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ChiselSim - simulate a circuit with debug "-g" fitool option

rameloni opened this issue · comments

I have created a new simulator that uses svsim to output a vcd file with the verilator backend. I used the EphemeralSimulator as starting point.

Now I would like to use the "-g" option for the simulation, however I haven't find any way to do that. It seems it is not possible at the moment. I have seen that the annotations passed to chiselStage.execute are fixed.

implicit class ChiselWorkspace(workspace: Workspace) {
def elaborateGeneratedModule[T <: RawModule](
generateModule: () => T
): ElaboratedModule[T] = {
// Use CIRCT to generate SystemVerilog sources, and potentially additional artifacts
var someDut: Option[T] = None
val outputAnnotations = (new circt.stage.ChiselStage).execute(
Array("--target", "systemverilog", "--split-verilog"),
chisel3.stage.ChiselGeneratorAnnotation { () =>
val dut = generateModule()
someDut = Some(dut)

It would be nice to have something that allows to select optimization options or directly passing firtooloptions like here. Either as a field of workspace or of the simulator or as an argument here.

  def elaborateGeneratedModule[T <: RawModule](
      generateModule: () => T
  )(firtoolArgs: Seq[String] = Seq()): ElaboratedModule[T] = {
    // Use CIRCT to generate SystemVerilog sources, and potentially additional artifacts
    var someDut: Option[T] = None

    val firtoolOptions =

    val outputAnnotations = (new circt.stage.ChiselStage).execute(
      Array("--target", "systemverilog", "--split-verilog"),
        chisel3.stage.ChiselGeneratorAnnotation { () =>
          val dut = generateModule()
          someDut = Some(dut)
      ) ++
    // ....