chiragtayal / homebox

Home Dropbox

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Home Box


1. System Requirements
2. Steps to build the containers
3. Steps to run the containers
4. Review

System Requirements:

  1. One Hardisk (500Mb or 1Tb)
  2. Raspberry Pi 3 or any linux machine capable or running Docker 17.05 - CE
  3. Basic I/O's

Mount the hardisk on raspberry pi at /media/pi/Dragon location. We need to setup a overlay network on which we will connect both the containers on

Steps to build the containers

  1. HomeBox Container : Clone the code into local repository and go to backend and do "docker build -t homebox:latest ." Wola we have homebox container image. Verify it using "docker images".

  2. Nginx Container: "docker pull tobi312/rpi-nginx"

Steps to run the containers

  1. Create Net1 Overlay Network using following command:

docker network create -d overlay --subnet= --gateway= --ip-range= Net1

  1. Run Nginx Container using following command:

docker service create --name Nginx-1 --network Net1 --mount type=bind,source=/home/pi/homebox/default,destination=/etc/nginx/sites-available/default --mount type=bind,source=/home/pi/homebox/html,destination=/var/www/html --mount type=bind,source=/home/pi/homebox/ssl,destination=/etc/nginx/conf.d --mount type=bind,source=/home/pi/homebox/hosts,destination=/etc/hosts --publish 443:443/tcp tobi312/rpi-nginx

  1. Run HboxServer Container using following command:

docker service create --name HBoxServer --network Net1 --mount type=bind,source=/media/pi/Dragon,destination=/media/pi/Dragon hboxserver:0.1


Browse to raspberry pi's IP using https protocol and wola you are done


Home Dropbox


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