chirayu / bench

Bench makes it easy to write benchmarking apps in Golang.

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Bench is a golang package to help speed up benchmarking projects. It can be used to do benchmark your database, queue or rest server.


Bench can call a function repeatedly or at a uniform rate with the specificied concurrency. For each call, the called function can captures metrics, which are summarized at the end of the run.

Captured metrics include:

  • Timers. Use it to capture latency of functions, I/O bound calls.
  • Counters.

A sample run will spew similar output

$ go run simple.go
Rate: 10 calls/sec, Duration: 5.00s, Concurrency: 2, Total runs: 50
  >>Timer: Latency
    5.0th percentile: 0.59ms
    50.0th percentile: 0.67ms
    99.9th percentile: 0.82ms
    100.0th percentile: 0.82ms
  >>Counter: Call Counter
    Value: 50

Bench provides a Context in each function call. Use it to

  • Pick different between urls for each call
  • Add it as a custom header for your Rest call
  • Generate different DB data
  • Store run specific values. Example connection pools.


Bench is easy to integrate with your code. This code benchmarks a http server with a concurrency of 10 for 10 seconds by calling the benchmarkMe function continuously.

func benchmarkMe(c *bench.Context) {
	start := time.Now()
	resp, err := http.Get("")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error %s", err)
	defer resp.Body.Close()

func main() {
	b := bench.NewBench(10, time.Second*10, 0, benchmarkMe)
	fmt.Printf("%s", b)

Here, the same function is called at a rate of 100 per second.

func main() {
	b := bench.NewBench(10, time.Second*10, 100, benchmarkMe)
	fmt.Printf("%s", b)

Upcoming features

Two features are in the offing.

  1. Support for an initial calibration period during which metrics are ignored.
  2. Production quality http benchmarks.


Bench makes it easy to write benchmarking apps in Golang.


Language:Go 100.0%