Ruby version:
ruby 2.5.0p0
Configuration: rails standard
Database creation:
make install
Database initialization:
make deploy
- User
- name: string
- Service
- name: string
- price: integer - one-off fee
- Room
- num: integer - appartment number in the hostel
- rooms_count: integer - # rooms in the appartment
- price: integer - one-off fee
- Comment
- text: text - comment's content
- commentable_id - polymorphic relationship
- commentable_type - polymorphic relationship
- Reservation
- user_id: integer - references User having booked something
- date_in: date - when User starts using it
- date_out: date - when User releases it
- Reservation2Service
- reservation_id: integer - references Reservation
- service_id: integer - references Service
- Reservation2Room
- reservation_id: integer - references Reservation
- room_id: integer - references Room Each model additionally has common rails fields:
- created_at: datetime
- updated_at: datetime
Standard resources:
- calculates total expenses of the given user across all his reserved services + roomsDefault deployed data should result in:
- calculates hostel's income at a given date (includes all rooms + services reserved at that time)Default deployed data should result in:
- calculates hostel's income at a specified date range across all reserved rooms + services falling in this periodDefault deployed data should result in:
- checks whether room with room_id is available at a given dateDefault deployed data should result in:
- gets the list of available rooms to be bookedDefault deployed data should result in:
->{"id":2,"num":202,"rooms_count":2,"price":320,"created_at":"2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z","updated_at":"2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z"}, {"id":4,"num":204,"rooms_count":3,"price":340,"created_at":"2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z","updated_at":"2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z"}, {"id":5,"num":205,"rooms_count":3,"price":350,"created_at":"2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z","updated_at":"2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z"}]
->{"id":2,"num":202,"rooms_count":2,"price":320,"created_at":"2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z","updated_at":"2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z"}, {"id":4,"num":204,"rooms_count":3,"price":340,"created_at":"2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z","updated_at":"2018-05-10T00:00:00.000Z"}]
- calculates total of user's saved money by promoDefault data doesn't provide any promo (you would see 0), so you'd better see section below
- allows to see if user has enough payment history to obtain a promoDefault data users have enough history to get a promo (you would see true)
- get all comments (only content) by the userDefault data comments:
->["Great room! Thanks a lot!","What a great pleasure to live there!"]
- get all comments (only content) for a given roomDefault data comments:
->["Great room! Thanks a lot!"]
- get all comments (only content) for a given serviceDefault data comments:
->["Awful game!"]
- Promo:
- After starting app, one can create a new reservation in
with user_id=1 and date_in=05/21/2018, date_out=05/22/2018 - Then go to
and book a room with reservation_id=5, room_id=4 - Now, you should go to
and see 3094, as promo was activated for this user - Also, you can visit
and should see 136, which is 20% * 340 (room day price) * 2 (days of reservation)
- After starting app, one can create a new reservation in