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integrate other documentations into this top-level documentation

mgielda opened this issue · comments

Looking at adding the other docs into this documentation without removing them from elsewhere.

Ultimately settled for submodules, but wondering how to solve the fact that e.g. the prjxray build process is fairly complex (and hardcoded). We'd have to recreate it for symbiflow-docs (managed to get symlinks to be created, but e.g. the markdown handling is somewhat hardcoded which got me to think)

Making sure my thinking of what @mithro wants is correct: to have independent project documentations in each of the projects while also having these documentations embedded here in the top level docs, with some additional chapters serving the role of overview, description of common elements etc.

Is that correct? The practical implementation of this might be somewhat tricky but worth a shot. Please take a look at what it looks like now.

Working for me locally but having issues on RTFD. I think it's caused by readthedocs/

OK, found a solution.

Now need to merge the other documentations. One issue is with some generated files (for now, fixable with buildscripts), the bigger issue is that the subsection definitions - perhaps fixable with sphinx-navtree extension?

Navigation tree customization for Sphinx

nope, does not even compile with this extension on

OK, ver 1 is done. We can improve later.