chitholian / DNF-Faster

A patch to DNF for downloading packages faster.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DNF-Faster, a Patch to DNF for Downloading Packages Faster.


  1. GNU patch
  2. aria2c Downloader
  3. git (Optional)

You can install them by running sudo dnf install git aria2 patch

How to Patch:

  1. Download or Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Enter the new directory: cd DNF-Faster
  3. Run the patch: sudo patch -p0 -d/ -b < dnf-faster.patch
  4. Congrats! You got it. You can now do dnf update, dnf upgrade, dnf install etc. aria2 will download most of the (if not all) target packages using parallel multiconnection.

How to Undo:

  1. Run the command from the DNF-Faster directory: sudo patch -p0 -d/ -b -R < dnf-faster.patch


  1. You need to run the patch each time you upgrade the dnf package.
  2. DRPM and failed packages will be downloaded by the default DNF Downloader.
  3. I use this patch because the default dnf downloader is too slow and also makes too much timeout errors.


A patch to DNF for downloading packages faster.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0