chiranjeevitg / Analytics-Cloud-Dataset-Utils

Utility to load external data into Analytics Cloud datasets, and transform existing datasets.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool Analytics Cloud DatasetUtils Analytics Cloud DatasetUtils is a reference implementation of the Analytics cloud External data API.

Downloading DatasetUtils

Download the latest jar from releases and follow the examples below:

Running DatasetUtils


Download and install Java JDK (not JRE) from Oracle

After installation is complete. open a console and check that the java version is 1.7 or higher by running the following command:

java -version

Server mode with Web UI

To start the jar in server mode and use the web UI to upload open a console and enter the following command:

java -jar datasetutil-<version>.jar --server true

Console Mode

Best is to run in interactive mode. open a terminal and type in the following command and follow the prompts on the console:

java -jar datasetutil-<version>.jar

Or you can pass in all the param in the command line and let it run uninterrupted.

java -jar datasetutil-<version>.jar --action <action> --u <> --dataset <dataset> --app <app> --inputFile <inputFile> --endpoint <endPoint>

Input Parameter

--action :"load" OR "defineExtractFlow" OR "defineAugmentFlow" OR "downloadxmd" OR "uploadxmd" OR "detectEncoding" OR "downloadErrorFile"

load: for loading csv

defineAugmentFlow: for augmenting existing datasets

downloadxmd: to download existing xmd files

uploadxmd: for uploading user.xmd.json

defineExtractFlow: for extracting data from Salesforce

detectEncoding: To detect the encoding of the inputFile

downloadErrorFile: To downloading the error file for csv upload jobs

--u : login

--p : (Optional) password,if omitted you will be prompted

--token : (Optional) token

--endpoint: (Optional) The Salesforce soap api endpoint (test/prod) Default:

--dataset : (Optional) the dataset alias. required if action=load

--datasetLabel : (Optional) the dataset label, Defaults to dataset alias.

--app : (Optional) the app/folder name for the dataset

--operation : (Optional) the operation for load (Overwrite/Upsert/Append/Delete) Default is Overwrite

--inputFile : (Optional) the input csv file. required if action=load

--rootObject: (Optional) the root SObject for the extract

--rowLimit: (Optional) the number of rows to extract, -1=all, default=1000

--sessionId : (Optional) the Salesforce sessionId. if specified,specify endpoint

--fileEncoding : (Optional) the encoding of the inputFile default UTF-8

--CodingErrorAction:(optional) What to do in case input characters are not UTF8: IGNORE|REPORT|REPLACE. Default REPORT. If you change this option you risk importing garbage characters

--uploadFormat : (Optional) the whether to upload as binary or csv. default binary");


--server : set this to true if you want to run this in server mode and use the UI. If you give this param all other params will be ignored

Usage Example 1: Start the server for using the UI

java -jar datasetutils-32.0.0.jar --server true

Usage Example 2: Upload a local csv to a dataset

java -jar datasetutils-32.0.0.jar --action load --u --p @#@#@# --inputFile Opportunity.csv --dataset puntest

Usage Example 3: Download dataset xmd files

java -jar datasetutils-32.0.0.jar --action downloadxmd --u --p @#@#@# --dataset puntest

Usage Example 4: Upload user.xmd.json

java -jar datasetutils-32.0.0.jar --action uploadxmd --u --p @#@#@# --inputFile user.xmd.json --dataset puntest

Usage Example 5: Augment datasets

java -jar datasetutils-32.0.0.jar --action defineAugmentFlow --u --p @#@#@#

Usage Example 6: Define Salesforce data flow

java -jar datasetutils-32.0.0.jar --action defineExtractFlow --u --p @#@#@# --rootObject OpportunityLineItem

Usage Example 7: Detect inputFie encoding

java -jar datasetutils-32.0.0.jar --action detectEncoding --inputFile Opportunity.csv

Usage Example 8: download error logs file for csv uploads

java -jar datasetutils-32.0.0.jar --action downloadErrorFile --u --p @#@#@# --dataset puntest

Building DatasetUtils

git clone
mvn clean install


Utility to load external data into Analytics Cloud datasets, and transform existing datasets.



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