chirathr / leaning_python

Advanced Python concepts

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Advanced Python concepts


A Python generator is a function which returns a generator iterator (just an object we can iterate over) by calling yield. yield may be called with a value, in which case that value is treated as the "generated" value. The next time next() is called on the generator iterator (i.e. in the next step in a for loop, for example), the generator resumes execution from where it called yield, not from the beginning of the function. All of the state, like the values of local variables, is recovered and the generator contiues to execute until the next call to yield.


Context managers

Context managers allow us to allocate and release resources precisely when required. For example opening a file using with we don't have to worry about closing the file after use or after an Exception. Conext manager are implemented by specifiying an enter code block that usually returns a handle to a resource and an exit block that closes the resource.


OOPs concepts in Python

  • Instance attributes and methods
  • Static attributes and methods
  • class methods
  • Abstract Base Class(ABC)



Advanced Python concepts


Language:Python 100.0%