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ERROR: TCL interpreter returned an error: couldn't read file "~/opt/f4pga/xc7/conda/envs/xc7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/f4pga/wrappers/tcl/xc7.f4pga.tcl": no such file or directory

Nakiana opened this issue · comments

When running the example, ERROR: TCL interpreter returned an error: couldn't read file "/home/ankai/desktop/home/opt/f4pga/xc7/conda/envs/xc7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/f4pga /wrappers/tcl/xc7.f4pga.tcl": no such file or directory. The file permission is 777, gedit can open the file. Can you tell me how to solve this problem?

make: 进入目录“/home/ankai/桌面/home/f4pga-examples/eos-s3/btn_counter”
f4pga -vvv build --flow ./flow.json
Couldn't open `.f4cache` cache file.
This will cause flow to re-execute from the beginning.
sources is causing rebuild for `synth`
build_dir is causing rebuild for `synth`
pcf is causing rebuild for `synth`
eblif is causing rebuild for `bitstream`
sdc-in is causing rebuild for `prepare_sdc`
sdc is causing rebuild for `pack`
net is causing rebuild for `fasm`
io_place is causing rebuild for `place_constraints`
place_constraints is causing rebuild for `place`
place is causing rebuild for `fasm`
route is causing rebuild for `fasm`
fasm_extra is causing rebuild for `fasm`
fasm is causing rebuild for `bitstream`

Project status:
    [S] bitstream:  bitstream -> /home/ankai/桌面/home/f4pga-examples/eos-s3/btn_counter/build/top.bit
    [N] build_dir:  /home/ankai/桌面/home/f4pga-examples/eos-s3/btn_counter/build
    [S] eblif:  synth -> /home/ankai/桌面/home/f4pga-examples/eos-s3/btn_counter/build/top.eblif
    [S] fasm:  fasm -> /home/ankai/桌面/home/f4pga-examples/eos-s3/btn_counter/build/top.fasm
    [S] fasm_extra:  synth -> /home/ankai/桌面/home/f4pga-examples/eos-s3/btn_counter/build/top_fasm_extra.fasm
    [S] io_place:  ioplace -> /home/ankai/桌面/home/f4pga-examples/eos-s3/btn_counter/build/top.ioplace
    [S] net:  pack -> /home/ankai/桌面/home/f4pga-examples/eos-s3/btn_counter/build/
    [N] pcf:  /home/ankai/桌面/home/f4pga-examples/eos-s3/btn_counter/chandalar.pcf
    [S] place:  place -> /home/ankai/桌面/home/f4pga-examples/eos-s3/btn_counter/build/
    [S] place_constraints:  place_constraints -> /home/ankai/桌面/home/f4pga-examples/eos-s3/btn_counter/build/
    [S] route:  route -> /home/ankai/桌面/home/f4pga-examples/eos-s3/btn_counter/build/top.route
    [S] sdc:  prepare_sdc -> /home/ankai/桌面/home/f4pga-examples/eos-s3/btn_counter/build/top.sdc
    [N] sdc-in:  /home/ankai/桌面/home/f4pga-examples/eos-s3/btn_counter/dummy.sdc
    [N] sources:  ['/home/ankai/桌面/home/f4pga-examples/eos-s3/btn_counter/btn_counter.v']

Executing module `yosys`:
    [1/3] : Synthesizing sources: ['/home/ankai/桌面/home/f4pga-examples/eos-s3/btn_counter/btn_counter.v']...
[ERROR]: yosys non-zero return code.

ERROR: TCL interpreter returned an error: couldn't read file "/home/ankai/桌面/home/opt/f4pga/xc7/conda/envs/xc7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/f4pga/wrappers/tcl/xc7.f4pga.tcl": no such file or directory

The problem occurred when I ran these examples.

I reinstalled the software and found that there was no problem, ha,ha.