2 Wisconsin Trump vs Biden Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post WI2020 Wisconsin2020 Election2020 RT Michigan Trump vs Biden Ipsos 10 27 11 1 654 LV My Analysis Post MI2020 Michigan2020 Electio RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Michigan Trump vs Biden InsiderAdvantage 10 30 10 31 500 LV My Analysis Post MI2020 Michigan2 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide The race to the White House is nearing the finishing line with both candidates making whirlwind appearances in bat RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election Trump Biden 68 32 50 50 47 53 41 59 23 77 47 53 1 In Utah the LDS vote carries Trump In the United States Biden big utpol Election2020 It is a reality that Trump can be very obnoxious BUT Biden is almost indisputably CORRUPT Which do you want runn RT Polling Georgia Polling Presidential Biden D 50 4 Trump R 48 2 Senate Ossoff D 51 7 Perdue R 46 3 RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT Wisconsin Trump vs Biden Ipsos 10 27 11 1 696 LV My Analysis Post WI2020 Wisconsin2020 Elec RT Wisconsin Trump vs Biden Atlasintel 10 30 10 31 781 LV My Analysis Post WI2020 Wisconsin2020 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT North Carolina Trump vs Biden NCSen Tillis vs Cunningham NCGov Cooper vs Forest Siena NYT 10 23 10 27 1 034 LV My Ana RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT BREAKING Nearly 100 million Americans have cast their votes already ahead of Election Day That represents around 72 of th RT Texas Trump vs Biden Emerson 10 29 10 31 763 LV My Analysis Post TX2020 Texas2020 Election20 US President Donald Trump and Democratic rival Joe Biden make last ditch push for votes in pivotal states ahead of Those are some fighting words trumprally florida Trump DonaldTrump PresidentTrump election vote ELECTION2020 It is a reality that Trump can be very obnoxious BUT Biden is almost indisputably CORRUPT Which RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT North Carolina Trump vs Biden NCSen Tillis vs Cunningham NCGov Cooper vs Forest Emerson 10 29 10 31 855 LV My Analys RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT Biden supporters are more likely than Trump supporters to be confident that their news sources will make the right call in RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide VOTE like your life depends on it because it does COVID19 IBelieveInScience Election2020 Biden Trump TrumpBackers Block Highways as Election Tensions Play Out in the Streets Election2020 RoadSafety Trump on election night Biden wins I want a recount Trump wins I won fair and square So childish Anyway I w RT Georgia Trump vs Biden GASen Perdue vs Ossoff Emerson 10 29 10 31 749 LV My Analysis Post GA2 RT Joe Biden amp the China Communists which organised in a strategy to control the USA through Dumping amp D RT Ohio Trump vs Biden Emerson 10 29 10 31 656 LV My Analysis Post Ohio2020 OH2020 Election2020 RT Ohio Trump vs Biden Civiqs 10 29 10 31 1 136 LV My Analysis Post Ohio2020 OH2020 Election2020 RT Election2020 9 inches Trump Pence 6 inches Biden Harris Thanks to RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Pennsylvania Trump vs Biden Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post PA2020 Pennsylvan RT The aftermath is more important than the election The election actually isn t the most important thing The aftermath RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Remember a vote for Biden is a vote for a serial pedo and racist Don t believe me Take it directly from the source RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Polling Georgia Polling Presidential Biden D 50 4 Trump R 48 2 Senate Ossoff D 51 7 Perdue R 46 3 Election2020 Eve means prediction time Trump holds on for another upset in a squeaker For the 3rd time in 6 t RT Michigan Trump vs Biden MISen Peters vs James Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT Pennsylvania Trump vs Biden Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post PA2020 Pennsylvan RT Pennsylvania Trump vs Biden Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post PA2020 Pennsylvan RT As Trump encourages racism and violence a White Trump voter tells Black Biden supporter I m white and proud of it RT Here s where Trump and Biden stand on climate issues Election2020 Who will win the US Election Election2020 Trump Biden RT Results from our final update to the 2020 presidential election model ELECTORAL COLLEGE Biden 364 Trump 174 POPULAR RT Pennsylvania Trump vs Biden Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post PA2020 Pennsylvan RT Election2020 might be a rare election in recent times where one of the Presidential candidates Joe Biden is a comp RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT The FBI is investigating an incident of alleged harassment by Trump supporters of a Biden campaign bus in Texas The carava According to Biden according to this poll suggests he will win the election 51 vs Trump 4 Joe Biden amp the China Communists which organised in a strategy to control the USA through Dumping RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Pennsylvania Trump vs Biden Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post PA2020 Pennsylvan RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Pennsylvania Trump vs Biden Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post PA2020 RT Lolzz WHO WILL WIN THE Election2020 Trump Biden ElectionDay RegisterToVote BidenHarris2020 MAGA2020 VoteEarly VOTE Vo RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Remember a vote for Biden is a vote for a serial pedo and racist Don t believe me Take it directly from the so RT DEAR AMERICA YOU WOULD HAVE TO BE GAGA TO VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP OR JOE BIDEN BECAUSE YOU NEED M4A AND YOUR PLANET NEED RT If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election Trump Biden 68 32 50 50 47 53 41 59 23 77 47 53 1 RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT And here are the final updates to our state level estimates from the 2020 presidential election models The closest sta RT Is this the most important election in our lifetimes In history You tell me Election2020 MAGA Trump Biden https TRUMP 60 BIDEN 40 gt gt gt lt lt lt DWTS GullibleWhiteMaleTrumpVoters Election2020 Voted RT Results from our final update to the 2020 presidential election model ELECTORAL COLLEGE Biden 364 Trump 174 POPULAR RT If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election Trump Biden 68 32 50 50 47 53 41 59 23 77 47 53 1 RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT On the eve of Election2020 we re pleased to unveil our latest report detailing the hardening USChina competition k RT DID YOU VOTE EARLY Election Day is TOMORROW Retweet this photo if you have already voted election2020 trump biden v At this point I am less afraid of Trump winning and more concerned with a third outcome in which Biden wins but RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio RT Michigan Trump vs Biden MISen Peters vs James Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post ELECTION2020 It is a reality that Trump can be very obnoxious BUT Biden is almost indisputably CORRUPT Which d RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Polling Georgia Polling Presidential Biden D 50 4 Trump R 48 2 Senate Ossoff D 51 7 Perdue R 46 3 RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Final week of 9 week 2020 Latino Weekly Tracking Poll 3 700 Latino voters Election2020 Biden Harris 69 Trump Pe RT We did an in depth analysis of the candidates COVID response plans See how they compare Electi RT Minnesota Trump vs Biden MNSen Smith vs Lewis Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election Trump Biden 68 32 50 50 47 53 41 59 23 77 47 53 1 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Michigan Trump vs Biden MISen Peters vs James Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT Michigan Trump vs Biden MISen Peters vs James Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post RT Final week of 9 week 2020 Latino Weekly Tracking Poll 3 700 Latino voters Election2020 Biden Harris 69 Trump Pe RT If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election Trump Biden 68 32 50 50 47 53 41 59 23 77 47 53 1 RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT Michigan Trump vs Biden MISen Peters vs James Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT Federal Judge Orders USPS To Ignore Trump Use Extraordinary Measures To Deliver Mail In Ballots On Time RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT Georgia Trump vs Biden GASen Perdue vs Ossoff Landmark 11 1 500 LV My Analysis Post GA2020 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election Trump Biden 68 32 50 50 47 53 41 59 23 77 47 53 1 RT The Election choices are stark Biden Weed amp Solar Trump Banks amp Oil Election2020 RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post Update still leading in Pennsylvania and took the lead in New Hampshire Google trends BLUE co RT inLasVegas This is s America Never before have we had to do something like this The divider in chief successful This last set of polls is all positive for Biden but also ulcer producing close particularly when Democrats aren RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election Trump Biden 68 32 50 50 47 53 41 59 23 77 47 53 1 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election Trump Biden 68 32 50 50 47 53 41 59 23 77 47 53 1 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT NEW gt gt Joe Biden Promises to End Trump s Chaos But Dan Crenshaw Fact Checks Him With Inconvenient Reminder RT If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election Trump Biden 68 32 50 50 47 53 41 59 23 77 47 53 1 RT Polling Georgia Polling Presidential Biden D 50 4 Trump R 48 2 Senate Ossoff D 51 7 Perdue R 46 3 RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT Episode 151 Gearing up for Election Day Here s a clip of the pod discussing Biden Trump and suppor RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT I spoke to Parkland activist who is of age to vote for his first time about gun reform and what s at RT If Europeans could vote in US Presidential election Trump Biden 68 32 50 50 47 53 41 59 23 77 47 53 1 RT Michigan Trump vs Biden MISen Peters vs James Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Michigan Trump vs Biden MISen Peters vs James Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post RT Lolzz WHO WILL WIN THE Election2020 Trump Biden ElectionDay RegisterToVote BidenHarris2020 MAGA2020 VoteEarly VOTE Vo What happens after Tuesday Did you watch tonight s 11 2 Sharpe Way Ask Me Anything It s an important di RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have and Trump would get turned down by RT Polling Georgia Polling Presidential Biden D 50 4 Trump R 48 2 Senate Ossoff D 51 7 Perdue R 46 3 RT 71 of voters say we should wait for all mail in ballots to be counted even if the process drags on for some time Bid Michigan Trump vs Biden MISen Peters vs James Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post Day before Election2020 and say Biden is favoured to win But Trump still has a 10 chance What happens after Tuesday Did you watch tonight s 11 2 Sharpe Way Ask Me Anything It s an important di RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll What happens after Tuesday Did you watch tonight s 11 2 Sharpe Way Ask Me Anything It s an important di RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Episode 151 Gearing up for Election Day Here s a clip of the pod discussing Biden Trump and s RT Here are the 2020 Complete Politics Electoral College Ratings We believe that the candidates are favoured to win the fol RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT On the eve of Election2020 we re pleased to unveil our latest report detailing the hardening USChina competition k From Michael Marmot MedTwitter poverty SDOH Election2020 ElectionDay USElection TrumpCollapse trump biden RT Polling Nevada Presidential Polling Biden D 51 Trump R 44 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1442 Online Elec I m dismayed by the number of Republicans who vocally will not vote for Trump but will not vote for Biden eithe RT Polling Georgia Polling Presidential Biden D 50 4 Trump R 48 2 Senate Ossoff D 51 7 Perdue R 46 3 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT With the race for the presidency approaching its end Democrat Joe Biden holds a commanding national lead over President Trump RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT When you go vote tomorrow do not think about trump versus Biden Think about a single with lil Wayne 50cent and lil pu and here you have it wants to take us 10 steps backwards back to making deals with plo terrorists US Deep State first run campaign against Bernie Sanders by using media US Deep state removed articles critical of RT Daze It s time to stand amp speak TY to these artists who aren t shying away from taking a stance amp sharing their opinions E RT ElectionDay Election2020 Trump says he ll fire Fauci GullibleWhiteMaleTrumpVoters driving trucks Early voted records se RT Trump tries to undermine democratic process at the end of the campaign democracy politics electi I am a hot mess If Trump wins we re fu ked long term If Biden wins there will be armed rubes running amok and a RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT Daze It s time to stand amp speak TY to these artists who aren t shying away from taking a stance amp sharing their opinions E RT Polling Georgia Polling Presidential Biden D 50 4 Trump R 48 2 Senate Ossoff D 51 7 Perdue R 46 3 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Polling Georgia Polling Presidential Biden D 50 4 Trump R 48 2 Senate Ossoff D 51 7 Perdue R 46 3 RT Polling Georgia Polling Presidential Biden D 50 4 Trump R 48 2 Senate Ossoff D 51 7 Perdue R 46 3 RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Check out this 2020 election forecast by just before the ElectionDay in Election2020 TRUMP 291 RT The credibility of the U S is absolutely on the line with Election2020 presidential historian says He RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT BREAKING Nearly 100 million Americans have cast their votes already ahead of Election Day That represents around 72 of th Federal Judge Rejects Bid to Toss Texas Drive Through Votes Elections2020 Election2020 Trump Biden Biden Vs Trump Best Prop Bets For The 2020 Presidential Election Election2020 RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral DEAR AMERICA YOU WOULD HAVE TO BE GAGA TO VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP OR JOE BIDEN BECAUSE YOU NEED M4A AND YOUR PLANET It s time to stand amp speak TY to these artists who aren t shying away from taking a stance amp sharing their op RT ElectionDay Election2020 Trump says he ll fire Fauci GullibleWhiteMaleTrumpVoters driving trucks Early voted records se RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea Trump tries to undermine democratic process at the end of his 2020 campaign Election2020 RT The aftermath is more important than the election The election actually isn t the most important thing The aftermath If you need a safe space sanctuary or solace because of Elections2020 YOU RE what s wrong with this country JO BIDEN BOMBED MY COUNTRY 1999 WHEN I WAS 5yo Fuck you and fuck this Vote Trump In the meantime listen t RT New Video Why are people reluctant to vote for Biden I hope to answer this contentious question right now so go watc RT Lolzz WHO WILL WIN THE Election2020 Trump Biden ElectionDay RegisterToVote BidenHarris2020 MAGA2020 VoteEarly VOTE Vo RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT Polling Georgia Polling Presidential Biden D 50 4 Trump R 48 2 Senate Ossoff D 51 7 Perdue R 46 3 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll ElectionDay Election2020 Trump says he ll fire Fauci GullibleWhiteMaleTrumpVoters driving trucks Early voted RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral North Carolina will be a landslide Biden Harris victory Democrat heavy counties have already doubled their 2016 vo WHO WILL WIN THE Election2020 Trump Biden ElectionDay RegisterToVote BidenHarris2020 MAGA2020 VoteEarly RT Polling Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 3 Ipsos November 2 2020 n 914 Online chg w Oct 27 RT Polling Georgia Polling Presidential Biden D 50 4 Trump R 48 2 Senate Ossoff D 51 7 Perdue R 46 3 If Biden wins and you think all the damage Trump did will go away I present the people that still fly the confederate flag Election2020 RT Final week of 9 week 2020 Latino Weekly Tracking Poll 3 700 Latino voters Election2020 Biden Harris 69 Trump Pe RT Polling Georgia Polling Presidential Biden D 50 4 Trump R 48 2 Senate Ossoff D 51 7 Perdue R 46 3 RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol RT Polling Georgia Polling Presidential Biden D 50 4 Trump R 48 2 Senate Ossoff D 51 7 Perdue R 46 3 RT How you feeling about the election results elections ElectionDay Election2020 trump biden RT TheS amp P 500 Index or GSPC was hinting at a Biden victory meaning it was dropping because of more taxes and lockdowns RT Polling Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 3 Ipsos November 2 2020 n 914 Online chg w Oct 27 RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio RT Polling Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 3 Ipsos November 2 2020 n 914 Online chg w Oct 27 Happy to have one of my newest pieces for picked up by Election2020 ElectionDay RT Polling Georgia Polling Presidential Biden D 50 4 Trump R 48 2 Senate Ossoff D 51 7 Perdue R 46 3 RT It s simple If you want a healthy United States of America vote for Joe Biden If you want a sick Divided States of RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Who is the accelerationist candidate Biden Trump ElectionDay Election2020 Elections2020 Georgia Polling Presidential Biden D 50 4 Trump R 48 2 Senate Ossoff D 51 7 Perdue R 4 Donald Trump and the Legion of Doom Trump Biden Election2020 ElectionDay Vote VOTE political superfriends RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Poll Who Are You Voting For ElectionDay Election2020 ElectionNight Elections JoeBiden Biden Trump Derniers sondages Reuters Ipsos Floride Biden 50 4 Trump 46 Arizona Biden 49 2 Trump 47 NC Biden 49 1 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT some people being silent for Election2020 because they don t want to get in fights and get blocked I am happy this day ca RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post Every Vote is needed If we do not have a Biden Harris BLOW OUT WIN we will have the fight of our lives to Election2020 Speaking as a third party who has 0 interest in the matter I think Biden will win only because Trump RT I just went over to my uncle s house to pick up my rifles Hello from Charlotte North Carolina major battleground s RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Election2020 Trump dismisses fake polls while Biden says it s time to end the chaos RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in Hope I have enough popcorn to get through the shitshow that tomorrow is going to be Election2020 ElectionDay RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 3 Ipsos November 2 2020 n 914 Online chg w RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post Election2020 9 inches Trump Pence 6 inches Biden Harris Thanks to RT Final week of 9 week 2020 Latino Weekly Tracking Poll 3 700 Latino voters Election2020 Biden Harris 69 Trump Pe The city of Milwaukee will be crucial to Biden if he wants to win Wisconsin Meanwhile Trump is trying to win over Election2020 is simple Biden Bust to the Bottom or Trump Trip to the Top Simple VOTE TRUMP2020 in th Election2020 MyElectionForecast Biden 291 Trump 247 RT en Visit to bet on who will be the next US President Follow en RT this tweet amp 3 friends RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On Poll added in FL Quinnipiac 2020 10 28 to 2020 11 01 Biden 47 0 Trump 42 0 New FL average B If Trump wins the whole country will be on fire with broken Windows overturned cars and hurled rocks in a show Don t give me these BS 50 Biden 39 Trump polls please That would maybe be the case if who you vote for was publ RT How you feeling about the election results elections ElectionDay Election2020 trump biden RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT I m voting for President Donald Trump I believe he is picked by God to help America God bless y all MondayThoughts Mon RT The FBI said it was investigating an incident in which a convoy of vehicles flying Trump flags surrounded a bus carrying Elec RT Biden supporters are more likely than Trump supporters to be confident that their news sources will make the right call in My wife and I voted early as well as my mom and dad and my cousin and his wife and my best friend and his girlfrien I m voting for President Donald Trump I believe he is picked by God to help America God bless y all Election2020 ElectionDay miss me with that Trump vs Biden Bullsh t VOTE POWER FOR PRESIDENT RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT TRYING to FIX the SAME THINGS with the SAME OLD is COMPLETE INSANITY TRUMP FIXED MORE IN 47 MONTHS THEN JoeBide Mr Trump o Mr Biden VoteResponsibly ElectionDay Election2020 Elecciones2020 DonaldTrump casaBlanca If Trump wins on Tuesday four more years of COVID19 Biden wins it will be gone Wednesday Election2020 This will be the test of which group of voters shows up the most on election day The vocal minority Trump suppo Trump vs Biden tarot predictions click the tweet to see the video VoteResponsibly Trump2020LandslideVictory RT Here s my Florida election forecast a DEEP dive into the s we have already amp what Biden s chances are to win Florid RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT Final week of 9 week 2020 Latino Weekly Tracking Poll 3 700 Latino voters Election2020 Biden Harris 69 Trump Pe RT Results from our final update to the 2020 presidential election model ELECTORAL COLLEGE Biden 364 Trump 174 POPULAR RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT Final week of 9 week 2020 Latino Weekly Tracking Poll 3 700 Latino voters Election2020 Biden Harris 69 Trump Pe RT Today in Election2020 Tomorrow is Election Day The presidential election isn t the only criti In a sea of Biden signs these Trump supporters went looking for the silent majority Election2020 Donald Trump is chasing his Democratic rival Joe Biden still leading in the polls VOTE ABD Election2020 Joe B Joe Biden and Donald Trump polling results competition influencer influencermarketing fridayfeeling RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Final week of 9 week 2020 Latino Weekly Tracking Poll 3 700 Latino voters Election2020 Biden Harris 69 Trump Pe RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT With the race for the presidency approaching its end Democrat Joe Biden holds a commanding national lead over President Trump RT Final week of 9 week 2020 Latino Weekly Tracking Poll 3 700 Latino voters Election2020 Biden Harris 69 Trump Pe RT Final week of 9 week 2020 Latino Weekly Tracking Poll 3 700 Latino voters Election2020 Biden Harris 69 Trump Pe RT Trump tries to undermine democratic process at the end of the campaign democracy politics electi RT Final week of 9 week 2020 Latino Weekly Tracking Poll 3 700 Latino voters Election2020 Biden Harris 69 Trump Pe RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT New Video Why are people reluctant to vote for Biden I hope to answer this contentious question right now so go watc RT Democrats and Independents if you haven t voted early take tomorrow off and deliver a decisive blow to Trump s fascist RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT N Right POLL Presidential Race for Pennsylvania by the Trafalgar Group Donald Trump R 47 8 Joe Biden D 45 9 Pe RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol RT Minnesota Trump vs Biden MNSen Smith vs Lewis Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post I project a win over in U S presidential election Perspectives by Washin RT Final week of 9 week 2020 Latino Weekly Tracking Poll 3 700 Latino voters Election2020 Biden Harris 69 Trump Pe Biden supporters are more likely than Trump supporters to be confident that their news sources will make the right I m 75 that Biden reaches 300 ECs amp likely a bit more I think Trump escapes w IA TX amp PA but B How you feeling about the election results elections ElectionDay Election2020 trump biden Poll added in CA David Binder Research 2020 10 28 to 2020 11 01 Biden 62 0 Trump 31 0 New CA RT Final week of 9 week 2020 Latino Weekly Tracking Poll 3 700 Latino voters Election2020 Biden Harris 69 Trump Pe It s all about Florida trump biden ElectionDay Election2020 RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral Democrats and Independents if you haven t voted early take tomorrow off and deliver a decisive blow to Trump s fa President Trump arrives at Election Day on Tuesday toggling between confidence and exasperation bravado and grieva Trump or Biden Pence or Harris This one will be interesting to watch Election2020 ElectionDay RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll If Trump can shock everyone and take the Rust belt again can the sunbelt save Biden All with margin of error now Most polls put Biden up by double digits The ABC News Washington Post poll puts the former VP ahead of Trump by a RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post It s simple Trump MUST win Florida Biden MUST win Pennsylvania Election2020 ElectionDay Minnesota Trump vs Biden MNSen Smith vs Lewis Research Co 10 31 11 1 450 LV My Analysis Post Final week of 9 week 2020 Latino Weekly Tracking Poll 3 700 Latino voters Election2020 Biden Harris 69 RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post People who make 100 000 a year or more donated the most money to Biden While more people making less than a 100 RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide My peresnt Trump my peresnt Trump Other no other no other no Shut up your mouth Biden shut up your mouth Biden Trump Vs Biden Early votes near 100 million as campaign races to close Election2020 ElectionDay RT We examined the candidates speeches tweets and websites before comparing their plans for handling COVID 19 Here s what we Final Yahoo News YouGov poll Biden leads Trump by 10 as voters fear a chaotic Election Day Ummm No I ve RT The credibility of the U S is absolutely on the line with Election2020 presidential historian says He Right I need some damn sleep Good to see we ll be electing Biden president If I wake up to Donald Trump s smiling Poll added in NC Ipsos w 5P 3 2020 10 27 to 2020 11 01 Biden 49 0 Trump 48 0 Jorgensen 1 0 Hawkins 1 0 Wes RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea Trump Make America Great Again Biden Battle For The Soul Of The Nation from Build Back Better This will eas To either party whoever wins the election PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THE STOCK MARKET THE 1 PRIORITY Trump Biden Election2020 ElectionDay RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa Just really need Trump out of office This is the only thing that will make 2020 worth remembering Come on US citi RT DID YOU VOTE EARLY Election Day is TOMORROW Retweet this photo if you have already voted election2020 trump biden v RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol Poll added in NC Ipsos w Lean 3 2020 10 27 to 2020 11 01 Biden 50 0 Trump 48 0 New NC avera RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol RT With the race for the presidency approaching its end Democrat Joe Biden holds a commanding national lead over President Trump RT DEAR AMERICA YOU LOSE YOURSELF AND YOUR PLANET IF YOU VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP OR JOE BIDEN BECAUSE YOU NEED M4A AND YOUR RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post Trump or Biden Who takes out the U S Election2020 We have brought the experts in to take a closer look at the RT Right before you cast your vote for Trump tommorow I challenge you to think of 5 plans Trump has unveiled for the country The Lobbyists That Control Your Candidate podcast BidenHarris2020 Election2020 Trump We Are Our Own Worst Enemy writes about America via Trump RT DEAR AMERICA YOU LOSE YOURSELF AND YOUR PLANET IF YOU VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP OR JOE BIDEN BECAUSE YOU NEED M4A AND YOUR I just went over to my uncle s house to pick up my rifles Hello from Charlotte North Carolina major battlegro DEAR AMERICA YOU LOSE YOURSELF AND YOUR PLANET IF YOU VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP OR JOE BIDEN BECAUSE YOU NEED M4A AND RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol RT I m so thrilled to share my new story in about Vietnamese American voters and the deep divide during Elec RT With the race for the presidency approaching its end Democrat Joe Biden holds a commanding national lead over President Trump RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll While Trump rejects science and reality Biden s plan would also do little to prevent further environmental degrada RT The Election choices are stark Biden Weed amp Solar Trump Banks amp Oil Election2020 Remember when the country was together and the only thing we argued about was Coke vs Pepsi Those were simpler t RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide The good thing is that Biden has a competent legitimate legal team Trump is on his last leg legally and has the w RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post 2 Questions Is Trump support more or less than 2016 amp Does Joe Biden have more support than Hillary did Election2020 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT The credibility of the U S is absolutely on the line with Election2020 presidential historian says He Flashback to 2016 Election Map trump biden election Election2020 ElectionNight trump2020 biden2020 RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke Poll added in NC Ipsos 3 2020 10 27 to 2020 11 01 Biden 49 0 Trump 48 0 New NC average Tr RT Election2020 Biden thinks economic prosperity will trickle down from big government programs high spending and bloated b RT tech Trump shows signs of life in FL NC and TX but PA MI MN NV and WI remain firmly in Biden s control in our Eyesov If you vote for Trump you re still my friend If you vote for Biden you re still my friend If you still can t fi RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll I m calling it here right now 112 million votes for Joe biden 78 million votes for Trump 6 million votes for 3 RT Poll White House Watch Biden 48 Trump 47 BreakingPoll Election2020 why is that using Trump as a clan tag is alright but a Biden tag is prohibited due to p Biden will probably win Liberals will go back to sleep Fascism will continue to build in America 2024 we will g RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT The credibility of the U S is absolutely on the line with Election2020 presidential historian says He RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT We examined the candidates speeches tweets and websites before comparing their plans for handling COVID 19 Here s what we RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT The credibility of the U S is absolutely on the line with Election2020 presidential historian says He Every vote matters Don t let yours go wasted Vote USPresidentialElections2020 Election2020 ElectionDay RT It s simple If you want a healthy United States of America vote for Joe Biden If you want a sick Divided States of RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT tech Trump shows signs of life in FL NC and TX but PA MI MN NV and WI remain firmly in Biden s control in our Eyesov RT On the eve of Election2020 we re pleased to unveil our latest report detailing the hardening USChina competition k RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Trumpism is American Neo Nazism America USA Voted ElectionDay Election2020 Elections Trump Biden vs Trump tipping point change Biden by 2 2 in FL Biden by 2 3 in FL More info from RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT tech Trump shows signs of life in FL NC and TX but PA MI MN NV and WI remain firmly in Biden s control in our Eyesov RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea It s also worth noting I was the only POC there I was the only person she escorted to a voting booth I was the o If you re voting for Biden vote If you re voting for Trump he said he ll sic his lawyers on the election so stay home Election2020 RT The credibility of the U S is absolutely on the line with Election2020 presidential historian says He RT Election2020 How President Trump and Joe Biden clash on key health care issues RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT It s simple If you want a healthy United States of America vote for Joe Biden If you want a sick Divided States of RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide As I stood at the voting booth one voter asked her Have you seen any voting fraud yet She replied proudly We RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT The credibility of the U S is absolutely on the line with Election2020 presidential historian says He RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol The credibility of the U S is absolutely on the line with Election2020 presidential historian say RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol Last minute Reuters Poll Election2020 Oct 27 Nov 1 Biden 52 Trump 44 FLORIDA Biden 50 Trump 4 RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke The election is coming and there s a with a Sugarcoat running OEKIIN Sugarcoat RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide SEE IT Six states that could swing the 2020 U S presidential election RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT WATCH When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moon Pennsylvania Bring it Home MAGA2020LandslideVictory Trump gt Biden RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT UNDER NO SCENARIO The Biden Campaign already setting up Election2020 night chaos Jen O Malley Dillon campaign manager fo RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se amp a GIGA RED VAVES TO WASHED OUT THE Biden too ElectionDay Election2020 Trump2020LandslideVictory abc news nbc news cbs news fox news WE ARE CALLING GEORGIA AND PENNSYLVANIA FOR JOE BIDEN AND THUS THE PRESIDE TrumpTrain THUGS VoteHimOut Election2020 Elections2020 RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke I m usually a pessimist but that s how I think it will go down Biden 413 Trump 125 Election2020 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide I have a lot of anxiety about tomorrow Who else is super worried about their safety I live in a Conservative city On the night before the election remember you called Ulster Scots Scotch Irish 18 22 US Presidents RT If you are a Christian amp still wrestling with how to vote uncomfortable with the character deficiencies of Trump but fear I did predict a Trump victory regardless of his policies and Dem enthusiasm Things I m dreading but just won t be TrumpTrain VIOLENCE VoteHimOut Election2020 CNN ReutersUS ABC abcnews RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll My final prediction Biden 351 Trump 187 Election2020 RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol WATCH When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delaye RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol RT Tomorrow is ElectionDay Who do you think will win the presidency amp don t forget to download the DMGS Election Guide RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT Electoral Map Biden 341 Trump 197 Changes GA Lean Red gt Tilt Red NV Lean Blue gt Likely Blue Election2020 RT Election2020 Updated odds to win the 2020 US Presidential Election Bovada Joe Biden 180 Donald Trump 150 I hope everyone who is against both Biden and trump is out on the streets in America come election day Election2020 RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll This Election2020 ElectionDay is gonna be for the books That said I am having some bad images conjure in my he RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT Fuck Trump Vote Biden Election2020 VOTE One of the only tangible differences between Trump and Biden is their position on COVID19 The 2020 election migh RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Trump or Biden Election2020 ElectionDay TrumpPence2020 BidenHarris2020 RT if you didn t vote for joe biden i hope you rot in hell because just by voting for trump or third party you participated RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT US Presidential Election Odds updated getting hammered on Joe Biden Donald Trump 160 Joe Biden 220 Be sure to RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Trump Biden to rally on final day of race US elections news election2020 Try building your own coalition of states which are organized according to Cook Political Report ratings to see p RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moonshot The ol Who will win the U S Presidential Donald Trump Joe Biden Vote Election2020 ElectionDay MAGA MAGA2020 RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral She was right about a lot of things dammit And here we are So LET S PUSH THE RESET BUTTON TOMORROW PEOPLE W RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in Just my opinion but here s my Election Prediction take it or leave it Trump gt 283 Biden lt 255 VOTE Here is the first look at our results dashboard We will be tweeting updates throughout the night to give you the k RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Election2020 Who will win Biden is polling better But Trump has larger packed rallies DBL discusses FACT CHECK reports never used the term super predator might be well served to RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Are you looking graphicdesign making JPEG PDF to VectorTracing Inbox me or Contact me RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Big Tech Draws Record Revenue Harsh Criticism with Election Ads tech Trump Biden Elections2020 Election2020 When it comes to space President Trump s plans include a 2024 moon mission whereas Joe Biden backs a delayed moons RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Me I m voting for Biden Trump supporters Are you serious Do your research Me I voted early Too late Election2020 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT get together head down to McAllen amp give Kamala Harris a nice Trump Train welcome Get out there have some fun enjoy i RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Using Trump s logic shouldn t Biden be rightfully able to declare himself the winner of Election2020 right no RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide WTFLYINGF Joe Biden has rally with stunts by Lady Gaga and John Legend and y all play Trump and more trump RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Polling Kansas Polling Presidential Trump R 55 7 Biden D 41 1 Senate Marshall R 51 11 Bollier D 45 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll I m making a prediction about vote Election2020 that if the turnout tomorrow is huge Trump wins If it is not Biden wins RT way What happens after Tuesday Larry Sharpe is LIVE with Sharpe Way Ask Me Anything You can join the livestream here T Donald Trump is still in the lead we ve sold about 28 000 Trump cookies to 5 000 of Biden s When people sp RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post In 2020 finale Trump talks vote fraud Biden s on offense from Election2020 RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio Twitter plans to add labels to tweets from candidates who claim victory before the Election2020 is called by autho Questions 1 If Trump wins where does the GOP go from there 2 If Biden wins what happens to the Democratic Pa RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll On the eve of Election2020 we re pleased to unveil our latest report detailing the hardening USChina competition RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post Why are you voting for Biden Why are you voting for Trump Election2020 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide biden r u ready me YEAH bidem harris for the win tomorrow no more 4 yrs for donald trump the sick nazi fasc So 24hrs from now the first set of ElectionDay results should be in I just watched a documentary on BBC on Trump America didn t experience this under Trump s watch unlike Obama Biden years hope voters keep this in mi RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT The FBI said it was investigating an incident in which a convoy of vehicles flying Trump flags surrounded a bus carrying Elec RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke Trump leads Biden in my poll Election2020 ElectionDay ElectionsCIV2020 Elections2020 JoeBiden My prediction Trump 302 votes Biden 236 votes USA Election2020 Trump2020LandslideVictory Trump2020 RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT Monday November 02 2020 04 20 41 PM Pacific Democratic ticket has a 73 7 chance of winning Election2020 Electoral Little brown girl Australian Biden Harris cartoon sparks furore via WTF RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden October 31 2020 PT II My Analysis Post Monday November 02 2020 04 20 41 PM Pacific Democratic ticket has a 73 7 chance of winning Election2020 El RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Against Trump will come around on ElectionDay and vote for him Peop RT China s faith hangs in the balance Another term for Trump will worsen China woes A Biden however will see a fundament RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT Trump themed cookies are vastly outselling its Biden themed cookies by a margin of almost 6 to 1 Election2020 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT DID YOU VOTE EARLY Election Day is TOMORROW Retweet this photo if you have already voted election2020 trump biden v RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Road to 270 Electoral paths for President Trump Biden Election2020 ElectionDay Free United States of America Wollt ihr Free Biden Merkel Immigration and Terror 9 11 Is Worldwide vienna Yes will be there along with a host of really interesting contribut RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Federal Judge Orders USPS To Ignore Trump Use Extraordinary Measures To Deliver Mail In Ballots On Time RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Okay okay I ve already voted And I was going to vote regardless of the tens of 1000s of e mails amp strange te RT Are you looking graphicdesign making JPEG PDF to VectorTracing Inbox me or Contact me RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Pick a card Biden Trump lilLaughta Election2020 VoteResponsibly your knot Responsible I am RT Poll Who Are You Voting For ElectionDay Election2020 ElectionNight Elections JoeBiden Biden Trump RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT The APFactCheck team reviews a week in the Election2020 campaign including President Trump on the coronavirus and Joe B RT Polling Kansas Polling Presidential Trump R 55 7 Biden D 41 1 Senate Marshall R 51 11 Bollier D 45 IDK which way the election will swing but my vote was the hardest this yes I am a Republican did not vote for Tru About Election2020 I hope that if Biden or Trump will win people will not do anything stupid RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Trump will win against John Biden and the Democrats Election2020 RT Polling South Carolina Polling Presidential Trump R 53 3 Biden D 44 Senate Graham R 49 3 Harrison D Who is winning tomorrow I say Biden 280 Trump 258 but won t be surprised if those numbers get flipped Election2020 the Dow Jones under Obama and Biden barely cracked 14 000 at its best 6 7 weeks ago it hit almost 3 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT China Will Attack Russia In The 2020s Article Vienna ViennaAttack Austria No matter what happens ma ana we will be seeing the end of democracy in the U S If Biden wins Trump and his supp RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Are you looking graphicdesign making JPEG PDF to VectorTracing Inbox me or Contact me Final Election2020 forecast Like everyone it all comes down to Pennsylvania Trump 282 Biden 256 ElectionDay RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On Against Trump will come around on ElectionDay and vote fo RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT I voted for Joe Biden because I m sick of hearing about Donald J Trump Please vote so we can get rid of the lying ora RT will So when votes pour in later in the week and they re all for Biden does that seem legit to my Democrat friends When Tr BidenHarris2020 Trump2020 Election2020 Energy independence has little value to voters this year As Biden voters RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT An APFactCheck finds that the coronavirus and a manufactured crisis over voting fraud featured in President Donald Trump if you didn t vote for joe biden i hope you rot in hell because just by voting for trump or third party you parti RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Choice Trump v Biden evil 1 2 Choice Clinton v Trump evil 1 2 Choice Obama v Romney evil 1 2 Choice wait people are actually wasting their votes on trump CountEveryVote BidenHarris2020ToSaveAmerica Biden RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Final ElectoralCollege Ratings Biden 321 Trump 217 s Crystal Ball and UVA CFP Election2020 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT In the last hour Trump has mocked Lebron Beyonc Jay Z Lady Gaga Jon Bon Jovi amp Joe Biden What does that tell us abo RT americans bitch please Trump is Bolsonaro Bolsonaro is Trump Trump Biden Election2020 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Federal Judge Orders USPS To Ignore Trump Use Extraordinary Measures To Deliver Mail In Ballots On Time Trump tries to undermine democratic process at the end of the campaign democracy politics Obama and Biden failed Trump is the man Trump2020LandslideVictory Trump VoteResponsibly Election2020 The Trump vs Biden vote will be a hall mark moment in American and world history Trump on the extreme right and Bi RT I voted for Joe Biden because I m sick of hearing about Donald J Trump Please vote so we can get rid of the lying ora RT Results from our final update to the 2020 presidential election model ELECTORAL COLLEGE Biden 364 Trump 174 POPULAR Establishment Republicans who walked away from Trump in 2016 do seem to be coming home Baris has Waukesha County RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Joe Biden gets to end his political career on one of the most embarrassing losses in American history After that RT We know Biden is the lesser of 2 evils we know Trump is demolishing America just please go and vote you have the opportun RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Road to 270 Electoral paths for President Trump Biden Election2020 ElectionDay RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll And the twentieth roll is a 4 a Biden winning scenario So far Trump is outperforming the odds with 3 wins out What s this Joe ChinaJoe Biden BidenCrimeFamiily Trump MAGA MAGA2020 Election2020 ElectionDay RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in This is what would happen if joe Biden is elected Biden Elecciones2020 Election2020 AmericaFirst Trump RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke americans bitch please Trump is Bolsonaro Bolsonaro is Trump Trump Biden Election2020 RT will So when votes pour in later in the week and they re all for Biden does that seem legit to my Democrat friends When Tr RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Here s a look at the battle over Election2020 in The Villages a mostly Republican community where Democrats are workin RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post US Election 2020 Weirdest Predictions Election2020 Elecciones2020 Elections2020 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Hope Voters keep in mind that US didn t experience this under Trump s watch but experienced it under Obama To save democracy vote for Joe Biden This is today s GOP trump gop maga Election2020 RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral The Employees Who Gave Most to Trump and Biden Elections2020 Election2020 Trump Biden ElectionDay eve Polls in swing states tighten further Biden was forecast to win by 9 electoral college seats a f It ll come down to who has the two Big Mo s Momentum and Motivation v GOP v Democrats Trump v Biden RT Polling South Carolina Polling Presidential Trump R 53 3 Biden D 44 Senate Graham R 49 3 Harrison D RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Georgia Trump vs Biden GASen Perdue vs Ossoff Landmark 11 1 500 LV My Analysis Post GA2020 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide You wanna hear a scary scenario since Halloween was 2 days ago a tied Electoral College Biden wins MI WI and A South Carolina Polling Presidential Trump R 53 3 Biden D 44 Senate Graham R 49 3 Harriso RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Polling Kansas Polling Presidential Trump R 55 7 Biden D 41 1 Senate Marshall R 51 11 Bollier D 45 RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Trump Nah Biden Nah LORD VADER it is Dark Side let s go Now where are my cookies p Election2020 StarWars https The Trump Administration just released a statement accusing the Democrats of ALREADY cutting election day ads of a RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT I m more concerned about what Trump will do with his remaining 2 5 months as President than I am about him not conceding RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Just in time for election2020 our latest CI Newsletter Who is better for Markets Biden or Trump RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in Tomorrow s Election Day and whether Trump or Biden wins I know one thing is for sure People are gonna need a ton You know why voting trump is a terrible idea because i have people all over telling me if biden wins to stay saf RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT What commercial opportunities are there for businesses in Asia after Election2020 Find out from our latest podcast https RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT From the Paris climate accord to fracking laws everything is at stake for America s green future Here s where Trump and RT Make sure regardless what happens with litigation that your vote is counted tells RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio My Tinfoil Hat predictions for tomorrow s US Election 1 Biden wins by narrow margin 2 Trump contests victory 3 China Will Attack Russia In The 2020s Article Vienna ViennaAttack RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in It has been reported in Japan that the US has been divided over the presidential election That sounds true RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online RT An APFactCheck finds that the coronavirus and a manufactured crisis over voting fraud featured in President Donald Trump When you go vote tomorrow do not think about trump versus Biden Think about a single with lil Wayne 50cent and li RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa americans atention Trump is Bolsonaro Bolsonaro is Trump Trump Biden Election2020 RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT Our final PEORIAProject Election2020 projection is here Our model predicts Joe Biden will win the presidential election Bi RT Here s a look at the battle over Election2020 in The Villages a mostly Republican community where Democrats are workin Election2020 worst case scenario s trump wins and the blm and other pseudo left wing antiantifantifa riot till th RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT ElectionDay 200 FREE PLAY ALERT Will President Donald Trump get his 2nd Term Giving away 8 25 FREE PLAYS if Trump b democracy Trump Biden Election2020 ElectionDay Elections VOTE Fauci is a partisan hack who s been wrong more times than I can even remember Trump needs to fire him amp put fresh Interesting watch Politics CountEveryVote COVID19 lockdown2uk Trump Biden News America Parler Twitter RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Here s a look at the battle over Election2020 in The Villages a mostly Republican community where Democrats are workin RT It s simple If you want a healthy United States of America vote for Joe Biden If you want a sick Divided States of RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll americans remember Trump is Bolsonaro Bolsonaro is Trump Trump Biden Election2020 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Kansas Polling Presidential Trump R 55 7 Biden D 41 1 Senate Marshall R 51 11 Bollier D RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide They should fear a bigger threat if Biden wins Terrorists attack Trump extreme approach works and US RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT The lesser evil paves the way to the greater evil It s not in opposition to it It makes way for it Former Green P RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Here s a look at the battle over Election2020 in The Villages a mostly Republican community where Democrats are w Trump would have won the electoral college by a land slide if it were not for covid 19 I think it will be a narr RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT Polling Nevada Presidential Polling Biden D 51 Trump R 44 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1442 Online Elec RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke Poll added in FL Ipsos w 5P 3 2020 10 27 to 2020 11 01 Biden 50 0 Trump 46 0 Jorgensen 1 0 Hawkins 0 0 Wes RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT Under no scenario will Donald Trump be declared a victor on election night Jen O Malley Dillon Biden Campaign Mana RT Poll White House Watch Biden 48 Trump 47 BreakingPoll Election2020 Who s gna win Election2020 Trump Biden TrumpPence2020 Trump Read this if you re undecided on who to vote for Justice Is On The Ballot DOJ Alums Say Trump Reelection Could RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral Trump said supporters who surrounded a Biden campaign bus did nothing wrong as the FBI investigates Url RT This this is EVERYTHING Election2020 queen goodbye Trump biden RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT I voted for Joe Biden because I m sick of hearing about Donald J Trump Please vote so we can get rid of the lying ora RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT WhY would anyone Vote for JOE BIDEN Watch more via AmericaFirst TRUMP El Biden vs Trump tipping point change Biden by 2 1 in FL Biden by 2 2 in FL More info from WhY would anyone Vote for JOE BIDEN Watch more via AmericaFirst RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se Who s gna win Election2020 Trump Biden TrumpPence2020 BidenHarris RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT Our Equally Sacred scorecard compares President Trump s and Vice President Biden s positions on the issues that Pope Fr RT Biden will win Election2020 Trump will exit and will gone mad RT Latinos are projected to be the largest non white voting group this Election2020 Could they sway the vote to Trump or Bi RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se China Will Attack Russia In The 2020s Article Vienna ViennaAttack RT The final USC Dornsife Daybreak Poll results reveal a consistently stable presidential race Biden leads Trump by 10 poin RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT BREAKING Nearly 100 million Americans have cast their votes already ahead of Election Day That represents around 72 of th TRYING to FIX the SAME THINGS with the SAME OLD is COMPLETE INSANITY TRUMP FIXED MORE IN 47 MONTHS THE RT Polling Nevada Presidential Polling Biden D 51 Trump R 44 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1442 Online Elec RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online Under no scenario will Donald Trump be declared a victor on election night Jen O Malley Dillon Biden Campaign RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide vote trump out vote biden harris 2020 for the win electionday election2020 vote usa RT Polling Presidential Polling Biden D 53 1 Trump R 43 YouGov Economist November 2 2020 n 1363 Online c RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Trump Nah Biden Nah LORD VADER it is Dark Side let s go Now where are my cookies p Election2020 StarWars https RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On BREAKING Nearly 100 million Americans have cast their votes already ahead of Election Day That represents aroun RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT Results from our final update to the 2020 presidential election model ELECTORAL COLLEGE Biden 364 Trump 174 POPULAR This this is EVERYTHING Election2020 queen goodbye Trump biden RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Asylum se RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT I voted for Joe Biden because I m sick of hearing about Donald J Trump Please vote so we can get rid of the lying ora We hope to God that Biden wins the election Trump doesn t want us here Adrian asylum seeker from Honduras Rt Who does America want as their next President Vote Trump Biden Poll Election2020 Trump2020 Biden2020 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Kamala Harris amp sleepy Joe Biden Hired Twitter and Facebook Secretary Jennifer Hertz Looking forward to the US ElectionDay tomorrow as a political nerd I m expecting a narrow Biden win although I Lochel s Bakery in Pennsylvania has held a cookie poll in which customers can buy cookies decorated with who they w RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea Pls stop I cant even vote yet Trump Biden Election2020 ElectionDay Elections2020 ElectionNight VOTE RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll As much as I want to support any other candidate BUT is a weak candidate and once agai RT I voted for Joe Biden because I m sick of hearing about Donald J Trump Please vote so we can get rid of the lying ora Independent nonprofit and nonpartisan think tank weighs in on Trump vs Workers Election2020 Biden No matter if Biden or Trump win there will be riots Be ready Election2020 The Good and the Bad of the U S Economy on Eve of Election Day Elections2020 Election2020 Trump Biden US Election 2020 Donald Trump amp rival Joe Biden are making their last pitch to voters Test of Trump s Blocill RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT has a 35 chance of winning the Election2020 He only had a 20 chance in 2016 ElectionDay E RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT A huge thank you to amp for including The Week Junior s editor in this feature has a 35 chance of winning the Election2020 He only had a 20 chance in 2016 ElectionDay Okay prediction time ladies and gents I think due to Covid 19 and the state of the economy Trump will lose to B RT Trump surrogates are experts at projection asserting Biden is the one who will steal the election JasonMiller Georg Biden Vs Trump Supporters clashing 11 2 2020 amp 11 3 live street feed Election2020 Biden2020 RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke We re still waiting for your taxes Still haven t released them You can t even show a piece of RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post Who won the USA Election on thursday 3th Donald Trump or Joe Biden Election2020 RT sci guy My Election2020 prediction Biden to win the popular vote Trump to win the presidency 280 electoral college votes for RT The Democrats need to change their party name They don t know the meaning of Democracy Elect RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Here s my bet for tomorrow BIDEN 212 TRUMP 326 Blue tears everywhere full red wave ElectionDay Election2020 it s election eve who do you have your bets on winning this planned election donald DonaldTrump Election2020 biden campaign manager declares under no scenario will Trump be allowed to declare victory on election night so If you re from Florida who are you voting for Election2020 Trump Biden Rt Who does America want as their next President Vote Trump Biden Poll Election2020 Trump2020 Biden2020 My Election2020 prediction Biden to win the popular vote Trump to win the presidency 280 electoral college vote RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online RT Polling Nevada Presidential Polling Biden D 51 Trump R 44 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1442 Online Elec RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On The Democrats need to change their party name They don t know the meaning of Democracy I voted for Joe Biden because I m sick of hearing about Donald J Trump Please vote so we can get rid of the lying RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT A huge thank you to amp for including The Week Junior s editor in this feature RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT President Trump making inroads with Latino VOTE as Bloomberg News reports Biden campaign struggling with Hispanic El RT To me it seems a clear voter suppression tactic and an effort to invalidate ballots that a party does not think are fo RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online RT During a Joe Biden campaign livestream on Monday the campaign manager for presidential candidate Joe Biden said that RT From Trump and Biden enter the final week of Election2020 Election 2020 I m watching They said there is election stress disorder with millions I will NEVE I just received word that tonights main event Trump c vs Biden is now set to be a Hair vs Hair razor on a pole m RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post A huge thank you to amp for including The Week Junior s editor in this featu RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post This is why Trump s extreme approach works US not experiencing what Europe is experiencing now Unlike i RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa Trump is a fascist but Biden still sucks Is voting meaningfull in any way Is there another way out of this mess RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post Blacks Support Trump USA Biden ElectionDay USApolitics USAelection2020 USAElections2020 2020Election RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Trump leading in swing states Unlike most other polls group shows President Trump leading Biden in key states RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT Federal Judge Orders USPS To Ignore Trump Use Extraordinary Measures To Deliver Mail In Ballots On Time RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT The lesser evil paves the way to the greater evil It s not in opposition to it It makes way for it Former Green P RT So much for law and order These caravans are not only breaking the law they are endangering the lives of fellow Amer RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Quant trading firm Susquehanna has been trying to pique hedge funds interest in casting big bets in political pred RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll It is literally this simple Narcissist vote for Trump I care about myself amp other people so I am voting for Biden Election2020 RT A selection of showing the Trump and Biden campaign on the final week before the Election2020 RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT Here s my bet for tomorrow BIDEN 212 TRUMP 326 Blue tears everywhere full red wave ElectionDay Election2020 RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT Latinos are projected to be the largest non white voting group this Election2020 Could they sway the vote to Trump or Bi Here s my bet for tomorrow BIDEN 212 TRUMP 326 Blue tears everywhere full red wave ElectionDay Election2020 Hope Trump wins so sick of the constant media propaganda against him as it s a total witch hunt at this stage Joe RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On If Biden wins I can 100 see Trump refusing to concede claiming that the votes are inaccurate due to mail in ballot To me it seems a clear voter suppression tactic and an effort to invalidate ballots that a party does not think RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post We need to get back to the time when someone asked who are you voting for or what are your political beliefs Election prediction Biden wins the popular amp electoral college vote However Trump wins at the end illegitimately RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa Well behaved women seldom make history And that includes in the US Election2020 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide My prediction Trump win by in person voting and he declare a win tomorrow Biden win after mail in Ballots are RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT US Presidential Election 2020 The Race To The WHITE HOUSE Joe Biden vs Donald Trump Inspired by malikafavre Design What happens after Tuesday Larry Sharpe is LIVE with Sharpe Way Ask Me Anything You can join the livestream RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea What happens after Tuesday Larry Sharpe is LIVE with Sharpe Way Ask Me Anything You can join the livestream A selection of showing the Trump and Biden campaign on the final week before the Election2020 RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke Who s going to win Election2020 trump biden Trump2020 BidenHarris2020 RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post I can t vote but my mum said that if I could I d be better off voting Biden cos he seems closer to death or at l RT Donald Trump is AmericasGreatestMistake Vote to make America SANE DECENT and RESPECTED once again VoteThemAllOut Biden still kickin Trump s ass While Trump s trying to throw out votes cuz he is not confident his supporters wi If you subscribe to the Liberal News you will never learn what Trump accomplished USElections2020 USA Biden RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Good luck to the Americans with their election Whoever wins I hope it helps to strengthen our relationship and n RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Dear people of USA there is noway to get rid of COVID COVID19 right now BUT YOU CAN get rid of a worse disease pl RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa Poll added in FL Ipsos w Lean 3 2020 10 27 to 2020 11 01 Biden 51 0 Trump 47 0 New FL avera RT Results from our final update to the 2020 presidential election model ELECTORAL COLLEGE Biden 364 Trump 174 POPULAR RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT Trump and Biden are locked in a dead heat in North Carolina where the number of eligible AAPI voters could be even h What happens after Tuesday Larry Sharpe is LIVE with Sharpe Way Ask Me Anything You can join the livestream RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in Right before you cast your vote for Trump tommorow I challenge you to think of 5 plans Trump has unveiled for the Curious to know when we will know the outcome of Election2020 Well it could be weeks Or months This is a pre The only DEATH SENTENCE being implemented is Trump sacrificing Trump2020 amp USA lives as Election2020 Eve which way will it go biden trump Daily That s exactly what they said about Trump Clinton back in 2016 My prediction Trump 330 electoral votes RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Me dragging Trump out the White House when Biden wins Election2020 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT The Alliance of Bias Don t just rage against the machine Vote against the machine does an excel Cast your vote Who will win the US Election2020 Vienna ViennaAttack Austria BTSV Trump Biden When Trump gets done with Biden tomorrow Joe s gonna wish he was married to a REAL doctor Election2020 KAG Today marks the most important day in America Americans will choose the best for them Who will win Donald Trump What commercial opportunities are there for businesses in Asia after Election2020 Find out from our latest podc What commercial opportunities are there for businesses in Asia after Election2020 Find out from our latest podc RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On RT Polling Presidential Polling Biden D 53 1 Trump R 43 YouGov Economist November 2 2020 n 1363 Online c RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On RT Is this the most important election in our lifetimes In history You tell me Election2020 MAGA Trump Biden https RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Polling Nevada Presidential Polling Biden D 51 Trump R 44 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1442 Online Elec Hillary Clinton Was Right to Warn Us She grasped the danger posed by the vast right wing conspiracy Russian int US PresidentialElection Roadmap Predictions and Aftermath Trump Biden RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Every vote matters Don t let yours go wasted Vote USPresidentialElections2020 Election2020 ElectionDay RT President Trump making inroads with Latino VOTE as Bloomberg News reports Biden campaign struggling with Hispanic El RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On summary of what to expect as vote results are coming in for six key states Could know Florida pretty quickly I RT Results from our final update to the 2020 presidential election model ELECTORAL COLLEGE Biden 364 Trump 174 POPULAR RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Joe Biden closes in on Donald Trump in Texas leading to some tense moments in the final days of the campaign America RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT JIMMY s FINAL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION MAP Trump wins 286 252 Notable gains in a Narrow victory in Nevada while narro RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Republican tariffs have cost Michigan businesses 1 9 billion Vote Biden and to end them POLL Presidential Race for Pennsylvania by the Trafalgar Group Donald Trump R 47 8 Joe Biden D 45 9 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT I m very worried about the election I don t think of it as a day I think of it as election season because I think that RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Trump and Biden are locked in a dead heat in North Carolina where the number of eligible AAPI voters could be even h RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Latinos are projected to be the largest non white voting group this Election2020 Could they sway the vote to Trump or Bi RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide if u havent voted yet vote n by voting i suggest u to vote for biden cuz in case u vote for trump u risk ur hand RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll VIDEO Biden misses cue when Obama introduces him suffers embarrassing senior moments at recent rallies Obama el RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT Polling Massachusetts Polling Presidential Biden D 62 1 Trump R 28 1 Senate Markey D 60 O Connor R 29 RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Polling Nevada Presidential Polling Biden D 51 Trump R 44 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1442 Online Elec RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke My final map prediction Election2020 NV MI MN will be narrow Biden wins NH will be narrow Trump win Nothin RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT The dividing line in Election2020 Fauci Trump says FireFauci Biden HireFauci Which is it RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online Me dragging Trump out the White House when Biden wins Election2020 RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post Biden amp President Trump President Trump is the one being thrown on the floor Biden wins RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide If Biden is telling the Truth about so called corruption why did Democrats only charge Trump with 2 non cr RT Monday November 02 2020 03 20 47 PM Pacific Democratic ticket has a 76 chance of winning Election2020 Electoral v RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Monday November 02 2020 03 20 47 PM Pacific Democratic ticket has a 76 chance of winning Election2020 Elec RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online RT 96 5 million Americans have voted early so far These 11 states have already seen more votes cast than 90 of their 2016 RT Polling Nevada Presidential Polling Biden D 51 Trump R 44 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1442 Online Elec RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Trump and Biden are locked in a dead heat in North Carolina where the number of eligible AAPI voters could be even h Biden is Major from Animal Farm There comrades is the answer to all our problems It is summed up in a single RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post Check out my latest article Why Biden Will Win By A Wide Margin via RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Polling Presidential Polling Biden D 53 1 Trump R 43 YouGov Economist November 2 2020 n 1363 Online c RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT Trump and Biden are locked in a dead heat in North Carolina where the number of eligible AAPI voters could be even h RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll What is important are the policies pursued in fulfilment of promises made along with platform positions that the RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On Why countries interfere in elections News Russia Interfere US RT Final 2020 electoral map prediction Texas Georgia Florida Iowa and Ohio all go for Trump but are within a f On the eve of Election2020 both candidates are making their final pitch in key swing states which will decide This doesn t fit the narrative of the Biden campaign Trump will save our economy thus actually helping minority c RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT Electoral Map Biden 341 Trump 197 Changes GA Lean Red gt Tilt Red NV Lean Blue gt Likely Blue Election2020 RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Election2020 Here s where President Trump and Joe Biden stand on issues of policing and racial economic disparities RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post Trump and Biden are locked in a dead heat in North Carolina where the number of eligible AAPI voters could be eve RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post To compensate for posting the wrong map earlier here s my actually final electoral map Trump 270 Biden 268 RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in the campa RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post Wow Even FoxNews can t ignore the fact that Trump could be in real trouble Biden BidenHarris2020 Election2020 RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT Polling Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1202 On RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll 2020 Electoral College Forecast Real Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post Florida Presidential Polling Biden D 51 5 Trump R 48 5 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 12 RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke My final election eve prediction everything will come down to either Joe Biden or Donald Trump At this stage in t RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT The aftermath is more important than the election The election actually isn t the most important thing The aftermath RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT May The Choice Be With You politics election2020 trump biden starwars lotr funny comics Just trying to visualise a possible scenario in which DonaldTrump loses the Election2020 Will he concede Wil RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Thankful that regardless of the outcome of election2020 we ll have a peaceful transition and the looser whethe Watching the Trump rally in Michigan on youtube rn and the live chat is literally just boomers typing in all caps s RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT The dividing line in Election2020 Fauci Trump says FireFauci Biden HireFauci Which is it RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT I bet Melania and Barron Trump vote for Biden Election2020 RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio What are the odds that there will be riots if Biden wins What are the odds that there will be riots if Trump wins RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Plutocracy at its finest covid Election2020 trump biden RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Hypothetically speaking if by chance or design Biden Harris win I wonder who Harris will name VP when they sidel TUESDAY TUESDAY TUESDAY BE THERE FOR THE EVENT OF THE YEAR WHERE THE CURRENT BELT HOLDER TRUMP FACES OFF AGAINST RT Whatever happens tomorrow I want the rest of the world to know that more people voted for Biden than Trump Just like mo RT Trump Nah Biden Nah LORD VADER it is Dark Side let s go Now where are my cookies p Election2020 StarWars https RT Me I m voting for Biden Trump supporters Are you serious Do your research Me I voted early Too late Election2020 RT I m very worried about the election I don t think of it as a day I think of it as election season because I think that RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Who will win tomorrow Trump Biden TrumpPence2020 BidenHarris2020 polls Election2020 ElectionDay Biden vs Trump tipping point change Biden by 2 0 in FL Biden by 2 1 in FL More info from RT Georgia Trump vs Biden GASen Perdue vs Ossoff Landmark 11 1 500 LV My Analysis Post GA2020 RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide reminder one of the polls that accurately predicted a trump win in 2016 says biden will win the election RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Biden Voters and Trump Voters discuss their fears surrounding the election and its aftermath With Election Day tomorrow RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT The aftermath is more important than the election The election actually isn t the most important thing The aftermath HAHAHA look everybody it s CHINA JOE BIDEN giving lectures on CORRUPTION OMG AHAHAHA RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Whatever happens tomorrow I want the rest of the world to know that more people voted for Biden than Trump Just like mo RT RT You don t have to vote for only the Democrat Biden or Republican Trump because there s a great third party candidate o The dividing line in Election2020 Fauci Trump says FireFauci Biden HireFauci Which is it RT Election2020 will redefine national climate priorities A Biden administration could accelerate the global energy transitio RT Trump surrogates are experts at projection asserting Biden is the one who will steal the election JasonMiller Georg RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Very helpful visual explainer of USA s Election2020 ElectionDay As Trump battles Biden in the US election the RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll On the last day of campaigning it doesn t look like Trump is being defensive or scrambling to protect strongholds RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Republicans Vote Trump to Save America Democrats Vote Biden to Save America Sane People Vote for the corrupt RT From the Paris climate accord to fracking laws everything is at stake for America s green future Here s where Trump and RT The aftermath is more important than the election The election actually isn t the most important thing The aftermath RT Polling Presidential Polling Biden D 53 1 Trump R 43 YouGov Economist November 2 2020 n 1363 Online c RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online  RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Are you voting for a president who can put together two coherent sentences Trump gt Biden Election2020 RT Polling Nevada Presidential Polling Biden D 51 Trump R 44 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1442 Online Elec Biden is trying to delegitimize Election Day and a Trump victory Trump Biden camps duel over possibility of a wi RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT The Election choices are stark Biden Weed amp Solar Trump Banks amp Oil Election2020 RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in The fact that he switches his hat from a Pirates one to a Biden one just proves he likes teams who don t get it do Are you voting for the candidate that will give you the ugly truth over a pretty lie Trump gt Biden Election2020 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Covid Races Through Swing States on Eve of Tense Election Day Trump Biden Elections2020 Election2020 Covid19 My Election2020 prediction Joe Biden 280 Donald Trump 258 RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in Ohh you all gunna be so pissed when trump wins tomorrow if you seriously think Biden has a chance without riggin Biden said it s time for Trump to pack his bags amp go home Florida he s talking to you NY is not an option Are you voting for transparency Trump gt Biden Election2020 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide USElections2020 NoToSocialMediaBill Biden Trump Election2020 I think This Song From I Who will win tomorrow Trump Biden TrumpPence2020 BidenHarris2020 polls Election2020 ElectionDay RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke Are you voting for a strong economy Trump gt Biden Election2020 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll We would have a election delay if it wasn t for dumb cunt Trump Then he cries wolf amp threatens to sue grab tump b RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Results from our final update to the 2020 presidential election model ELECTORAL COLLEGE Biden 364 Trump 174 POPULAR RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Retweet Bernie and the Supremes already grabbing Biden s BALLS Retweet Election2020 ElectionDay RT Status Check for Nov 2nd Election2020 VOTE Trump Biden Trump2020 RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT Polling Nevada Presidential Polling Biden D 51 Trump R 44 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1442 Online Elec RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Looks like the Don is finally getting his wall Non scalable fence going up around White House as election protests loom Y RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea Who Spent More Trump vs Biden Facebook Instagram Ad Spend Election2020 SocialMedia RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Polling Nevada Presidential Polling Biden D 51 Trump R 44 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1442 Online Elec Tomorrow is Election2020 and make sure you vote Whether it s Biden Trump or 3rd party candidates like trump just doesn t want to lose because he doesn t want to go to court for his 30 accusations RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in Election2020 BIDEN IS GOING TO LOSE I HATE TO SAY IT BUT I CAN T SEE ANY WAY THAT HE CAN OVERCOME THE INTENSITY AN RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Polling Nevada Presidential Polling Biden D 51 Trump R 44 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1442 Online Elec RT ElectionDay 200 FREE PLAY ALERT Will President Donald Trump get his 2nd Term Giving away 8 25 FREE PLAYS if Trump b RT Electoral Map Biden 341 Trump 197 Changes GA Lean Red gt Tilt Red NV Lean Blue gt Likely Blue Election2020 Nevada Presidential Polling Biden D 51 Trump R 44 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1442 Online RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT It s simple If you want a healthy United States of America vote for Joe Biden If you want a sick Divided States of RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke Tomorrow the future of America will be decided folks Vote Trump if you value freedom Election2020 Trump Biden RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT My Sunday morning thought Pittsburgh Post Gazette s endorsement of Trump is really about money over morality The ma RT has lead over in group polls in Michigan and Ohio election2020 JustTheNews There s Vomit On My Sweater Already Trump amp Biden s Spaghetti I Stan and Still Exercised My One Opportunit RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke Make sure regardless what happens with litigation that your vote is counted tell RT Our final PEORIAProject Election2020 projection is here Our model predicts Joe Biden will win the presidential election Bi RT Trump They Obama amp Biden spied on my campaign That s Treason Election2020 ElectionDay Trump RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide ONE day to the election I m posting 42 things you may not know about a Biden Administration 1 Politico reports w RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll US election all you need to know as Joe Biden remains bookies favourite Election2020 RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke One market strategist s note tonight In 2016 the Peso and Yen were the pair to watch because of Trump s outspoke Who Do You Choose Gold Trump or Biden gold election2020 Tomorrow is Election Day Make sure you got Don t forget Election2020 Biden Trump Time is ticking RT Trump Nah Biden Nah LORD VADER it is Dark Side let s go Now where are my cookies p Election2020 StarWars https I fully understand these policies are supported by both parties As Trump is the current president it seems like al RT JIMMY s FINAL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION MAP Trump wins 286 252 Notable gains in a Narrow victory in Nevada while narro RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll some people being silent for Election2020 because they don t want to get in fights and get blocked I am happy thi RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide I hope Americans not going to regret choosing Biden as they regret choosing Trump even thought the later did bri RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT NEW gt gt Joe Biden Promises to End Trump s Chaos But Dan Crenshaw Fact Checks Him With Inconvenient Reminder RT We examined the candidates speeches tweets and websites before comparing their plans for handling COVID 19 Here s what we RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Trump on the moneyline 179 to win the presidency Biden Election2020 odds bettingline sportsbook Sane individuals prefer Biden over Trump Election2020 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT One last hurrah for cblive on the American election Why keep asking what makes people follow Trump isn t it reasonab RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT We examined the candidates speeches tweets and websites before comparing their plans for handling COVID 19 Here s what we RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in All my American friends please pass this message If you love America you can t let Joe Biden win Make sure you has Biden with an 8pt lead nationally over Trump in Pennsylvania it s even slimmer less than 5 HAPPY ELECTION EVE This is where we take back the country Vote Election2020 Biden Trump Deceptive Donald misses the point that some rules have to be followed like peaceful transition of RT You don t have to vote for only the Democrat Biden or Republican Trump because there s a great third party candidate o RT Watch 0 s broadcast The Wolfman Joe Show Day 4 BidenCorruption HunterBiden GTV BLM ANTIFA Trump RT With just one day of campaigning left will it be a win for Joe Biden or Donald Trump Follow our coverage for the latest u RT Watch 0 s broadcast The Wolfman Joe Show Day 4 BidenCorruption HunterBiden GTV BLM ANTIFA Trump Biden E RT Ahead of the US election2020 we take a look at the last five years of UN climate talks and what s at stake for t RT NEW gt gt Joe Biden Promises to End Trump s Chaos But Dan Crenshaw Fact Checks Him With Inconvenient Reminder RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Watch 0 s broadcast The Wolfman Joe Show Day 4 BidenCorruption HunterBiden GTV BLM ANTIFA Trump RT Watch what happened at 55 49 in 0 s broadcast The Wolfman Joe Show Day 4 BidenCorruption HunterBiden GTV B RT Latinos are projected to be the largest non white voting group this Election2020 Could they sway the vote to Trump or Bi RT Watch 0 s broadcast The Wolfman Joe Show Day 3 Biden Trump Election2020 Trump2020 LandslideVictory RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Watch 0 s broadcast The Wolfman Joe Show Day 3 Biden Trump Election2020 Trump2020 LandslideVictory RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT will So when votes pour in later in the week and they re all for Biden does that seem legit to my Democrat friends When Tr Farage China Will Attack Russia In The 2020s Article Vienna ViennaAttack Election2020 Predictions Joe Biden wins Nothing changes New worse trump comes Repeat The Cycle of corporate extr RT Watch what happened at 39 56 in 0 s broadcast The Wolfman Joe Show Day 3 Biden Trump Election2020 Tr RT Watch 0 s broadcast The Wolfman Joe Show Day 2 Biden Trump Trump2020 CivilWar2020 MartialLaw Elec RT Trump Crowd s enjoy Netherlands 4 Trump ElectionDay RT Watch 0 s broadcast The Wolfman Joe Show Day 2 Biden Trump Trump2020 CivilWar2020 MartialLaw Elec RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll joe biden is a good man and good human being trump isn t who u chose to support says a lot about what kind of per RT Watch 0 s broadcast The Wolfman Joe Show Day 2 Biden Trump Trump2020 CivilWar2020 MartialLaw Elect RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll So can real time fact check the Biden campaign on Trump s crowd size but can t fact check t RT It s simple If you want a healthy United States of America vote for Joe Biden If you want a sick Divided States of RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT great breakdown Election2020 Ten Trump v Biden Policy Disputes That Impact the Sports Industry sportsbiz RT Here s where Trump and Biden stand on climate issues Election2020 RT Biden should announce that if elected he will pardon exactly TWO Trump family members and then sit back and see what happens RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Narrator voice 24 hours to go Sirens sounding in the background Its ElectionDay Election2020 in the Showdown NYT Nov2 The NYTimes daily news in three days or less Election2020 RT Trump leading in swing states Unlike most other polls group shows President Trump leading Biden in key states RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea Honestly in my opinion I think the only reason ppl voted trump is to keep there guns and the only reason ppl voted So it s Election2020 Eve I predict Joe Biden will win the Presidency I think Trump s poor handling of the pandem RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Perspective Biden is as likely to win Wisconsin as Trump is to win Missouri Biden is as likely to win Pennsylv RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll So when votes pour in later in the week and they re all for Biden does that seem legit to my Democrat friends Wh RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT Media s pulling out all the stops in its desperate efforts to get biden elected Always defending biden and attempting RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT It s time for Donald Trump to pack his bags and go home Biden speaking right now in Pittsburgh Election2020 That amp his Democratic Party proxies haven t said a word about Trump s murder of an 8yo USian child points Hope you satanist not voting for that sleepy Biden guy Remember to vote for your President Trump to keep the USA g RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT The Election choices are stark Biden Weed amp Solar Trump Banks amp Oil Election2020 Poll added in FL Ipsos 3 2020 10 27 to 2020 11 01 Biden 50 0 Trump 46 0 New FL average Bi RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT Results from our final update to the 2020 presidential election model ELECTORAL COLLEGE Biden 364 Trump 174 POPULAR RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea Undecided voters Last chance to check out our Trump v Biden episode This debate is on each candidate s pros RT 10 000 cash give giveaway If either Presidential Candidate gets 366 or more electoral votes Obama had 365 in 2008 in RT Polling Presidential Polling Biden D 53 1 Trump R 43 YouGov Economist November 2 2020 n 1363 Online c RT The Election choices are stark Biden Weed amp Solar Trump Banks amp Oil Election2020 RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post Lights camera action Election2020 pandemic ElectionDay RT Georgia Trump vs Biden GASen Perdue vs Ossoff Landmark 11 1 500 LV My Analysis Post GA2020 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Trump Nah Biden Nah LORD VADER it is Dark Side let s go Now where are my cookies p Election2020 StarWars https RT No matter which politicalparty you support it s very simple CountEveryVote EveryVoteCounts Election2020 ElectionD RT The Election choices are stark Biden Weed amp Solar Trump Banks amp Oil Election2020 RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post Voted Election2020 ElectionDay OnlyTheYoung Election Trump Biden PREMIERING SOON The Elected News Election Eve Super Special will be on at 8 00 tonight Georgia Trump vs Biden GASen Perdue vs Ossoff Landmark 11 1 500 LV My Analysis Post Election2020 There are many reasons why it would be interesting for Trump not to win but are there conditions for Biden to win RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll The election is important but it s the AFTERMATH that s the MOST important SharpeWay LarrySharpe libertarian Can I just say as an ordained pastor Kirk Cameron is a stupid fucking idiot and doesn t speak for Christ RT Results from our final update to the 2020 presidential election model ELECTORAL COLLEGE Biden 364 Trump 174 POPULAR The Election choices are stark Biden Weed amp Solar Trump Banks amp Oil Election2020 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Republicans detail their last minute push and estimates for how big a bang they will get on Election Day If Hillary beat Trump by 3 million I gotta think Biden beats him by 6 million Election2020 RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online RT The aftermath is more important than the election The election actually isn t the most important thing The aftermath Our final Senate Forecast will be live at 6 PM CST only on Check it out and share with fri RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Joe Biden at 321 electoral votes and Donald Trump at 217 via UVA Election2020 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online RT Election2020 In final pre Election Day forecast projects Biden to win 321 electoral votes gt Trump in 201 RT If you were required by federal law to vote for one party or the other in tomorrow s election which party would you vote for Study suggests what names are most likely to vote for which Presidential candidate The New York Times poll shows R Trump leading in swing states Unlike most other polls group shows President Trump leading Biden in k RT Election2020 will redefine national climate priorities A Biden administration could accelerate the global energy transitio RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll Biden should announce that if elected he will pardon exactly TWO Trump family members and then sit back and see wh RT Polling Presidential Polling Biden D 53 1 Trump R 43 YouGov Economist November 2 2020 n 1363 Online c RT Electoral Map Biden 341 Trump 197 Changes GA Lean Red gt Tilt Red NV Lean Blue gt Likely Blue Election2020 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Will Trump or Biden declare victory before the news Election2020 Trump Biden No matter which politicalparty you support it s very simple CountEveryVote EveryVoteCounts Election2020 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Joe Biden goes into the presidential election with a 10 point national lead among likely voters in the final The Economi  RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Polling Presidential Polling Biden D 53 1 Trump R 43 YouGov Economist November 2 2020 n 1363 Online c RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke Election2020 FL GA NH MI WI AZ are the battleground states with mail ins due amp counted tomorrow Same rule Donald J Trump gt joe biden Election2020 Trump Poll added in IL Victory Research 2020 10 26 to 2020 11 01 Biden 54 1 Trump 38 2 New IL avera Adult Tea has asked several voters one simple question Why is this one of the most important elections And we USPS Ordered to Speed Swing State Ballots to Make Election Day Vote Trump Biden Elections2020 Election2020 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online RT Electoral Map Biden 341 Trump 197 Changes GA Lean Red gt Tilt Red NV Lean Blue gt Likely Blue Election2020 RT Polling Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Online Come on America Do the right thing amp please please thoroughly humiliate the man baby ElectionDay I m ALREADY SINGING trump obama biden Election2020 RT 1 It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election Whether Biden or Trump is victorious depends on which ke RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT Polling Massachusetts Polling Presidential Biden D 62 1 Trump R 28 1 Senate Markey D 60 O Connor R 29 RT Results from our final update to the 2020 presidential election model ELECTORAL COLLEGE Biden 364 Trump 174 POPULAR Pennsylvania Presidential Polling Biden D 52 Trump R 45 Data For Progress November 1 2020 n 1417 Trump Nah Biden Nah LORD VADER it is Dark Side let s go Now where are my cookies p Election2020 StarWars RT Polling Presidential Polling Biden D 53 1 Trump R 43 YouGov Economist November 2 2020 n 1363 Online c Mainstream Media Stop reporting court rulings on voting as wins for either Biden or Trump instead please accura RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea RT Polling Presidential Polling Biden D 53 1 Trump R 43 YouGov Economist November 2 2020 n 1363 Online c RT Ennui The story so far in Biden s head is he s running for Senate his Sister is his Wife and he works for Lady Gaga RT From the Paris climate accord to fracking laws everything is at stake for America s green future Here s where Trump and RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT President Trump says bad things happen in Philadelphia He s about to learn to keep Philly out of his mouth https RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide We predict that Trump will receive more votes in California than in any other state minus Texas and Florida Th RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Presidential Polling Biden D 53 1 Trump R 43 YouGov Economist November 2 2020 n 1363 Onlin RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 71 of voters say we should wait for all mail in ballots to be counted even if the process drags on for some time Bid RT The aftermath is more important than the election The election actually isn t the most important thing The aftermath RT Revised Pennsylvania Trump vs Biden vote projection Trump 51 Biden 47 Election2020 The kids in my 7th grade Social Studies class voted for the President today and in a close vote Biden 53 Trump 49 RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT The aftermath is more important than the election The election actually isn t the most important thing The aftermath RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Federal Judge Orders USPS To Ignore Trump Use Extraordinary Measures To Deliver Mail In Ballots On Time RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Biden Trump said he was going to fire Dr Fauci I got a better idea elect me and I m going to hire Dr Fauci Electio Poll added in OH AtlasIntel 2020 10 29 to 2020 10 30 Biden 46 5 Trump 50 4 New OH average T RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT How are y all feeling on this ElectionDay Eve What do y all think is gonna happen Biden win Trump win Sound off P RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll The aftermath is more important than the election The election actually isn t the most important thing The aft RT As the race heads to its finale President Trump trails Joe Biden by 10 points nationally in a new WSJ NBC poll brea Twitter and Facebook have done everything single thing they could to swing this for Biden Now it s YOUR turn Gi RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide I don t think Trump will claim victory on the night because as the vote count passes 75 with Biden solidly winning RT Here s where Trump and Biden stand on climate issues Election2020 RT Call me sensitive idc but i m fucking crying you guys can t let trump win i am not going to have my rights striped awa RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post I m loving this new unfiltered PBO He may be having a little too much fun The bear is off the leash and he s go RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT Polling Massachusetts Polling Presidential Biden D 62 1 Trump R 28 1 Senate Markey D 60 O Connor R 29 RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll  RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT has lead over in group polls in Michigan and Ohio election2020 JustTheNews RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Trump bought up YouTube s homepage Biden responded with 200 other sites VOTE VoteResponsibly VoteInPerson Russia via Russia Today tonight claimed that Biden victory will lead to street violence and the only way to avo RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT For decades polls have shown that large majorities of Americans would prefer a popular vote system instead of the Electoral RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide Poll added in MA MassINC w Lean 2 2020 10 23 to 2020 10 30 Biden 62 0 Trump 28 0 New MA ave RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post Trump They Obama amp Biden spied on my campaign That s Treason Election2020 ElectionDay Trump RT James Carville on Trump He s gonna get his fat ass beat Also on MSNBC People are nervous for no reason We ll RT 2020 Electoral College Forecast Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 2 2020 My Analysis Post RT terrence Just got off the phone with one of my former foster brothers and he s a registered Democrat He said As far as I know Bide RT How are y all feeling on this ElectionDay Eve What do y all think is gonna happen Biden win Trump win Sound off P RT 2020 Electoral College Fore


Sentiment Analysis of US Elections Twitter Data using Tweepy, Textblob, NLTK, and Word Cloud


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