Chinmay Pednekar's repositories
This is a C++/OpenCV application that extracts sudoku puzzle out of an image and then solves it. It uses basic image processing techniques to locate the puzzle and extracts the numbers using template matching. This application was also ported to Java
This is a C++/OpenCV application that takes as input images of an object that are shot from multiple view points. These view points are at a fixed distance from each other and form a grid in a single plane. We can interpolate images for the intermediate view points as well as set the aperture, focus and optical zoom post capture.
Clone of the famous game Tetris made in Java using applets and timers. This was not a part of any coursework but was just a challenge I gave myself. I also made a screencast while writing the code. You can watch the video here ( The first three minutes are the three hours that took me to make this game. The rest is just me playing the game.
This is a website made for a tours and travels agency. It was created as a part of coursework. The website lets you create accounts on it and make travel bookings. Also you can manage your past bookings. The frontend was created using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Backend database was created in MS Access. JSP was used as scripting language.
App for getting candidate information during campus career fairs
A collection of Java applets that visualize different clustering algorithms. The algorithms are modified show that each step could be animated. There are four algorithms used in here. KMeans, ISODATA, FLAME and DBSCAN. Run the Plot<Name>.java file as an applet to see the aniamtion. The data is randomly gnerated but you could generate it in some pattern relevant to the clustering algorithm.
Android application that gives us movie details based on user selection. This application uses API from . To use this application you will have to get your own key from It is free :) . There are four types of movie lists that you can view 1) Now Playing 2) Top Rated 3) Popular 4) Upcoming Each of these options will give you a corresponding list of movies. You can view the Movie name, rating and release date in the list. You can also search movies based on their names in this list. If you scroll to the end of the list, more movies of the same type wwill be loaded. If you click on any of the movie name, a detailed view is shown which contains the movie poster, overview, and cast information along with their photos(if available).
Android app for board game
This app runs over the Hungry Shark Evolution game and then clicks on the view trailer and later closes the trailer when it is finished to generate free ingame currency.
Mine Sweeper game in Java
The Movie Database Movie App ported to iOS
This was a project made to test working of LWJGL librry for Java. It is not part of any course work. This game is played by two AI agents with different strategies. One agent follows the ball whereever it goes, while the other agent calculates where the ball will land and moves to that position. Since the bat can move only at a certain speed at maximum, the lsecond agent fails if the ball moves at high speed.
Project for Computer Graphics course. It is a 2D side scroller clone of the famous computer game ‘Dangerous Dave’ implemented using C++ for programming and Simple DirectMedia Layer Library for displaying sprites and handling user input.