chipsalliance / aib-protocols

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CA regression runs only ca_basic_test

nij-intel opened this issue · comments

Can we include all tests for reach configuration?


run_nightly is a targeted test not running all tests for each config. Would like to have run_regression include all tests.

"cd nightly/GEN1_f2f; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/GEN1_f2h; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/GEN1_h2f; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/GEN1_h2h; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S1_GEN1_F2H; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_ALIGN_FLY1_1; ./run_sim ca_afly1_stb_incorrect_intv_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_align_error_fifo16; ./run_sim ca_align_error_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_align_error_fifo32; ./run_sim ca_align_error_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_align_error_fifo8; ./run_sim ca_align_error_test_c nowaves; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_fifo_depth16; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_no_ch_delay_async_fifo_afly_x_xz_1; ./run_sim ca_delay_x_xz_values_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ;
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_no_ch_delay_async_fifo_afly_x_xz_2; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_no_ch_delay_sync_fifo_afly_x_xz_1; ./run_sim ca_delay_x_xz_values_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; c
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_no_ch_delay_sync_fifo_afly_x_xz_2; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_rden_dly2; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_rden_dly4; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_rden_dly6; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_1; ./run_sim ca_aln_err_by_incorrect_stb_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_2; ./run_sim ca_traffic_reset_traffic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_3; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_4; ./run_sim ca_afly1_stb_incorrect_intv_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_5; ./run_sim ca_fifo_ptr_values_variations_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_6; ./run_sim ca_tx_rx_online_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_7; ./run_sim ca_no_external_strobes_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_8; ./run_sim ca_stb_wd_sel_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_9; ./run_sim ca_stb_intv_stb_pos_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_10; ./run_sim ca_reset_during_traffic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_11; ./run_sim ca_strobe_error_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_12; ./run_sim ca_stb_rcvr_enb_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_13; ./run_sim ca_with_external_strobes_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_14; ./run_sim ca_afly_toggling_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_15; ./run_sim ca_stb_all_bit_sel_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_16; ./run_sim ca_stb_enb_high_low_high_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_17; ./run_sim ca_stb_intv_walking_ones_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_18; ./run_sim ca_wd_bit_sel_ones_cover_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_19; ./run_sim ca_afly1_stb_intv_variations_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_20; ./run_sim ca_rden_dly_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_21; ./run_sim ca_toggle_cover_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_22; ./run_sim ca_aln_err_afly0_by_incorrect_stb_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_23; ./run_sim ca_stb_en0_aft_aln_done_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2F_24; ./run_sim ca_stb_rcvr_aft_aln_done_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2H; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_F2Q; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_H2F; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_H2H; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_H2Q; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_Q2F; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_Q2H; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_Q2Q_CH24_1; ./run_sim ca_stb_wd_sel_Q2Q_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_Q2Q_CH24_2; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_Q2Q_MARKER_78_1; ./run_sim ca_all_wd_sel_39th_bit_sel_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_Q2Q_MARKER_78_2; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_Q2Q_1; ./run_sim ca_stb_wd_sel_bit_sel_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/M2S2_GEN2_Q2Q_2; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/delay_00000015; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/delay_01010101; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/delay_015151515; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/delay_0; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/full_pfull_ch0; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/full_pfull_ch7_1; ./run_sim ca_fifo_ptr_values_variations_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/full_pfull_ch7_2; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/full_pfull_1; ./run_sim ca_fifo_ptr_values_variations_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/full_pfull_2; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/inter_ch_skew15_32_ch0_1; ./run_sim ca_traffic_reset_traffic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/inter_ch_skew15_32_ch0_2; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/inter_ch_skew15_32_1; ./run_sim ca_traffic_reset_traffic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/inter_ch_skew15_32_2; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/m2s1_f2h_noskew_ch; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/m2s1_f2h; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/num_ch2; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/sync_fifo0_afly1_1; ./run_sim ca_aln_err_by_incorrect_stb_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/sync_fifo0_afly1_2; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";
"cd nightly/sync_fifo0; ./run_sim ca_basic_test_c nowaves ; rm -rf xcelium.d ; cd ~-";

ca_basic_test has enough and randomized number of transactions from DIE_A to DIE_B and vice versa.
It is mainly the sailrock_cfg.txt file variations that count in this regression when used with ca_basic_test
run_nightly also offers dedicated test-sailrock_cfg.txt pair inclusion for wider coverage of CA features

Kindly recheck with 0.9.7 release

Duplicate of #77